glazed tile

Extra Three Phase 25 Questions (Yiluo & Wei Jia) 2

16 What's wrong with the other party?

Huo Qiyu: If you have to say something, you will hold anything in your heart and don't take the initiative to communicate with me in time.

Shen Yuluo: (Innocently open your eyes) How can we talk about our minds rashly if we are not familiar with each other?

Wei Jia: (A cold look at the night) Is his problem not enough?

Night: (calm down) refuses to face his own heart.

(Let's see that Miss Wei's face is as red as the buttocks of the Buddha! Spectacular!)

17 What kind of things will make you unhappy?

Huo Qiyu: Don't tell me if you have something on your mind!

Shen Yuluo: Nothing will make me unhappy.

(Hello, Dragon Girl, goodbye, Dragon Girl!)

Wei Jia: Nonsense, I have always been very honest with myself!

(It's still in the blow of the previous question~)

Night: (shrugging and pouted) That's it~

18 What would you do if you felt that the other party was suspected of changing his mind?

Huo Qiyu: You know me. With a wild smile, he took out a piece of silver silk and finely wiped the long sword around his waist)

Shen Yuluo: Go to your heart's content. I can't care about so many unfamiliar people.

(Huo Qiyu.)

Wei Jia: Humph.

Night: Humph.

19 Can you forgive the other party's unintentional injury?

Huo Qiyue: Of course, but Yingluo is gentle and should not hurt me at will...?

Shen Yuluo: How can I hurt you if we don't know each other? Frightened face)

(Huo Qiyu.)

Wei Jia: I don't forgive him. I didn't want him to hurt me, and I didn't mean to do it! ( Crazy)

Night: (no wonder I'm so strong)...

20 The other party's sexy expression?

Huo Qiyou: Isn't it easy to talk about this kind of thing in public? There is no boat play at all. It's so hard~)

Shen Yuluo: Huh?

Wei Jia: Huh?

Night: What is sexy?

21 When two people are together, do you feel that your heart beats faster?

Huo Qiye: A smile makes me have an irregular heart rhythm...

Shen Yuluo: Do you want a magic doctor to take care of your pulse for you?

Wei Jia: Why does the heart beat faster? Are you angry with him?

Yelai: When she scolded me, and when she secretly paid attention to my reaction after she scolded me.

(M weak receptor meets the strong Queen S, but in fact, the big girl is not so the same attack.)

22 When will you feel loved?

Huo Qiyu: To be honest, I haven't felt this way so far. It's not a crime for a man to cry~)

Shen Yuluo: I often feel it. ( Serious face)

(Xiao Huo has withstood the test of ice and fire...)

Wei Jia: What do you love or not? Which newspaper are you a reporter? I will complain about you! We are sisters and brothers, teachers and apprentices, and subordinates!

Yelai: It's time for her personal interpretation of "explanation is concealment".

23 What do you think are the flowers that match each other?

Huo Qiyu: Konggu Youlan, peerless beauty, charming and charming... (The national literature is not a little worse than that of the queen!)

Shen Yuluo: Dog tail flower, anyway, it's not very beautiful.

(Yingluo, are you hurting him hard?)

Wei Jia: Poppy? Mandala? Night fragrance? Oleet peach? Lilac?

Night: Am I that poisonous? The face is as green as green plum~)

24 Does your sense of inferiority come from?

Huo Qiyu: I don't have a sense of inferiority! Another such master!)

Shen Yuluo: I'm long and ugly

(Huo Qiyu: Who said that? Pull out his tongue to drink!)

Wei Jia: I'm not feminine? Really?

(Little bead dog leg-shaped: it's not natural, no, big girl, you have two kinds of flowers blooming one by one...)

Yinglai: Am I not manly? Really?

(Little bead dog leg-shaped: isn't it? General at night, you are heroic and charming**... Don't make it difficult for me?! ~~~~(>__