Dragon God War Song

Chapter 1 Dawn

Starting from today, three update every day, next week's homepage boutique, ready to challenge the fourth update. At present, the time of the third update is as follows: morning, 8 o'clock; noon, 12 o'clock; evening, 7 o'clock. I hope you can support me!

In the originally clean night sky, a few dark clouds suddenly floated through. These were real dark clouds. The bright moonlight was also blocked by the sudden dark clouds, and the city lights reflected the sky. The archers were already bending their bows and starting to aim. The heavy crossbowmen and the magic crystal gunners also checked the weapons in front of them for the last time. Everything was ready, and a breath of killing suddenly rose and went straight to the air.

The ice master also stood at the head of the city. He did not stop the generals and soldiers from moving, but he did not retreat with those golden robes as the general said. Although they do not belong to the imperial army, and even they do not belong to the empire. They just help the empire when they can, they are all the people of the Holy Spirit Empire. The blood in their bloodline, which has been silent for a long time, was also ignited by the words of the general just now. Maybe they will not die with these monsters, but it's okay to do their part.

For these golden robes who have not been evacuated, although the guard also tried to persuade the ice master to take them away, the ice master's light words sent him away. The ice master said, "They have their own choices. We are not the army, and they are not under my orders. When they want to go, they will naturally leave, but they are willing to It must not be now."

"Jie Jie..." The shrill cry of the fantasy song demon girl sounded again, but this time there was Mr. Mo sitting in the town. The voice was not as powerful as last time. Even the most ordinary recruits just shook his body and stabilized.

"Pray!" The general shouted fiercely, and countless cold light suddenly cut through the night sky, like a touch of breathtaking silver light rushing to the flying warcraft tide slowly flying towards the Cologne fortress.

"Puff! Poo! Poo!"

The sound of countless sharp arrows piercing flesh and blood sounded, and the monsters flying in front of them fell piece by piece, hitting the ground like raindrops. A muffled sound came, and a thick layer of corpses was covered on the ground. Blood, cold light, roar, whine, all this opened the prologue of the war. Looking at the death of those companions, the remaining monsters seemed to have been stimulated by the killing nature in the bone marrow, and kept roaring and pounced at the head of the city.


"Hum! Buzz! Buzz!"

The string of the heavy crossbow made a huge buzzing sound. Hundreds of crossbow arrows made of black steel rushed to the sky in an instant. The meteor-like tracks are intertwined with the nets of death in the night sky. Any warcraft that appears on this big net will be penetrated through the body by the dazzling cold crossbow arrows. Unlike ordinary bows and arrows, these crossbows can not only kill a large number of low-level monsters, but also some king-level monsters are not immune. For these flight experts who are obviously weaker than land monsters, this heavy long-range weapon is undoubtedly their nightmare.

"Pray!" The silver light didn't wait for the silver light to disperse, and the general shouted for the third time.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Dozens of energy balls shining with various lights suddenly cut through the sky, and colorful lights shine under the night sky. Once these lights penetrate into the tide of beasts, they will bloom like fireworks, and the colorful light will hit the tide of beasts with the breath of death. Warcraft is constantly ignited, frozen, charred and torn by those lights...

This is a terrible war. Those flying monsters are like targets, letting the soldiers at the head of the city wave to their heart's content, but no one can be happy, because this is also a cruel war. Warcrafts can't give them so much free time. During an attack, the Warcraft tide was less than 500 meters away from the Cologne Fortress.

At this moment, everyone no longer needs the command of the general. They all do their own things conscientiously. In a short distance of a kilometer, too many Warcraft corpses have been piled up, and there are many beast king-level warcrafts among those corpses. But for the huge tide of beasts, these dead monsters are just a drop in the ocean, and the black warcraft group still pressed over.

"Humph!" Mo Lao snorted coldly, his body flashed, and the silver light was shining. Mo Lao's whole body had disappeared at the head of the city.

The sky suddenly darkened, and a huge crack appeared on the sky. The crack was like a huge mouth in the night sky, and there was endless darkness in the huge mouth, as if even light would be swallowed up by it. The moment the giant mouth appeared, it suddenly rushed to the beast tide. Of course, the monsters also found this terrible giant mouth. They tried their best to fly away from the trajectory of the giant mouth. Unfortunately, the giant mouth moved so fast that it was so fast that it could not wait for them to dodge and had been swallowed up by it.

The terrible giant mouth, the terrible power, where the giant mouth passed, unexpectedly cleared an empty field in the air, which was more than the total number of the soldiers killed. Seeing this scene, Jing Chen was stunned. At this moment, he finally understood why his father often said that the eighth-level strongmen rarely participated in wars. Looking at this terrible destructive power, I'm afraid even the Cologne Fortress can't stand Mo Lao.

