Sixties gold powder

Chapter 13 Nightmare

"She is her! Miss told me to do this!" The heartbreaking sound of green seems to be able to penetrate time and space, and it has been recalled in Changping's mind.

Why, why is this? She has never done anything. Why did Green want to betray herself? Why!!

"Miss...? Miss! Wake up!" Lvqi shook Changping anxiously, and her face was full of anxiety. "Have you had a nightmare again?" Luqi helped her daughter up and said, "Miss, don't think too much about it."

"Aqi..." Changping turned around and hugged Luqi, with a little sour eyes, "Why did Ayi betray me?" There is unknown vulnerability and grievance in her voice. "Why did she do this?"

"..." Luqi couldn't answer. She just looked at her young lady's current appearance. She was very distressed. Her young lady should be superior, confident and strong, not as she is now.

"Aqi... Will you leave me too?" Changping let go of his hand holding Luqi and asked softly with his eyelids down, "If one day you meet someone you like, will you betray me like Aina?"

"No, it won't." Lu Qi shook her head quickly and said, "I have been serving the young lady all my life."

Changping didn't say anything, but leaned on Luqi's body again. His eyes were like a deep pool, dark, and he had no emotions. "Go to sleep..." After a moment, Changping continued to lie down and said, "You can sleep too."

Lying straight**, her face seemed to be frozen, and the coldness in her heart wrapped her tightly.

"Miss, you are just too kind-hearted. In less than a year, my uncle has had three aunts." Lvyi pouted and complained slightly. Changping didn't care about it. He smiled and said, "It should be. Shen Ran, Hongxi and Ziwu. The three of them all followed my cousin before I married my cousin. Is it possible that they can still be released from the house?"

In the past six months, because of the relationship with the old lady, her life has not been easy. She didn't have the heart to take care of things in the yard. She really began to live her own little life, and she didn't feel anything wrong. When the old lady was bored when she saw her, she was sure to leave the etiquette of not to greet her. She was free. All day long, I have been in my yard, planting flowers and plants, reading books, tasting tea and so on.

But she didn't expect that the green betrayal was like a slap in the face and slapped her in the face.

"Miss, the ** wine you asked someone to pick up from Yun's house last time has been delivered today." Luyi leaned against the bed and said while doing needle and threading. Changping smiled and said, "Have you sent it now?"

"Well, it has been sent to the wine cellar." Luqi smiled and said, "Miss, do you want to try it now?"

"Ha ha, go and get it." Changping raised his eyebrows and his eyes were a little shiny. "I made this by myself. How can it taste bad?" The method of brewing was taught by her father himself, and she was still very confident.

"Yes, miss." Luyi saw that Luqi went to order someone to get wine and deliberately asked casually, "Didn't my second aunt say that a pot would be sent to her after ** wine was delivered..."

Changping curled his lips and said, "There is such a thing. A few days ago, she was still talking to me." Changping really doesn't understand. Shen Ran obviously doesn't like him. Why do he has to wander around him when he has nothing to do? Now that he has the identity of his wife, what else hinders her?

"Lvqi, send some to a few aunts later." Chang Ping waved his hand and said, "Only my second aunt is alone, but it's not beautiful."

Lunqi nodded with a smile and said, "Miss is very thoughtful." Lvyi blinked her eyes and said with a smile, "It's just a few pots of wine. How can Sister Aqi go? I'll send it." Lvyi patted his chest and said with a smile.

Changping saw that she was happy and followed her, but he didn't want to be involved in a matter because of this matter.

That day, after the green left, she happened to have interest. Looking at the clusters of ** blooming in the garden, she let Luqi stand up and painted. In terms of painting, she had no talent, but the picture was happy for herself.

Unexpectedly, a little girl came and whispered a few words in Luqi's ear. In an end, Luqi's face turned pale. Changping put down the brush doubtfully and asked, "What's wrong? You look so bad."

"Little...Miss..." Luqi's voice trembled a little, "Something happened..."

"What's the matter?" Changping asked carelessly, now that she has retreated like this, what else can happen?

"Shen...Shen Ran... Xiao... had a minor labor..." Lu Qi finally said something intermittently. Changping blinked her eyes and then asked, "When did she get pregnant?"

"My miss!" Lvqi was anxious and hurriedly stopped her and said, "Now it's not a matter of her concealment, but that she drank the ** brew sent by the young lady, which led to a small birth and stolen goods! Now Green has been arrested!"

