Dragon God War Song

Chapter 5 Bottom Space

After resting, Jing Chen rose up. Although the canyon is extremely wide, the distance of more than 1,000 meters for Jing Chen, full speed flight is just a matter of a few breaths. However, Jing Chen did not speed at full speed this time, but put the speed at a level that is not very fast, which can give him more spare capacity to deal with each other. All kinds of situations.

Although in the information obtained by Jing Chen, the canyon is a stroke, Jing Chen does not dare to despise any place that may be dangerous. Even if Jing Chen does not use his fastest speed, the distance of more than 1,000 meters, that is, less than a minute, is, and Jing Chen is about to set foot on the land opposite. At that time, he suddenly felt a strong suction from below, which was very strong. Even Jing Chen, who was psychologically prepared to deal with emergencies, was caught off guard.

"How could this happen?!" Jing Chen frowned, resisting the strong suction from the bottom of the valley, and looking around for something so that he could grab it. Unfortunately, although he was only a few dozen meters away from the opposite cliff, the wall of the valley was as smooth as a mirror, and there was no place for him to borrow, and that suction The force is like being conscious, and the attraction to Jingchen is getting bigger and bigger.

Jing Chen also tried his best for this suction that appeared out of thin air. Unfortunately, no matter how hard Jing Chen struggles, the suction is still gradually increasing. Unless Jing Chen borrows the power of the tree of the world, Jing Chen has no chance to escape with this terrible suction. Moreover, this suction seems to be only for Jing Chen. After such a while, Jing Chen has seen two waves of people crossing the canyon with his own eyes. There is nothing wrong with him. He is the only one who is controlled by the suction.

"Humph!" Jing Chen snorted coldly, and a touch of black and white energy suddenly appeared, and Jing Chen's whole body was enveloped in it in an instant. At this moment, Jing Chen's heart was also clear. Since he could not break free from this suction with his own strength, he simply went down to explore what was the difference in the bottom of the valley.

However, Jing Chen is not a careless person. Even if he is going to go to the bottom of the valley to find out, he has to be fully prepared, so this has to reappear the special energy of the mysterious man in the black robe, but when Jing Chen is covered in this energy and is ready to give up all resistance, it seems to be completely aimed at him. The suction power disappeared strangely.

Since the suction has disappeared, Jing Chen naturally has no need to go down to take risks. After hurriedly standing on the opposite side, he dissipated the black and white energy on his body. He turned his head and looked at the bottomless canyon doubtfully. He couldn't help frowning. In the information he obtained, none of them mentioned that the bottom of the canyon would come. Suction.

In this way, there are only two possibilities. One is that there is this special suction here intermittently, and those who are as unlucky as themselves are probably buried at the bottom; and the other is that this suction is completely aimed at him, Jing Chen. However, Jing Chen is also a little self-aknowledgeable. He also knows that with his own Strength and identity make the existence under this canyon target itself, which is a little too high for himself, so the first possibility is extremely high.

Think about it. Jing Chen thinks that his strength is not weak and there are many means, but he is also helpless in the face of this suction. What's more, other people who come here to look for treasure, I'm afraid that even if they are strong at the peak of level 9, their end will not be much better, but they don't know if those level 10 strong people are right. Will there be some way to do this suction? However, there are few ten-level strong people, and the probability of this suction is definitely not high, so the probability of the two meeting is too low, so low that it is almost negligible.

With this in mind, Jing Chen didn't stay much. He got up and flew in the direction of the Flower Valley. At the bottom of the valley that Jing Chen couldn't see, a huge dark shadow opened a pair of blood-red eyes, looked up at the bright light above, and couldn't help closing the frightening blood eyes.

Just as the blood-red eyes were closed, Jing Chen, who had just got up, suddenly felt that the surrounding space suddenly condensed. He didn't wait for any reaction. He only felt that the foreground objects in his eyes were changing rapidly, and his body was also dragged deep into the canyon by the huge force. In just a few breaths, Jing Chen was surprised to find that I have fallen hundreds of meters.

At such a fast speed, it is obvious that something is manipulating this huge force. Feeling the huge force at this moment, Jingchen did not struggle. Since the other party is staring at him, it is better to face it than to break free. After all, the invincible enemy is the most terrible, and in front of him, it is obvious that Jingchen has a psychology. Prepare.

"Break!" At the moment when the huge force weakened slightly, Jing Chen shouted fiercely, and the already brewed wild magic burst out, and instantly extinguished the huge force invisible. Not only that, the huge wild magic also hit the bottom of the canyon along the huge force.

A loud "bang" sound, the wild magic gushing out of Jing Chen's body, obviously bombarded something. Although he did not know the current situation of the thing for the time being, listening to the roar below, the sneak attack on Jing Chen obviously suffered a big loss.

"Humph!" With a cold hum, Jing Chen did not go, but quickly sank down. He wanted to see what was underneath that such a strange control space could drag himself down.

As his body slowly sank, Jing Chen's face became extremely solemn. He could clearly feel a very strange energy stirring in the surrounding space. Although this energy was black, it was not dark energy. Moreover, the more Jing Chen's vision was limited, the more he reached the bottom. He can only see things within 100 meters.

Not long after, Jing Chen's feet had stepped on the ground. However, at the moment when the soles of his feet touched the ground, he clearly felt that something had been trampled by himself and made a "kaka" sound. He looked down, and his face couldn't help changing. The trampled thing turned out to have become hair one by one. The black bones, and not only here, the whole bottom, as far as the eye can see, there are also many scattered bones, which add a touch of horror to the very strange bottom of the valley.

Raising his head and looking up, Jing Chen was surprised to find that the canyon, which was originally more than a kilometer wide, had now become a bright gap, and the visual width was less than the distance of a fist.

"I didn't expect this canyon to be so deep." Jing Chen frowned and looked around.

The broken bones can be seen everywhere. Looking at the newly broken bone stubble, it is obviously the wild magic that has just been blown out by Jing Chen. Looking for the place where these bones flew out, Jing Chen vigilantly explores this canyon that is not recorded in any information, and there is no room for him to be cautious. If the legend is true, even ten The team of strong men came here without returning. How dare a little guy like him be careless?

Jing Chen, who was moving slowly, did not find that a touch of red and black energy was like a viper swimming on the ground, slowly surrounded him. Just as Jing Chen was infinitely close to the huge shadow, the whole space suddenly made a strange noise, and he was swaying on the ground. The energy is wrapped in it.

"Oh no!" At the moment when the energy appeared, Jing Chen's heart suddenly shrank. No matter what this power was, it was obviously aimed at himself, and when looking at the arrangement of this power alone, he didn't even find it, which was definitely not easy to deal with.

However, even if he has all kinds of ideas in his heart, Jing Chen is not panicked. After all, panic can't solve any problems. What he needs is to face and face all the sudden things.

"Huh! Pret to be a ghost!" In the face of this sudden threat, although Jing Chen was a little surprised, he did not panic at all. The rich experience also made his heart extremely mature. The more dangerous the moment, the calmer Jing Chen became. Otherwise, he would never have a chance to get to this day.

The figure suddenly shook, and the next moment, Jing Chen had appeared 100 meters away.


At the moment when Jing Chen's figure appeared 100 meters away, a huge force came in an instant. Jing Chen, who was involved in it, had no chance to struggle at all, and was completely smashed by the huge force in an instant.

"Human! Stop pretending to be a ghost. You can't fool me with this little trick!" Suddenly, an extremely cold voice sounded, which seemed to come from all directions, and it kept echoing in the space at the bottom of the valley, making Jing Chen, who was hiding by the shadow and observing the tree demon split, frowned deeper.