Dragon God War Song

Chapter 31 Enemy Reappearance

Since even Rios can't figure it out, Jing Chen will naturally not force himself to think about it. There is nothing left or right. Jing Chen walked out of the hotel alone like a leisurely. In this city of Gama, there is no bleak scene like other places in the Kingdom of Gama. It is still very prosperous, more prosperous than the original Yuelei City.

Thinking of Yuelei City, Jing Chen couldn't help but think of Yue Yanran, Ling Xue, Anton and others, and also remembered Zeus College, where he had not stayed for a few days. He always felt that Zeus College was very special, not only because Zeus College is a top college in the mainland, but also because of the strength of Zeus College. At this moment, Zeus The strength of the college is so strong that it makes Jing Chen ashamed.

Jingchen, who has been walking on the mainland for so long, has also gained a lot of insight. In retrospect, it is a little abnormal that a college without an imperial background can achieve such a scale. After all, there are two other magic colleges on the mainland, which are called Zeus College, one with the background of the Flange Empire and the other with the background of the Jingge Alliance. Zeus College is not the Royal College of the Holy Spirit Empire, but independent, which alone makes Jing Chen a little confused.

Jing Chen wandered all the way on the streets of Gama City, thinking about some messy things, but Jing Chen's main purpose is still to hear something about those strange dead from passers-by.

"Xiaochen, are you still worried about the strange death?" Rios' voice sounded in Jing Chen's mind.

"Well, teacher, I have been thinking that although there is a shadow of the beast court behind this evil world, I have no evidence to prove that the death of a large number of civilians is also related to the beast court." Jing Chen hesitated for a moment and continued to communicate with Rios through his thoughts. "And I always feel that although the strength of the beast court is strong, it is not as strong as this. I don't know if it's my illusion, or I think too much."

Jing Chen shook his head slightly, and he hoped that it was just his own over-concern. After all, if the truth is really as he thought, the problem will be serious. There is an organization that is more terrible than the beast court in the Kingdom of Gama. If this is true, if the two join hands, I'm afraid... He dares not think about it. It is.

The reason why I thought that the two might work together is not that Jing Chen thought about it casually. First of all, before the invasion of evil spirits, there was no strange death of civilians in the Kingdom of Gama. These two things happened almost at the same time. Secondly, there are also some people in the beast court who like to deal with soul things such as beast souls and beast spirits. And as an organization inherited from ancient times, God knows how many evil arrays there are in the beast court.

At least when Jing Chen was in the capital of the giant beast, the scene he saw in the fantasy proved that the original giant beast empire had this kind of evil magic, and he also experienced it himself. Even after more than 800 years, the evil array still had such power that even he almost threw his life in it. I have to make Jing Chen more and more vigilant.

"Xiaochen, although you think it is not impossible to happen, and according to the current situation, it is likely to happen, you should understand that you should not think pessimistically about everything. Although everything is unclear now, as long as that organization or the beast court emerges, the crimes they have committed will be sacred. The Holy See will not sit idly by. On this continent, the influence of the Holy See is absolutely beyond your imagination. Rios said slowly, but Jing Chen heard a trace of bitterness from his voice.

"Teacher, do you think the Holy See really represents justice?" With the improvement of Jingchen's strength, he also began to doubt whether this organization, which has been regarded as the embodiment of justice by many people, really symbolizes absolute justice as people recognize. If so, why does the Holy See secretly set up such an organization as the Dragon Court to deal with some things that are inconvenient for the Holy See to come forward? If not, why are so many people willing to be fooled by the Holy See over the years?

Jingchen does not believe that all people are fools. They are all crazy believers, especially the rulers of the Holy Spirit Empire, the San Bruno Empire and other empires. They actually add the word "holy" before their names for the same reason. Don't underestimate the word "holy" in front of you, which represents the most devout country, and this country is protected by the Holy See.

After a long time, when Jing Chen began to think that Rios didn't hear what he said, Rios suddenly asked, "Xiao Chen, if I say that there is no good or evil in this world, do you believe it?"

Rios' headless words made Jing Chen stunned. Immediately, Jing Chen suddenly nod his head and said, "I believe it!"

On the contrary, Rios was a little surprised, "How dare you believe that there is no good and evil in this world? Xiaochen, do you really believe it? Rios will naturally be surprised that Jingchen can see this clearly at such a young age.

"Of course, if there is really good and evil, if the Holy See really represents justice, it is not an organization that can be established by human beings. Not to mention human beings, not even God, because God himself is also greedy." Jing Chen said slowly, and his expression was extremely firm.

In fact, this is not what Jing Chen said to please Rios. During this period of time, Jingchen has learned a lot about Rahir's memories of those years with the deepening analysis of Rahir's broken divine style. Although most of these memories are broken, Jing Chen still found a lot of interesting things from these memories about the era when gods coexist.