"What?!" Changping's eyes widened in surprise. Is this trying to touch her? Where is He Ziwen now?

"I have sent someone to invite my uncle." Luqi hurriedly said, "Now Shen Ran and A Yi are all in the old lady's yard."

"Don't panic, even if Shen Ran is pregnant, it's okay to drink some ** brewing." Changping said calmly, and then walked to Jinrong Hall with green, "This wine was sent directly. I'm not a fool. Can I jump in the trap?"

"But miss, the maidservant looks at it. This is probably Shen Ran who deliberately framed the young lady." Lu Qi said angrily, "But if this is the case, isn't she afraid that the child will really fall?"

"Has the doctor gone?" Changping frowned and asked later.

"I must have found it." Luqi lowered her head and walked quickly, followed Changping one step away, and said directly, "Originally, it was said that Ayi should have returned early, but it has been delayed for so long."

Changping can't figure it out. Now, he can only see the situation first.

Jinrong Hall.

When Changping went there, Green was being pressed to the ground. Changping glanced at it and saw that the old lady still had several aunts, standing or sitting next to her aunt. The aunt looked angry, but the others looked different. Ziwu and Hongxi were standing aside, and Hongxi's faces were obviously gloating. Shen Ran was not beside him. He thought that he should be in the inner room. He swept around quietly and was waiting to salute, but he didn't want to be shocked by the old lady's angry shout.

"Yun, you know the sin!" The old lady directly questioned, waved the women on the side, and said, "Why don't you kneel down!"

"..." Changping was stunned for a moment and was still a little confused.

"Old lady, it's none of your business!" At this time, Lvyi knelt fiercely and hugged the old lady's thigh a few steps and cried, "It's none of the lady's business, it's none of the young lady's business. They are all slaves... maidservants... jealous... jealous..." It seemed very difficult to say.

Changping's heart sank, and even Luqi looked at her in surprise. Who could believe that Changping didn't know what she said? Who can believe that this was not instructed by Changping? Green is the closest slave of Changping since childhood, which is the most trustworthy.

"Ayi!" Luqi's face was already angry.

Changping's heart trembled fiercely, and her fingertips felt numb. She comforted herself desperately, but the girl was scared. She had never encountered such a scene. She must have been scared.

"Kneel down!" As soon as the old lady drank directly, a woman came directly to crush her to the ground, but after all, Changping had practiced kung fu. She squeezed her lips tightly and said, "Ancestor, what on earth did Ping'er do?"

"Okay, how dare you ask what you have done?" The old lady patted her bed angrily and said coldly, "Let me ask you if you have sent ** to Shen."

"Yes." Changping nodded, "I asked Ayi to send all the ** wine to several aunts."

"Oh, my concubine doesn't dare to drink the ** wine sent by the young grandmother." Hongxi hooked the corners of her mouth with a cold smile and said, "Maybe one day I will be like my sister."

"What else do you have to say?" The old lady said hatefully, "The doctor said that the wine was mixed with red flowers!"

The long pupil suddenly shrank and said directly, "Impossible! That ** wine was brewed three years ago, and there will be no red flowers at all.

"Ping'er..." Aunt's face was also a little ugly. "I didn't know you... Ziwen is not young... It's hard... You can't even tolerate a child?"

"Are you still stubborn?" The old lady patted the table, her chest fluctuated violently, and said, "If it's not you, who else can it be?! This **brew is brewed by yourself. I heard from the door that it was just sent today and did not pass through anyone's hand, but now it has harmed Shen's children. What other explanation do you have?

Changping frowned and said coldly, "I haven't done it or not. I don't know that Shen is pregnant. How can he deliberately mixed with red flowers in wine?" The long flat waist was straight, and there was some coldness in her voice that she didn't hear herself, "What's more, why should I harm Shen?"

"Don't you know the reason?" The old lady snorted and sneered, "What kind of thoughts have you seen after so many years? Since you entered the door, Shen has been favored. Now that you have been married for more than a year, you have been dissatisfied with Shen for a long time. Do you still want to ask the reason?"

"Oh." Changping couldn't help laughing. Did he really respond to the sentence that he was bullied and Ma Shan was ridden: "I'm jealous of her?" Changping didn't know what to say. She was so angry that she wanted to tremble.

"Master Sun is here~~" The little girl shouted and opened the curtain to let He Ziwen in.