Six Immortal Path

Chapter 419 Xingli Hall 3

Time is running out. Although they don't know why they carried out such a fierce attack and no one came out of the temple, they know that if they don't seize the time, they will definitely be in trouble.

The halberd pulls out the sun and moon sword. The edge of the sun and moon sword flashes on the tip of the sword, and the white flame keeps beating. With the endless power of the starry sky in his body, it is absolutely amazing.

Murong Xiaoyu also took the risk to urge the heavenly way to the extreme, constantly attracting the power of the starry sky from the night sky, and preparing for the next attack.

After a breath, the two shouted together, and the powerful force hit a point and hit the temple crazily.

This is like destroying the sky and the earth, and it overflows thousands of miles away!

Only a faint transparent ripple appeared on the white wall of the temple, and there was a faint crack under the joint efforts of the two!

The halberd was happy. Under the two's full attack, the temple really couldn't support it, and the array of the reflection attack just now also lost its effect.

But just as he was happy, the door of the temple was opened with a bang, and a shadow suddenly flew out of the inside and waved his hands, dispersing the power of the starry sky attracted by Murong Xiaoyu!

But this shadow has no choice but to attack with the painting halberd, but what is the role of the painting halberd alone?

The attack of the halberd was instantly absorbed by the temple, and then quickly rebounded.

The two of them were surprised to avoid it.

After avoiding this blow, the halberd stared at the 'person' in front of him.

There is an inesirable black breath all over his body. In any case, he can't see through this black breath.

He quickly turned his head and looked at Murong Xiaoyu. He only saw Murong Xiaoyu with a surprised face, as if he had never expected that the other party could be so powerful. Murong Xiaoyu noticed his sight, and the two quickly exchanged eyes.

The halberd suddenly rushed towards the dark shadow.

Judging from the situation just now, the other party can wave his hand to disperse the power of the starry sky attracted by Murong Xiaoyu. Murong Xiaoyu is obviously not suitable to deal with him.

The pure white flame in the sun and moon sword swallowed, and the halberd held the sword in his right hand and gently sent it forward. The sun and moon sword turned into a streamer and flew brazenly towards the dark shadow. He followed the Sun and Moon Sword, and the heavenly path exerted it with all its strength, and the power of the starry sky in the inner universe also gushed out of his body!

He did his best as soon as he came up!

The painting halberd knows that he can't keep his hand at this moment. Now he is in someone else's territory. If he doesn't keep his hand, he can't kill the other party as soon as possible. Maybe the other party has any backup, and then it will be bad.

At the moment when the sun and moon sword approached the dark shadow, the fierce pure white flame suddenly burst out, and a pure white flower bloomed in the night sky, and the power of the starry sky and the way of heaven also came.

The halberd obviously felt that the pure white flame was constantly burning the black breath around the black shadow, but the toughness of this black breath was ridiculously strong. Even if the sun and moon sword had been driven to the extreme, it could only be deadlocked with the other party.

However, the pure white flame has always been his killing move. His killing move is condensed into a point, which is enough to break the power of the starry sky and the dying way of heaven!

But then he was dumbfounded. When the power of the starry sky and the heavenly way were about to approach each other, at this moment, the other party suddenly disappeared! The power of the starry sky and the sky have fallen into the dark, and he couldn't stop moving forward and rushed forward a little.

This front rush was bad, and he only felt a cold neck, as if someone had put a cold blade on his neck.

As soon as he raised his eyebrows, he immediately teleported and returned to the pure white flame.

He was shocked and sweated profusely. If he had been so late just now, he would have become a headless corpse.

Just breathed a sigh of relief, the neck suddenly cooled again. The halberd gritted its teeth, and the powerful starry power instantly broke out, condensed on the neck, brazenly blocking the cold blade, and then quickly turned around. The Sun and Moon Sword returned to its hand and lifted it at the other party!

