Spirit Ruins

Chapter 397 Finale Breaking the Boundary

Finally, after a while, the magic array finally roared, and then a white beam of light rose to the sky and went straight to the sky!

A white spiritual boat floated and sank in the beam of light, and its whole body actually emitted a breath of pure Yang Daobao!

A look of joy suddenly appeared on the faces of Tianzhu and the God King, and the God King shouted, "Finally, the eight treasures of the immortals have been completely integrated, making this pure sun too empty boat!"

At this time, several strange thunder robbers suddenly flew over and said to the two people in the distance, "Two, according to our previous agreement, our scattered alliance occupies 30% of the seats in the Taixu boat, and your God King's Tower and Tianmoyuan also account for 30% each. I hope you don't go back on your word."

Tianzhu said in a low voice, "Don't worry about this. We have no intention to regret it. The interface in front of us is about to collapse, and we don't want to fall out with you at this jusis."

The thunder robbers nodded when they heard the words and flew away.

After those people left, the god king snorted coldly and said, "Well, if it weren't for the help of the rest of the magic weapons in their hands, how could we give up with them!"

Tianzhu said, "Forget it, you and my two were forced to be desperate by each other at the beginning. If it hadn't been for the sudden signs of collapse of the interface, I would have at least persuaded them to temporarily stop the war and join hands to build a Taixu boat. With the strength of you alone, I would like to improve the Taixu boat to a pure Yang Daobao. How easy is it to talk about the realm?"

The god king snorted coldly when he heard the words, "Anyway, now Taixuzhou has completed the advancement. After leaving this interface, won't those people in the scattered alliance be slaughtered by me?"

Tianzhu said coldly, "I advise you not to make this idea. The reason why Taixuzhou was able to temporarily advance to Chunyang Daobao is because it absorbed the remaining eight treasures. If those people are forced by you to temporarily draw back the remaining eight immortals, it is likely that Taixuzhou will land back to the original state. In the world, we who ride a boat may be lost in the endless void.

"If you really have bad intentions, I will be the first to stop you!" After saying that, Tianzhu greeted Ziyue, who had been following him, and turned away.

The god king snorted coldly again, but said nothing more.

On the way, Tianzhu seemed to be sad when he saw Ziyue, so he asked, "Ziyue, what seems to be on your mind?"

Ziyue said, "Your Excellency, I just remember my master who is still trapped in the floating world. I don't know how she is now?"

Tianzhu sighed, "Now we are also unable to protect ourselves and have no time to take care of your master at all. What's more, the demon left the boundary from our interface and entered the floating world. At the same time, he cut off the passage between the Guangcheng secret world and the floating world. We have no way to leave this interface and return to the floating world. Of."

Ziyue knew that Tianzhu was telling the truth, so she could only nod sadly, hoping that her master could escape this disaster.


Seven days later, nearly one-tenth of the whole floating world has been completely swallowed up like a black hole, and the edge area of the interface has now become an area occupied by a void turbulence.

And on the vast wind, in the divine mountain where Ruochen is located, Chongyang and Ruochen stand on both sides of Sendai.

Chongyang took out a blood cell with a strong blood rune on its surface, and then let go of his hand. The blood cells slowly flew to Sendai, and then slowly disappeared into Sendai.

The blood cells suddenly stretched out countless bloody tentacles and slowly integrated into the damaged place on Sendai, and the blood cells continued to be repaired by the blood cells.

Suddenly, Deng Sendai suddenly made a roar, and the whole magic array began to light up slowly!

Ruochen couldn't hide his excitement and shouted, "It's done! Sendai has been successfully repaired!"

Chongyang nodded and breathed a sigh of relief, "Sure enough, I don't live up to the blood soul ball melted by so many monks. If not, I will simply sacrifice all the remaining monks."

After he finished speaking, he raised his voice, "Since Sendai has been repaired, let's leave now!" Go to the Seven Real Immortals where you used to be, and you will see some of my old enemies!"

After he said that, he suddenly hit a formula for Sendai. When Sendai suddenly shot out a bloody beam of light, he pierced the void in a blink of an eye and didn't know where to go.

Then the whole divine mountain suddenly shook and gradually floated up from the sea. In a blink of an eye, it broke the shackles of the interface, and took Chongyang and Ruochen into the void and disappeared.


After the two Chongyang broke through the void, the monks of the whole floating world sensed it.

So, in a valley where they are, Lin Xiao and others looked at each other and were relieved. Lin Xiao said slowly, "Since Chongyang has left this interface first, we don't need to hide the existence of Chunyang Daobao anymore. Let's leave this interface quickly!"

Everyone nodded.

So Lin Xiao turned his head and said to Qingyi, "Qingyi, let's go!"

Qingyi said, "Master, the boundary-breaking golden shuttle needs an accurate interface coordinates for void transmission. I don't know which interface the master is going to?"

Lin Xiao was stunned when he heard this, and then looked at everyone around him.

Including Wan Jiantao, everyone was stunned on the spot. They have never been to other interfaces before. Where do they know the coordinates of other interfaces?

Lin Xiao suddenly said, "Since we don't know the interface coordinates, do you have any other way?"

Qingyi suddenly said, "I know an interface coordinate..."

Lin Xiao suddenly remembered something and said, "Do you mean the law world of clouds?"

Qingyi nodded, "Yes, that's the interface I came from, but I'm not sure if the interface is still in war and whether it will be an extremely dangerous place."

Lin Xiao asked everyone once, asking if they were willing to go to the cloud legal world, and explained the risks.

Wan Jiantao said the voice of everyone, "If you can't leave, it's a dead end to stay on this interface. It's better to take a risk and go to the cloud magic world."

So, Qingyi used the magic formula and opened the transmission array of the golden shuttle that broke the boundary. The golden lock suddenly turned into a golden light and instantly disappeared into the void, taking Lin Xiao and others to the unknown interface.

At the same time, in the secret place of Guangcheng, the Taixu boat also broke the boundary and left; and in the east Lu Tianshang City and the West Wanyao Valley, there was also a black hearse and a golden dragon rising into the sky, breaking through the void and leaving the floating world in a blink of an eye.

These pure Yang Daobao took the monks of the floating world and the secret land of Guangcheng on a long void journey to the next destination.

The crisis in front of everyone is temporarily passed, but everyone is at a loss. Everyone knows nothing about their ultimate fate.

For young monks such as Lin Xiao, Su Qiang, Ziyue and Han Wei, the Tianfu Realm is just a station on their way to cultivate immortality. They have left the Tianfu Realm, but there are endless unknowns waiting for them in front of them.

The end of the book "Spirit Ruins"

ps: "Spirit Ruins" has been serialized for exactly one year since July last year. It has never been updated for a year. For a writer like me, it is also a great achievement. Although "Spirit Ruins" is complete, "Spirit Ruins" is the first in a fairy chivalrous series I conceived, and this book finally leaves a tail. I will write another sequel to "Spirit Ruins" in the future.

Here, I would like to thank all the book lovers for their support over the past year. Although the results of this book are not very good, I am confident that the results of the next book will be better.

I plan to change the theme of the new book and write a book of other types that are not immortals and chivalrous, telling a story related to cosmic hunters. The book is called Kingdom of Gods. The portal is as follows: http://book.zongheng.com/book/288140.html

The new book was officially uploaded on July 25th, and the pit has been dug. I hope that you can move to the new book area and continue to support the old road~