Spirit Ruins

Chapter 366 Listening

Lin Xiao walked out of the barracks and saw a woman waiting for him outside.

However, the woman is not Su Qiang, but a person Lin Xiao has never seen before. The woman is quiet, dressed in a plain palace suit, standing there like a water hibiscus.

Lin Xiao took a few steps forward and said to the woman, "Girl, are you looking for me?"

When the woman saw Lin Xiao come out, her eyes suddenly lit up, looked at Lin Xiao a few times, and then said, "Are you Lin Xiao?"

Lin Xiao nodded and asked, "Is the girl here for Su Qiang?"

The woman nodded and said, "Yes, I was entrusted by Sister Su to come to you on a special trip."

Lin Xiao said hurriedly, "So where is Su Qiang now? Is she in the Ring Island of the King's Tower?

The woman quickly waved her hand and said, "No, no, Sister Su is not on the island. She went out with Brother Yun and others to hunt the thunder scales a month ago. I'm afraid she won't come back for a while."

The woman paused and said, "Sister Su said that there might be a person named Lin Xiao coming to her, so she ordered me to stay here and wait for you, or I would follow them."

Lin Xiao asked quickly, "I don't know what your name is, girl?" Why is Su Qiang with you guys?

The woman did not answer Lin Xiao's question, but asked, "What is your relationship with Sister Su?"

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment and pondered for a moment before he smiled and said, "Su Qiang... It's my fiancee!"

At the beginning, the owner of Baihua Valley had promised that if Lin Xiao found the eight volumes of immortals, they would marry Su Qiang to Lin Xiao, so there was no problem for Lin Xiao to say so.

However, when the woman heard Lin Xiao's words, she suddenly showed such a look, and then sighed quietly, "I told Brother Yun that Sister Su had someone in her heart for a long time, but Brother Yun didn't listen, alas!"

After sighing, the woman regained her mood and smiled at Lin Xiao and said, "My name is Xu Li. I have known Sister Su for more than a year. When she first arrived at the Shenwang Tower around the island, we met..."

After Xu Li's detailed explanation, Lin Xiao finally understood what Su Qiang had been doing after entering the secret land of gods and demons for more than a year.

However, it turned out that Lin Xiao accidentally encountered a space storm when he was teleporting into the secret land of gods and demons and was teleported to the Luofu Sea, while Su Qiang was lucky to be teleported to the island of the Shenwang Tower.

After entering the roundabout, Su Qiang gradually learned something about the secret land of gods and demons. Because of losing Lin Xiao's news, Su Qiang decided to stay on the island of the Shenwang Tower for a while and wait for Lin Xiao's arrival.

During this period, Su Qiang met several Jindan monks such as Xu Li and Yun Ce, and formed a small team with them. Several of them cooperated with each other to take over some tasks released on the crystal wall and earn some crystals by completing those tasks.

A month before Lin Xiao came to the God King's Tower, the team happened to receive a task to kill the thunder scales. Su Qiang followed the team to leave the God King's Tower around the island, but let Xu Li stay and wait for Lin Xiao's arrival.

When Xu Li went to Xianjie today, she accidentally found Lin Xiao's message, so she immediately came to look for Lin Xiao.

I didn't expect that I was delayed for a month, but I missed the opportunity to meet Su Qiang. Lin Xiao smiled bitterly and then asked Xu Li, "When will they complete this mission?"

"It's almost time!" Xu Li smiled and said that I had previously passed a letter to Brother Yun through Wanli Fu. Their trip was very smooth. They have figured out where the cave of the thunder scale beast is. I believe it won't be long before they can complete the task and come back.

Lin Xiao nodded when he heard the words, thinking that in this case, he would continue to wait for Su Qiang to come back here.


Time flies. Half a month has passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, Lin Xiao was meditating in his room. Suddenly, a monk of Zhenhaiwei outside the door shouted, " Commander Lin, the order has been issued. Today, it's your turn to lead the Shenwang Building to listen to the real person's sermon."

Lin Xiao's spirit was suddenly refreshed when he heard the words. He had always wanted to go to the God King's Tower to listen to it once, but Zhenhaiwei had a lot of listening to it. Although he was the leader, he did not have much privilege in this regard.

Soon, Lin Xiao led more than a dozen monks from Dongying and flew directly to the Shenwang Tower.

The closer to the white jade tower, Lin Xiao vaguely felt a palpitating power emitted from the inside of the tower.

Lin Xiao knew that the power was not emitted by the prohibition inside the God King's Tower, but the spiritual pressure emitted by the eight thunderstorms guarding in the God King's Tower.

Although the real people tried to restrain their pressure, Lin Xiao still keenly felt the existence of the abyss-like breath.

Soon, Lin Xiao led the team to the God King's Tower.

To Lin Xiao's surprise, it was Meng Jun who greeted them outside the Shenwang Tower.

Lin Xiao hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Meng Jun and said, "Lin Xiao has seen the senior, but the senior just passed by here?"

Meng Jun smiled and said, "No, I'm waiting for you here."

Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, but Meng Jun said to Lin Xiao's humane behind him: "What are you doing? I have something to ask you to lead. You can enter the God King's Tower by yourself."

The monks did not dare to say much when they heard the words. They hurriedly left here and entered the God King's Tower by themselves. Other elder monks outside the God King's Building checked their identities before putting them into the God King's Building in turn.

Seeing Lin Xiao looking at himself puzzledly, Meng Jun smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. I have nothing else to do with you. I just have a benefit for you."

Lin Xiao was stunned when he heard the words, "What's the benefit?"

"Aren't you come to listen to the real person's sermon?" Meng Jun asked back.

Lin Xiao nodded and still didn't quite understand what Meng Jun wanted to say.

Meng Jun suddenly whispered, "Follow me."

Then he turned around and led the way. Lin Xiao saw Meng Jun's mysterious appearance, hesitated for a moment, and finally followed him.

The two entered the God King's Tower one after the other. When the elders who were guarding outside saw Meng Jun leading Lin Xiao into the God King Tower, they did not stop them, but let them in.

When he first entered the God King's Tower, Lin Xiao couldn't help but be stunned by the scene in front of him.

The bottom of the God King Building is a huge palace, surrounded by a circle of dense light doors. I don't know where those light gates lead to. At a glance, this space looks like a beehive.

At this time, the hall was full of monks. Those monks chose a light gate to enter and disappeared behind the light door in a blink of an eye, and they didn't know where it was transmitted to.

"They are all the monks who got the opportunity to listen this time. After entering the light gate, the light gate will automatically transmit them to the position where the listener is."

Seeing Lin Xiao's shocked expression, Meng Jun explained with a smile beside him.

Lin Xiao hesitated and said, "The elder Meng brought me here to..."

Meng Jun did not say anything, but continued to walk forward and brought Lin Xiao to a light door.

Mongoon suddenly stretched out his hand to hit a formula to the light door. The magic formula fell behind the light gate, and a layer of ripples suddenly appeared on the surface of the light door.

Meng Jun immediately said to Lin Xiao, "Okay, you can enter behind the light gate."

Lin Xiao was shocked and full of doubts at this time, but Meng Jun did not say anything from beginning to end. Lin Xiao was puzzled, but he thought that Meng Jun had no reason to deceive him, so he inexplicably walked into the door.

The light door disappeared behind Lin Xiao in a blink of an eye. Lin Xiao suddenly felt a huge force wrapping himself up, and then seemed to throw himself into an unknown space.

In front of him, it was dark, and then suddenly brightened, and then Lin Xiao suddenly found that he didn't know when he had come to a huge square.

There are dense sections around the square. At this time, the intervals are already full of monks, densely large areas. Lin Xiaoyue can't count. I'm afraid that there are no more than a few thousand people present, while in the central area of the square, there is a huge circular high platform, and the high platform is empty and there is nothing.

The layout of the surrounding areas is very exquisite. The closer they are to the high platform, the higher the cultivation of the monks and the more respected their status. Just stay in the circle next to the high platform, there are at least a dozen monks in the realm of Yuanying.

As for those monks with low cultivation and low status, they are automatically arranged to the outermost area of the platform.

What surprised Lin Xiao was that after he was automatically transmitted, he was actually arranged to an area less than 100 meters away from the high platform, which was also regarded as entering the core area.

So Lin Xiao suddenly realized that he was afraid that this position was originally reserved for Meng Jun, but Meng Jun made a favor and left this golden location to himself.

Although Lin Xiao got Meng Jun's favor for no reason, he was a littleware in his heart and thought that Meng Jun would give him favors three or four times. He was afraid that if he proposed to help him in the future, he would not refuse.

When Lin Xiao was alert, there were several strange and suspicious eyes in the surrounding area. They did not expect that a Jindan monk would also appear in this area.

Someone was asking about Lin Xiao's identity, but suddenly, a crisp and pleasant bell sound suddenly came from the square!

The bell rang nine times in a row. Every time the bell rang, Lin Xiao felt that his spiritual power fluctuated with the sound of the bell. When the bell rang, Lin Xiao suddenly felt refreshed, and the originally blocked spiritual power actually dred a lot!

What an ability the bell alone can have such a magical effect!

When Lin Xiao was shocked, he suddenly heard a low voice of a Yuanying old monster around him, "It's the 'Zhenhai Spirit Bell'!" It seems that it is Yun Hongzhen who preached this time!"

Before the man finished speaking, an amber light suddenly projected from the void above the high platform in the center of the square, illuminating the whole square!

Suddenly, someone shouted in the square, "Look! The real person is coming!"

Hearing this, everyone looked up at the high platform together. Sure enough, they saw an old man in a brocade robe slowly landing in the amber light and stood on the platform in a blink of an eye.

The old man glanced at everyone with a pair of sharp eyes, and everyone suddenly had a sense of sharpness in their hearts. The old man did not emit too amazing spiritual pressure, but it made everyone present feel like falling into the ice cellar and panic!