But this sword finally lifted an empty space, and the other party was like an assassin. He failed to hit it and quickly ran away.

The halberd was alert and did not dare to relax at all. Seeing that Murong Xiaoyu had drilled into the temple, the corners of his eyes brought up his full spirit and paid attention to his surroundings.

I don't know what method the shadow used. The speed of hiding the body is strange, and there is no breath. The divine consciousness carefully searched around, but couldn't find anyone. But the painting halberd did not think that the other party had hidden in the hall, because there was still a faint murderous atmosphere around.

No method is perfect. This is the first lesson given to him by Elder Qin Tianhe. Any spell has flaws - the same is true for hiding the body.

Carefully feel the almost inaudible murderous atmosphere around him. If he hadn't been deprived of his five senses in the tomb of life before, he would have trained a sixth sense beyond ordinary people, otherwise it would have been difficult to detect this inaudible murderous atmosphere.

This faint murderous gas is always moving, and the speed is so fast that it is difficult to catch. The painting halberd can only wait for the other party to take action first.

The least afraid of now is probably the war of attrition. The almost infinite power of the starry sky in the inner universe, the inexhaustible way of heaven, and the pure white flame of the sun and moon sword can cover thousands of miles. As long as the other party can't break through his defense, he is almost immortal Xiaoqiang.

And coupled with teleportation, the way to escape, no one can catch up with him as long as he wants to.

Neither side took the lead. The halberd wanted to take action first, but he couldn't determine the position of the other party at all. Heiying probably also saw his strength and knew that rash action would only expose himself, so he also did not take action.

But after ten breaths, the halberd can't calm down and has to solve the other party quickly. Otherwise, after a long time, two people will appear in the temple. He can't resist it. And even if no one comes out in the temple, their attack just now has made such a big noise. I'm afraid that the whole world will know it. If the Lord of the world leads people. Come on, it's troublesome.

No longer hesitated, the pure white flame that could cover thousands of miles in the Sun and Moon Sword quickly broke out, turning the space thousands of miles into a pure white purgatory.

No matter how powerful the hidden body is, even the breath, murderous spirit, etc. can be hidden, and the body cannot be hidden, because he is real. As long as the space of thousands of miles is covered at one time, the other party will immediately expose the position!

The halberd quickly felt a trace of movement within thousands of miles through the pure white flame, which was like a fish feeling the approach of the enemy through the ripples in the water. He immediately found the shadow!

A large amount of starry power is like a stormy wave, fiercely rushing towards the other side.

His attack this time is not intended to kill the other party, because the other party's speed is too fast! Even he can't catch up! Only through this overwhelming attack, the movable range of the other party can be limited first.

This strategy is perfect. In this case, choosing such a method is indeed the best choice, but he underestimated the strength of the other party.

While the huge power of the starry sky attacked, a short blade shining with cold light cut through the powerful power of the starry sky and came from the west through the wind and waves!

The painting halberd is extremely surprised at how powerful the power of the starry sky is. He knows very well that the short blade in the other party's hand is like nothing, opening a narrow gap from the huge starry sky power!

Tiandao was displayed in an instant, condensing a transparent wall in front of him. No matter how strong the other party is, how can a short blade break through the wall condensed by Tiandao?

The halberd thought so, but when he came to his senses, the short blade had pierced his chest!

There was an unbelievable light in his eyes. He quickly turned sideways. The power of the starry sky condensed in his hand. He did not dare to resist the other party head-on. On a strong black gas swallowed by the shadow, the blow seemed to hit a ball. The powerful anti-shock force made his heart congested, and his blood came from his chest. It gushed out and spewed out far away.

However, thanks to this powerful anti-shock force, he quickly dodged the fing cold light on the short blade in the shadow's hand!

Reach out and wipe away the blood from the corners of your mouth. The other party is a powerful enemy!

From the attack just now, he faintly realized what the short blade was made of...

"It's a little troublesome..." Hua Ji said to himself.