Spirit Ruins

Chapter 386 Infusion

Tianzhu pondered for a moment, and then said slowly, "Your tone doesn't look like a joke. Why do you suddenly come up with this idea and ignore the foundation of the God King's Tower?"

The god king was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and then suddenly changed his tone and sighed, "If it were someone else, I would not tell him the real reason, but you and I have been old opponents for many years. It's okay to tell you. Do you know why I am so anxious to become an immortal?"

Tianzhu shook his head when he heard the words, "I'm not sure, but I think you will definitely not abandon everything in order to ascend to immortality with your character who wanted to dominate the secret world of gods and demons."

The God King said slowly, "Indeed, in the past, I would not have become like this, but now, unlike the past, the catastrophe is coming, and I have to think about myself. Only when you ascend to immortality can you get out of danger.

Tianzhu said, "It's really a big disaster to climb the immortals and eight treasures, but it won't make you afraid like this, will it? If you and I join hands, plus Taixuzhou and Tianmofan, we will have no power to fight.

The god king laughed, and his laughter was full of endless irony. "Do you think the catastrophe I'm talking about is just those wastes coming to attack us with eight treasures?"

"Isn't it?" Tianzhu's face showed a trace of surprise.

"Of course not!" The god king said categorically, "After fighting with you in the past, I also broke through the prohibition in the Taixu boat and realized a great secret hidden in the depths of the Taixu boat. Only then did I know the upcoming disaster."

Tianzhu knew that although the God King was arrogant, he would never threaten others. Since the God King paid so much attention to the upcoming robbery, it was obvious that it must be an earth-shaking disaster, so he hurriedly asked, "What is the disaster you realized?"

The god king suddenly asked, "Do you know why Guang Chengzi, the immortal who founded the secret land of Guangcheng, suddenly left this interface?"

Tianzhu was stunned when he heard the words, and then slowly shook his head.

The divine king slowly said, "When it comes to why Guang Chengzi left, it is necessary to start with the appearance of the floating world. It is rumored that at the beginning of the flood, the floating world was originally a poisonous fog and a wild land. Later, the two peerless powers of the human race and the demon clan fought here."

"The sky and the earth cracked in that battle, and the sun and moon were not shining. Tianfu Continent was originally a whole, but it was divided into two halves by one of the peerless powers. Since then, Tianfu Continent has been divided into two halves.

"After this war, with the continuous breeding of monks of the two clans and demons in this world, this has created what the floating world is now."

"And one of the two powers that fought in this world came from the human race and the other from the demon clan. The power of the human race was Guang Chengzi himself, and the demon power itself was the incarnation of the ancient true spirit 'cracked cloud dragon', and was regarded as the holy ancestor by the demon monks..."

Before the god king finished speaking, he was interrupted by Tianzhu: "I also know the rumors you said, but what does this have to do with Guang Chengzi's departure from Guangcheng's secret place and the upcoming catastrophe?"

God King snorted coldly: "After all, the rumor is just a rumor. We have believed this rumor for so many years, but in the end I found that this rumor is actually false!"

Tianzhu was shocked when he heard the words, and the god king continued: "I learned from the Taixu boat, the car of Guang Chengzi in those years, that the two great powers that opened up the floating world were indeed Guang Chengzi and the Huntian demon ancestors. However, the war in the flood and famine period did not happen between them. The truth is that at the beginning, they were floating in the sky. The power of the world is not only Guang Chengzi and Huntian Yaozu, but also three people in total!"

Tianzhu was shocked when he heard the words and hurriedly asked, "Who is the third person besides Guang Chengzi and Huntian Demon Ancestor!"

"Speaking of which, this man has a lot to do with your demon clan. He is the demon of the world - Chongyang!" The voice of the god king spread throughout the space.

Tianzhu was shocked when he heard the words and muttered, "It is said that wherever the demons go, their vitality is exhausted and the interface is broken. The demon's respect for Yang is a very vicious demon power in ancient legends. Could it be that at the beginning of the war, Guang Chengzi joined hands with the demon ancestors to fight against the demon and respect the sun?"

The god king said, "Yes, you guessed right. In the battle of Honghuang, Guang Chengzi and Huntian Demon Ancestor joined hands to hit the Chongyang, but they were unable to kill him. Therefore, Guang Chengzi created another 'Guangcheng Secret Land' in the floating world and sealed Chongyang in Guangcheng's secret land."

"After that, Guangchengzi left the floating world for some reason. When he left, he left all his eight thunderstorms and Taoist treasures in the secret land of Guangcheng, and portrayed all the causes and consequences on the Taixu boat, and left a hyphea - the day when the 'Eight Treasures of Immortals' came out, when the Double Ninth Festival reappeared."

Tianzhu's heart suddenly fell to the bottom when he heard the words, "Do you mean that Chongyang will soon break free from the seal arranged by Guang Chengzi and Huntian Demon Ancestors and wake up?"

