Six Immortal Path

Chapter 52 Blue House

[Today's first update, there will be two more later.]

Naturally, the painting halberd will not brush Zhao's face. In the future, all matters in the gentleman's country will have to rely on this local rich man.

He touched the wooden table legs that were still hanging around his waist, and his expression became cold in an instant. The iron man followed him with an expressionless silence. This tower-like was always cold to the end. The two brought a great impact on everyone present. The halberd glanced coldly glanced around, took out the wooden table leg at his waist, pinched it in his hand, and After waved twice, the blood stains above announced the brilliant achievements in front of the monument at noon. Although the gentleman's country is strong, no matter how tough the people are, they deeply know a truth - only when the fist is big can it make sense.

This group of head and face-faced characters in Xunhua City are naturally not stupid. The young people in front of them downplayed the group of good players in the Qinglong Dart Bureau. Naturally, their strength is not bad. Although it is not enough to scare them, it is enough to make them have some subtle ideas in their hearts.

The halberd is very satisfied with the current scene, but it needs to be knocked again. He held the wooden table legs stained with dry blood and asked loudly, "Do you know what this is?"

No one responded.

He touched his chin and thought that he had to put on a fierce expression in his heart, so he learned from those hoodlums, hanging his eyes, raised his eyebrows, and stepped on the short ones next to him. He silently used the wind spell, and his clothes were windless automatically. Then he said fiercely and evilly, "This is the treasure from the ancestors. Fight the hooligans and stir up the green dragon. The good dart bureau is so powerful that you must have seen it before building the tablet, so there is no need to mention it.

To be honest, this pretentious posture is really funny, but one person picked down the Qinglong Dart Bureau and approached the 100th person, but it was eye-catching. Naturally, it was quite powerful in the eyes of everyone, and the field suddenly calmed down.

Zhao Qizhi coughed twice. Seeing that the scene was a little cold, he hurriedly pushed the wheelchair forward and said some witty and polite words. There were some rich people making money and so on. The painting halberd was too lazy to pay attention to it. He picked up the most empty table with the iron man and sat down. At noon, he was hungry now.

After swallowing this table of delicacies, the strong black boy from the countryside, put the wooden table leg standing with dry blood and hung high in front of the door of this big house that could accommodate a hundred tables of banquets, and shouted loudly at the group of 'big people' in the smoked city who were still falsely greeting each other. He said, "You can see clearly. Today, I hung the ancestral treasure here. The treasure is in the place. Whoever moves him, I will let him die!"

Speaking of Zhenyuan's agitation, he punched the land in the courtyard like thunder, and the whole compound trembled. If a Qianjun boulder fell down, a huge pit five feet deep and three feet deep suddenly appeared.

Without waiting for any exclamation from the crowd at the banquet, the halberd clapped his hands on the plaster, nodded with satisfaction, and shouted at the iron man: "Let's go!"



At the beginning of the lantern.

It seems that he walked aimlessly on the crisscrossing road of Xunhua City, but the painting halberd pays attention to the surrounding situation from time to time. This small city, which has not completely calmed down after night, is lurking with some kind of breath that makes him restless but not very dangerous.

The reason why he dares to be so popular in Xunhua City is that he is not afraid that these things that happened in the world will spread to Xiuzhen Road; second, he wants to shock the monk who has been hiding in Xunhua City - who is the other party? If it is a person from a hundred people on the island, you should recognize him immediately.

Looking at the incomplete body of the villagers around him who were cut by the sword wind, he wanted to look up to the sky and roar, but he still couldn't make any sound in his dream, only shed two lines of tears of grief.

At this time, Mumu came out from behind the broken wall. Her face was full of blood, and her right arm was broken. There were only very thin tendons between the fractures, shaking and dragging the incomplete body. She stretched out her only intact left hand to stroke the tears on the face of the halberd. Her expression suddenly became severe, and her dry and white lips opened and opened. In this In the miserable dream, there were words that the teenager would never hear.

But the teenager still read the sentence from the mouth shape and harsh expression.

"Live well for me!"