Jing Chen was surprised to find that although God has become a god and can control many things in the world, their thoughts are no different from people, and even those mansions are more greedy, afraid of death and life, and evil. In Lahir's memory, Jing Chen found a lot of obscene things done by the Creation God's Mansion. The first time he saw it, he couldn't believe it. Those legendary mansions were extremely glorious, and their faces were so evil.

"Okay, don't think about this. These are not what you should think about for the time being. Look over there, who is coming?"

Being reminded by Rios, Jing Chen looked up and saw Yue Yanran sitting in a carriage and passing in front of Jing Chen.

"Yanran?" Jing Chen muttered doubtfully. Immediately, Jing Chen smiled and suddenly remembered that the headquarters of Yue Yanran's family was in the city of Gama. It was not surprising that she could appear here.

"Xiaochen, don't you think that carriage is a little special?" Seeing that Jing Chen did not find anything abnormal, Rios couldn't help reminding him again.

"Special?" Jing Chen looked carefully at the carriage that was gradually moving away. According to Rios, it was really a little special. He saw that the carriage was extremely luxurious, and the specifications were not like what a family in a kingdom should have, and the emblem on the carriage seemed to have seen somewhere.

He frowned slightly, and Jing Chen said hesitantly, "Is it the carriage of the Gama royal family?" Since it was the Gama royal family, Jingchen really didn't expect this, and Jingchen couldn't understand why Yue Yanran was alone in the carriage of the Gama royal family, and where he wanted to go.

Looking at this, Jing Chen looked up and saw that it was a very spacious street, more than twice as spacious as other roads. Even if ten carriages traveled in parallel, I'm afraid it would not feel crowded. Jing Chen continued to look into the distance.

The next moment, he saw the end of the road, the magnificent palace group. Although this palace group was not as large as the size of the palace of the French Empire, it was also extremely luxurious, and when he saw the high wall of more than ten meters, he thought that in the city of Gama, there was no one else who dared to build it like this except the palace of King Gama.

"What is Yanran doing there?" Jing Chen said with some doubts. If Hewett was not dead, Jing Chen might have worried about Hewett's obstruction in it, but Hewett had died before the Cologne Fortress. Jing Chen really didn't understand the purpose of Yue Yanran entering the Gama Palace at this moment.

"You may not have noticed that the little girl was forcibly controlled just now, and she should have cried." Rios said in a low voice.

"What?" Jing Chen did not see it. Of course, with Jing Chen's ability, it was not enough to have a perception as powerful and eyes like Rios. Jing Chen just saw that the person was Yue Yanran, but he did not see the expression on Yue Yanran's face and whether she was forcibly controlled.

Not waiting for Jing Chen to recover, Rios continued, "Not only that, I also felt the breath of a person you are familiar with in the carriage, but the breath was very weak and a little strange. At that moment, I was not sure if he was the person you were familiar with."


Jing Chen said in his heart that there are not many people who are familiar with him in such a place. Is it Yue Yanran's father, Yue Ran? However, Jing Chen didn't believe that Yue Ran could forcibly control Yue Yanran. After all, when she left the Cologne Fortress, Yue Yanran's strength also reached the peak of level four. Now even if she has not broken through to level five, it is not far away. With the strength shown by Yue Ran at the beginning, it is not enough to restrain Yue Yanran.

"Xing Mochen!"

"How is that possible?" Hearing Rios say this name that made Jing Chen both familiar and strange, Jing Chen couldn't help but be stunned. He really didn't expect that the person who made Rios feel familiar in the carriage turned out to be Xing Mochen, his unforgettable opponent. Now that if it weren't for Xing Mochen's calculation, it would be difficult for Jing Chen to have. Today's achievements.

"Why did he appear here?" Jing Chen clearly remembered that Xing Mochen's miserable condition at that time was as if his whole body was spewing blood, so he hadn't seen Xing Mochen again over the years. Jing Chen thought he was dead, but he didn't expect to be with Yue Yanran today.

"I don't know how he can appear here, but I'm sure that he is definitely not a normal elf clan now. In him, there is not only his own breath, but also a breath that even I feel afraid. That breath is so weird that even I can't really explore his strength." Rios said solemnly.

"Is it so bad?" Although Jing Chen said so, in his heart, he didn't care too much about Xing Mochen's strength. At the beginning, Xing Mochen was just a better line than himself. Now more than four years have passed. He is no longer the Jing Chen who has hardly been exposed to practicing any secret methods. At this moment, Jing Chen is absolutely confident that he will kill Xing Mochen in a few rounds.

"Xiaochen, I have to tell you one thing. Although I can't feel the accurate strength of Xing Mochen, he has at least a six-level peak, or even a seven-level initial strength, so..." Rios' voice sounded again, just like pouring a basin of ice water in Jing Chen's heart.