Sixties gold powder

Chapter 16 Restaurant

No matter who it is, she is not in the mood at this moment.

"What about me?" The door was pushed open. A pretty girl stood at the door with a smile, blinked at Changping and said, "Don't you even want to see me?"

"Princess?!" Changping raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, but the woman standing at the door was Princess Anhua, who had seen two faces. Changping's face did not change. She directly got up and saluted, "The woman has seen the princess."

"Get up." Princess Anhua was not angry. She waved her hand and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for many days." With that, he picked up the wine jar on the table, weighed it, looked at her in surprise and said, "I didn't expect you to drink so well."

He smiled faintly and didn't care much. He shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm a girl from the Yun family. How can I drink less?" When she said this, Princess Anhua nodded with a smile and said, "That's the same." Then he frowned and looked at Changping's face and said seriously, "However, it's better to drink less wine. After all, girls are also harmful to their health." Changping also knew that she had good intentions, nodded and said, "It's saved."

"I don't know the princess..." Changping tilted his head and asked doubtfully.

"Oh, I just saw that the image was yours, so let people take a look." Princess Anhua blinked innocently, "I have a banquet over there. Let's go together."

Changping was a little hesitant, and she refused to come alone. I'm afraid it's not good for her to go like this. What's more, she is really not in the mood today.


"Let's go." Before he finished speaking, he was pulled over by Princess Anhua. Changping shook his head slightly helplessly. "Now, I'm afraid it's not appropriate for me to look like this."

"It doesn't matter, there are no outsiders." Princess Anhua turned around and winked at Changping and said, "Since you got married, you don't like to go out, and you haven't had much chance to see you."

"..." Changping secretly rolled her eyes. She didn't seem to be too familiar with Princess Anhua.

"Brother~~~" Princess Anhua shouted happily, and Changping blinked slightly in surprise, brother? Isn't Princess Anhua's brother the king of Lin'an? That admirable man...

She was really interested, and her footsteps were not as hesitant as before. When she opened the door, she saw a man sitting in front of the window in a wheelchair with a smile. Changping's eyes widened in surprise and couldn't help saying, "Is that you?" She met this man, but she accidentally bumped into him at the beginning. Unexpectedly, the gentle man was the famous king of Lin'an.

This person is the master of the Lin'an Palace, the king of Lin'an, who has a disability but has repeatedly won achievements in the war.

"Ha ha, Miss Yun, hello." Lian Xiu bent his eyes and said gently. That kind of gentleness is very different from He Ziwen's gentleness. His gentleness is a little cold. There is a kind of grace and noble style that has been in a high position for a long time, and it is as noble as He Ziwen can't.

"Speaking to the prince." Changping was stunned for a moment before he bent down to salute. The man deserved her salute.

"So you already know each other?" Princess Anhua looked left and right, pushed King Lin'an's chair to sit at the table, and said with a smile, "I was going to introduce it to my brother."

"Ha ha, there has been a fate." Lian Xiu patted his sister's arm and said with a smile, "Is the old knowledge you just talking about Miss Yun?"

"Yes." Princess Anhua said affectionately, "I just looked at her in front of the window, so I let Achang take a look."

Changping smiled and listened to them quietly, but he couldn't help looking at their brother and sister in his heart. The two brothers and sisters are very similar. With the intimacy of Princess Anhua, it can also be seen that the relationship between the two should be very good. This is a little strange. The age difference between them should be It's a little far away, and Princess Anhua should have been sent to the palace since she was a child, and there should not be much contact, but with such a good nature as King Lin'an, it's not surprising that Princess Anhua likes her brother.

King Lin'an is the most beautiful man she has ever met. The man may be called by beauty, which may be a little strange. However, Changping really can't think of any words to describe the unique feeling on him except this word. The white jade-like face has a faint smile, not that kind of smile, but that kind of Like Yuehua's cold smile, Moyu-like eyes are light and restrained, and there is an endless spiritual charm of cinnabar between his eyebrows.

Changping smacked his tongue secretly and had never seen such a man. His body was not strong and he even looked a little weak, but he could not be looked down on him.

"Miss..." Anu gently pulled the young lady at home and looked at her stunned side face speechlessly.

Changping came to his senses and was a little ashamed. He was really ashamed to be distracted by looking at a man. Princess Anhua smiled, but didn't say much. There was also a little smile in the eyes of the king of Lin'an. Changping coughed and said, "It makes the prince laugh."