The God King sighed, "Yes, if Chongyang wakes up, it will not only become a secret place, but also the floating world will be destroyed, so I am so anxious to completely refine the Taixu boat and prepare to upgrade the Taixu boat to the realm of pure yang Taoist treasure, so as to break the void to leave this interface and avoid this disaster."

After listening to the explanation of the God King, Tianzhu's face changed again and again. Although the Double Nian is known as the Demon Lord, and the Heavenly Demon Abyss also calls itself the devil, the two are not the same thing at all. If the Double Ninth Festival revives, Tianzhu will not believe that the Double Ninth will let go of the Heavenly Demon Abyss. I'm afraid that in the end, as the God King said, the anger of the Double Ninth will float the whole sky. The world will be burned down before it is stopped.

In an all moment, the two gods and demons who usually call for wind and rain in the secret place of Guangcheng fell into silence and did not know where to go in the future.


And on the other side, in an unknown world, in the belly of a mountain inside a spiritual mountain.

The mountain belly is hollow, and there is a secret room built of white jade inside.

A black teleportation array suddenly appeared over the secret room, and a black light suddenly burst out, and then a man and a woman fell from the teleportation array to the ground.

The transmission array slowly dissipated, and the two of them slowly got up after moaning.

These two people are Lin Xiao and Su Qiang, who are transmitted from the Taoist demon realm.

Lin Xiao and the two looked around and found that this was a small secret room. There was nothing in the secret room, but a blood jade throne was placed at the end. The throne exuded a palpitating bloody power, which seemed that strangers were not allowed to enter.

"Where is this?" Su Qiang asked.

Lin Xiao shook his head and said that he didn't know it, but he immediately comforted Su Qiang and said, "It seems that we have been teleported out of the Taoist demon realm, and finally temporarily left the danger."

After he said that, he approached the blood jade throne and wanted to explore the secret of the throne. However, when he approached the throne within five steps, the blood jade throne flashed, and then a huge attraction broke out.

Lin Xiao was caught off guard and was attracted by the blood jade throne!

The huge suction on the blood jade throne locked Lin Xiao's death on the throne, and then the bloody power on the throne was instantly thickened, and a bloody fog emitted all over his body, suddenly wrapping Lin Xiao in it. Su Qiang outside could not see the scene in the blood fog at all!

Su Qiang was suddenly shocked. She was afraid that something would happen to Lin Xiao and hurriedly wanted to rush into the bloody fog area to save Lin Xiao. However, before she could get close to the blood fog, a ghost face suddenly appeared on the blood fog and suddenly made a sharp roar to Su Qiang!

Su Qiang suddenly surged up all over her body, and a mouthful of blood surged up behind her head and almost spewed out. In a blink of an eye, she was already injured internally!

Su Qiang was still waiting to come forward, but more than a dozen ghost faces appeared around the blood fog in a blink of an eye. Seeing that those ghost faces were about to roar, Su Qiang subconsciously flew back.

It was not until they left the blood fog ten meters away that those ghost faces disappeared in turn.

Su Qiang knew that the blood fog was a forbidden array, and she couldn't crack it at all with her own strength. She couldn't help showing anxiety on her face. She didn't know what Lin Xiao was in now.

At this time, a huge blood-colored beam of light with a diameter of five meters suddenly rose in the blood fog!

The beam of light rushed straight to the top of the secret room, penetrated the secret room, came out of the belly of Lingshan Mountain, and went straight to the sky! The spiritual power of heaven and earth within thousands of miles of light columns suddenly seemed to boil, rolling one after another, emitting countless unpredictable brilliance. In a blink of an eye, there was a magnificent scenery around Lingshan.

With the appearance of the unpredictable beam of light, Lin Xiao suddenly burst out a painful roar in the blood fog, like a trapped beast!

With the roar of Lin Xiao, and the roar of tigers and dragons faintly came out of the blood fog, which was amazing!

Su Qiang's face changed greatly. She could no longer take care of everything and rushed into the blood fog desperately. However, this time those ghost faces did not appear again. Instead, the blood fog began to slowly recover back!

When Su Qiang was unknown, she saw that the blood fog suddenly all came into Lin Xiao's body, revealing Lin Xiao's body.

Lin Xiao is now sitting on the blood jade throne with his eyes closed. Above his head, a purple Yuanying baby is slowly flying in the air by the bloody fog.

Su Qiang couldn't help but be stunned when she saw the Yuanying little man with almost the same eyebrows and look as Lin Xiao. She covered her mouth with her right hand and stared wide in her eyes. She couldn't believe the scene in front of her.

After a while, Su Qiang woke up. She muttered to herself, "How could this be the realm of Yuanying?"

Just under Su Qiang's shocked gaze, the purple Yuanying, similar to Lin Xiao, finally seemed to be tired of flying, so he drove the bloody cloud, slowly flew up to the cover of Lin Xiaotianling, and then got into his roof and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After a while, Lin Xiao also opened his eyes at the same time. In an instant, Lin Xiao's eyes were like electricity, and a huge real power suddenly burst out!

Volume 10