Mr. Mo's attack also set off the beginning of the war between Warcraft and soldiers. Those flying warcrafts pressed on the head of the city like flies, and several, or even more than a dozen attacked around a small group of people. With their advantage of flying and lightning speed, they took away a large number of soldiers' lives. But every time the dead soldiers died, they would pull the lead on their bodies, and a roar of explosion kept ringing at the head of the city.

Firelight, flesh and blood, limbs, and bright red blood splash everywhere. Even if some soldiers don't have time to pull the leads on their bodies, others will help them pull them. This is a war without prisoners. This is a battle that does not need to collect corpses. All the dead soldiers, they are at the last moment of their lives. They will use their bodies as the last weapon and kill more monsters with their own wreckage.

At this moment, Jing Chen's heart was deeply shocked. At this moment, he remembered countless battlefield stories told to him by his father Jingtian. At this moment, he finally understood the military soul mentioned by his father Jingtian. Maybe the bodies of these soldiers are dead, maybe they can't even leave their whole bodies, but they leave more people hope for life. They give up their lives, miss their families, give up everything, and just want to fulfill their promises to the empire.

Every explosion will sound, a fresh life will pass away, but at the same time, their military soul will not disappear with the death of the body. They will stay here, stay in the land they swore to defend, continue to guard the fortress of Cologne, and continue to guard the frontier of the empire.

I don't know how long it took, Jing Chen has been completely numb. He can't remember how many Warcrafts he killed in front of him. He is just killing mechanically. Suddenly, a dry and old palm slapped on his shoulder. Jing Chen was stunned all over and turned his head to look at the person.

The gray robe, the old face, the dry palms like a bone shelf, Mo Lao did not know when he appeared beside him, and the Warcraft, which had been hovering beside Jing Chen, also fled because of Mo Lao's appearance.

"Mo Lao!" Jing Chen's eyes cleared, and the surging murderous intention gradually dissipated.

"Alas!" Mr. Mo sighed and said, "Let's go, we should leave too." With that, Jing Chen was about to leave with one hand.

"Leave?" Jing Chen looked at Mr. Mo doubtfully, and then turned his head to look at the city. He saw that there was no more living warrior as far as he could see. Blood stained the whole city. Whether it was a heavy crossbow or a magic crystal cannon, there were blood stains everywhere, all wreckage, all the corpses of warcraft, and tattered weapons.

"Is it over?" Jing Chen turned around and asked Mo Lao in a trembling voice.

At this moment, a trace of sadness flashed in Mo Lao's eyes and said in a low voice, "It's over. I'll take you away." With a force of his hand, Jing Chen only felt that his body was held up by Mr. Mo. A wave of drowsiness hit, and Jing Chen's head tilted and almost hit Mr. Mo's shoulder.

Turning his head and took a look at Jing Chen, Mr. Mo sighed and said slowly, "Go to bed when you are tired. I'll take you away."

"Hmm." Jing Chen answered unconsciously, and his eyes still glanced at the head of the city stained with blood, and many monsters stopped there tearing the bodies of their companions and human beings.

Seeing this scene, Jing Chen suddenly felt that his eyes were wet. These soldiers who died for the empire and the people had to be bitten by Warcraft after death. A fire of anger surged into his heart. Unfortunately, now he can't do anything, and can only be pulled by Mr. Mo to the opposite direction of the Warcraft Mountains and fly to Zeus. The direction of the retreat of the college team.

Suddenly, Jing Chen seemed to have found something in the hazy. His eyes suddenly opened and said in surprise, "What is that!"

The sudden change of Jing Chen also shocked Mr. Mo. He frowned slightly and looked in the direction Jing Chen said. At that time, he was also stunned and said uncertainly, "The imperial army...?" On such a fiery night when Warcraft was rampant, I actually saw a neat imperial army driving towards the Cologne fortress. This kind of shock was pale and powerless in any language.

"Is it Marshal Perry's army?" Naturally, Mr. Mo can see it more clearly than Jing Chen, and with his years of experience in the Holy Spirit Empire, how could he not recognize the military flag of Cologne Perry, known as the god of the empire?

Marshal Perry? Which Marshal Perry? Is it..." Suddenly, Jing Chen's eyes suddenly opened wide, and a trace of disbelief appeared in his eyes. He has liked to listen to his father Jing Tian tell him battlefield stories since he was a child. How could he not hear of this legendary imperial marshal who is more than 400 years old? And according to Jingtian, this Marshal Perry is not only a military genius, but also a strong master-level strongman.

"Cologne City is saved." Mr. Mo said slowly, stopping at the head of the city as he spoke, calmly watching Marshal Perry's army slowly.

The darkness of the dawn quietly dispersed, and a faint sunlight cut through the eastern sky. This bloody night is about to carry the roar of countless spirits. Tomorrow, how many soldiers can see tomorrow's sunshine? Jing Chen slowly turned his head and looked at the flames that sometimes rose in the city of Cologne. When each flame rose, a brave soldier sacrificed his precious life. At this moment, Jing Chen even hated the speed of Perry's leading the army. Every moment of delay, several soldiers were about to die.