"Ha ha, this is the reflection when many people see their brother." Princess Anhua said with a smile, looking at her brother and saying, "My brother is the most powerful person I have ever met."

"Nonsense." Lian Xiu scolded with a smile, and then looked at her and said, "Girl, please sit down."

"Ha ha, the prince doesn't have to be polite. Just call me Changping." Changping waved his hand and said with a smile, "It's not easy to see the prince today. If the prince is so polite, it will make Ping'er feel flattered." Changping is free and easy, and in the face of the people he has always admired, naturally he will not do anything awkwardly. He directly exposes his family. "Ping'er has always admired those good men who protect their country and kill the enemy on the battlefield." With that, Changping raised his glass and said seriously to the king of Lin'an, "This glass of wine is to honor the prince Changping." As Changping finished his drink, the mouth of the cup shook down and said with a smile, "As for thezhu speech..." Changping's eyes turned and smiled and said, "It's all in this wine." She can't say it, because you are my idol.

She will never admit that she is a little excited about her idol, but a little clumsy.

"Can't you drink this glass of wine?" Lian Xiu raised his eyebrows with the flow of his eyes.

Changping subconsciously covered his chest. Oh, my God, this is simply a demon! It's just evil! This is so seductive!

Lian Xiu smiled and drank all the wine in the glass. Looking at Changping, he raised his eyebrows and said, "After all, the taste of this wine is worse, but the winery on the far suburbs of Beijing is superior."

"Yeah? Where has the prince been there? Changping looked at him with bright eyes and smiled, "Yes, although this daughter is a good wine, it is not as green as the bamboo leaves of the Yun family." Speaking of this, Changping poured another glass of wine and laughed while drinking: "This daughter's red wine tastes light and sweet, which is obviously the first wine. If her daughter is red more than 20 years later, the wine tastes gentle and calm, straight into people's hearts, but it can't be compared now."

"Well, that's true." Lian Xiu nodded and then smiled, "That's not the case in the bamboo forest wine shop. The taste of the wine is mellow and warm, and the aftertaste is leisurely. It must be a 50-year-old wine."

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that the prince was also a person who knew wine." Changping looked very happy and couldn't help drinking a few more cups. "The bamboo leaves are originally wild and happy. At the beginning, the taste is rough and strong, but after 20 years, it has become strong and compelling. 50 years of aging has another taste. He is not as rich and noble as Du Kang, nor is it as long as Fenjiu, but he has his own. Unique and free."

"Listen to the girl's words, is this wine ordinary?" Lian Xiu said with a smile.

"That's the reason." Changping said with a smile with a glass of wine. She is not a wine addict, but she likes wine tasting very much. Wine in different periods have different tastes, just like this life, which makes people want to explore and discover, "If you talk about good wine, you can't go without mentioning the grape wine."

"Oh? Does Changping also like this grape wine? Lian Xiu smiled and said, "There are few people who don't like this wine." With the rise of what the two said, Princess Anhua rolled her eyes angrily and said, "I can see that you two are real alcoholics."

"Puff." Changping laughed softly, but shook his head and said, "No, no, no, I just like the taste of wine. I'm not greedy for cups, so I can't be called an alcoholic."

"Ha ha, only you can talk about this way of drinking. I can't say it to you." Princess Anhua smiled and then said, "I heard that Changping's skill of Fuqin is first-class, but I have never had a chance to listen to it."

"You can't praise the princess like this." Changping narrowed her eyes and was very happy. Although she said this, people could see the complacency in her eyes, which was very cute. Who didn't like good words, not to mention that this guqin was something she had practiced since she was a child, and naturally liked to listen to people say good things.

"Aren't you time today?" Princess Anhua said with a smile.

"Today?" Changping blinked in surprise, "My piano..."

"Don't worry about this Changping." Princess Anhua looked at her brother with a smile and blinked his eyes and said, "I heard that it is definitely not worse than your Zhuyuqin." With that, he waved to the waiting girl and said with a smile, "You will know in a moment."

At this point, Changping is a little curious. After all, one of them is a prince and the other is a princess. Naturally, what she takes out of her hand will not be bad.

After a moment, the maid held a piano and put it on a small table in front of the window. Changping's eyes lit up and she slowly walked over, but her heart was a little excited. The piano was wrapped in brocade. Princess Anhua stepped forward, uncovered the brocade and said with a smile, "Does Changping recognize this piano?"