Dragon God War Song

Chapter 37 Hidden Murder

Seeing the appearance of the two people escaping quickly, Rios couldn't help but have a cold smile on his face. If he can't see these two thoughts, he is really a strong man in ancient times. In that chaotic era, Rios has seen too many strong men, and he has experienced all kinds of battles. Winning.

"Alas... stay here." Looking at the backs of the two, Rios pointed gently with his right hand. When the command came out without any force, the whole space suddenly trembled violently, and the terrible pressure was instantly added to the two aliens, and the whole world seemed to be completely cracked at this moment.

"You...this..." The leading alien strongman has been so suppressed that he can't even speak. Originally, he knew in his heart that the other party might come to chase him, so he didn't exert all his strength just now. What he wanted was to give the other party a "surprise". Unfortunately, what he didn't expect was that Rios didn't give it to him at all. This opportunity, such terrible pressure, such a strange attack, not to mention him, even if it is stronger than his strength, there is no other way but to resist.

"Ah..." Compared with the leading alien strongman who can still struggle, his companion is not so lucky. At the moment Rios used his means, the alien strong man was crushed by the sudden surge of pressure. The reason for this is not that his strength is so weak. It's just that just now, he not only didn't keep his hand, but also played at a super level. Now he doesn't have much energy in his body. In his opinion, the strong man should not come to chase himself, but he, like the leader, has miscalculated.

The tricks of the strong, especially the strong with such a large strength gap, a small mistake may cause a disaster. What's more, such a big mistake, the moment when the two foreign strong people choose to make mistakes has been determined, death! Yes, the only thing waiting for them is death.

After solving the two foreign strongmen casually, Rios waved his hand and dispersed the realm of life. At this time, the three rushed to Jing Chen, ready to crush and kill Jing Chen's strong men, which were all cleaned up by Jing Chen. The teachers and students looked at each other, instantly sped up and disappeared over the ruins.

At this moment, the speed of both of them is extremely fast. Although the duration of this level of battle is extremely short, it is not guaranteed that it will not be found by the strong people passing by the people around. Once found by other strong people, whether it is out of contempt for unknown treasures or greed for their own treasures, it is possible to make the battle continue. Going down, it is not only very unfavorable to the two, but also meaningless, so Jingchen and Rios naturally have to leave as soon as possible.

"It's late!"

Not long after Jing Chen and Rios left, a team of about ten human strong men came to the scene of the incident. If Jing Chen was still here at this moment, he would be surprised to find that the team was led by Panama. Panama followed Jing Chen into this ancient battlefield. According to the information he has, although the space portal is transmitted randomly, the two people who came in not far away will not be too far away from each other, so Jing Chen entered the ancient battlefield, and Panama brought people in.

This group not only has two Panamanian subordinates, but also the rest are Panama's best friends, which belong to Panama's hardcore supporters. The main purpose of these people entering the ancient battlefield is not to find treasures, but to wait for the opportunity to kill Jingchen. In Jingtian, they decided not to participate in this time. In the case of the ancient battlefield, Jingchen became the person Panama wanted and most likely to get rid of.

This time, Panama is also a hard time. It not only brings two capable generals under its own, but also brings together two nine-level intermediates, four nine-level high-levels, and even a nine-level peak. Such a strong lineup is only to deal with Jingchen at the eighth-level peak, which really looks up to Jingchen.

Of course, there are also Panama's own considerations. He is really a little scared. Jingchen once again escaped the trap he laid. After all, after Jingchen escaped the hunting of Napidi last time, his strength has soared all the way. In just a few years, he has grown into a strong man at the peak of level 8. Panama is not To make sure that this was his last chance, or it was possible to kill Jing Chen, he was even a little afraid that Jing Chen would grow up again.

Although Panama doesn't know what Jing Chen thinks of him, he knows in his heart that about Napidi and some other things against Jing Chen are all done by him. As the saying goes, "fire can't be wrapped in paper". Even if Jing Chen doesn't know what he has done now, he will know it sooner or later. If Jing Chen's strength is so strong that Panama can't compete with him, I'm afraid his result will be extremely miserable.

And when Panama came here this time, he also thought of Jing Chen's secret method of rebirth. The information he read showed that although this secret method can make Jing Chen reborn infinitely, his soul will not change. That is to say, as long as he kills Jing Chen's soul, he Jing Chen will die completely. It is for this reason. This time, Panama did not hesitate to pay a lot of money to invite the strong man at the top of level 9, who is the priest of the temple known as the soul master.

To ask the priest of the Holy Church, Panama has taken a lot of effort. With the high status of the priest of the Holy Church, Panama was not invited, but he did it. This also happens to be a reason that the other party must agree, because Panama has a crystallization of divine energy. The so-called holy energy crystal is the crystal condensed by the divine power. According to the different level of the divine power at the time of condensation, the grade of the holy energy crystallization will also be different. However, the piece in Panama's hand is the lowest level of holy power crystallization, that is, the primary divine power condensed.

Although it is only condensed by the divine power of the primary divine palace, there are only a few people in this era, and there are very few people who can condense the crystallization of divine energy, and this piece in Panama's hands seems to be precious, so this holy temple priest joined the Panama's team at the cost of violating the holy temple code. , work for it.

"Your Excellency, there should have been a battle between an alien and that Jingchen here, but... this battlefield seems to be two places?" After one of Panama's men surveyed the scene, he said doubtfully. The fluctuation of life energy can be clearly felt here, but this fluctuation carries two breaths, and both breaths are very strong, and a breath even raises a trace of fear in Panama's heart.

"It should have been before the boy came here. There was a big war here. He came in alone and should not be accompanied by other strong men." Panama was a little hesitant. After all, they followed Jing Chen in. No one would find Jing Chen before them, and Panama did not want to believe that there were other strong people around Jing Chen.

"Panama, I can only help you deal with the child's soul. As for other battles, I won't interfere. You should understand this." The priest who is good at soul control is naturally more ** for the strong. He is even thinking that if there are other masters around Jing Chen, whether he should get rid of the relationship with these Panamanian people first.

"Uh-huh..." Panama answered without saying anything. Panama naturally would not refute the words of the priest on the spot, but he was sneering in his heart. When it was really time to fight, it was not easy for the old man to get rid of his relationship with himself. If he did not retreat, he would naturally be at peace. Once He retreated, and Panama also had a way to deal with him.

"Your Excellency...we?" Now that Jing Chen has left, one of Panama's men asked.

"Cup!" Panama replied with a gloomy face.

As his voice fell, the group set out again and chased down in the direction where Jing Chen and Rios left.

Shortly after the departure of Panama and his party left, the ruins trembled slightly. After a long time, a small version of a strong man who looked like an alien leader came out of the ruins, looked around warily and muttered, "For good to hide in time. The old man's means are really horrible, and he actually connected. The secret method of the domain can be used, but unfortunately, my subordinates..." With a sigh, the body of this alien strongman, who had shrunk countless times, flashed and quickly flew to somewhere.