Dragon God War Song

Chapter 33 Your Royal Prince

"Quick! Go and greet me!" Just when the front-line commander scratched his head the most, his immediate superior was also the most favored powerful minister of the Holy Spirit Empire. Prince Lingxiao, the uncle of Emperor Lingyun, came. How dare a front-line commander not to receive him immediately?

But before he could get out of the big tent, Ling Xiao had already come in with a watery face. When he saw a hurried front-line commander, Ling Xiao let out a cold hum in his nose. On the way here, he had heard that the war here had changed. Otherwise, how could he, as the current marshal of the Holy Spirit Empire, come here in a hurry? He But it's very busy.


At this moment, everyone in the big account lowered their heads. No one dares to touch the current powerful prince's moldy head at this time. Of course, many people are laughing secretly. Most of these people are garrison officers in various cities. They don't want to come here, but these people didn't do it with Lingyun Emperor's order. Law. And whether it is Ling Yun or Prince Lingxiao, who was originally only responsible for the safety of the imperial capital, the deterrent power of the heads of these places is far less than that of Marshal Perry. Most of them came here with the intention of watching the hustle and mixed military achievements.

"Humph!" Ling Xiao snorted coldly, and his cold eyes fell on the front-line commander-in-chief. He asked in a low voice, "Baton crown, tell me if the current situation is very bad for us?" For the position of General Barton Krone as the commander-in-chief of the front line, it was initially a helpless move after discussion between Ling Xiao and Ling Yun.

Most of the main military strength of the empire is concentrated on the front line of the Warcraft Mountains. Now Marshal Perry is sitting there. With the prestige of Ling Yun, the newly ascended emperor, it is impossible to take down Perry's military power, so now there are not many generals that the Holy Spirit Empire can call for Ling Yun. Not only that, most of these generals are garrison officers in various cities. Not only have they not experienced any large-scale battles, but they, who are used to being local emperors, do not care much about Ling Yun. What's more, these people are at the same level, and they can't let anyone control whom.

At this time, Ling Xiao found the Patton crown arranged back by Perry. After several contacts, Ling Yun and Ling Xiao, a pair of uncles and nephews, decided to use the general who had worked under Marshal Perry for many years to lead the team here. After all, Patton crown and Perry had fought some tough battles, which would only be local emperors in various places. The emperor's garrison is much stronger.

"Big...Your Excellency, listen to my explanation, in fact, the situation is not very bad..." Patton Crown said hard. He doubted that at this moment, nearly 100,000 people on the front line were destroyed. Will the prince of the empire kill him on the spot?

"Oh?" Ling Xiao took a look at the Patton crown standing below. Although he knew that the situation on the front line was very unfavorable to the Holy Spirit Empire, Ling Xiao did not get any report on the specific extent. It was also for this reason that Ling Xiaocai hurried to the front line and was ready to ask Patton Kroon what was going on.

After listening to Patton Crown's words, the worry in Prince Lingxiao's heart also calmed down a little. For example, Ling Xiao's face also looked much better.

"Say, what's going on on the front line?" The mood was not as nervous as just now, and Ling Xiao's tone was much calmer. But it was found that Ling Xiao actually believed in the Batton crown, but the people below did not expose the lies of the Batton crown. After all, these things have little to do with them. Even if the people on the front line are dead, they can still be their own garrison officers when they go back.

"Yes... it's like this..." Patton Krone stammered. Although he also lowered his head, his eyes kept turning. At this moment, General Patton Krone's heart was thinking about how to muddle through.

"Bang bang bang..." A burst of footsteps suddenly sounded from outside the big tent. Patton crown, who was thinking about how to make up lies, was shocked and secretly shouted in his heart that it was not good. Although he did not know who was the person who was about to break into the big tent, listening to the footsteps was probably a famous soldier. Once this came, it was a front-line message. The messenger, then his lie was immediately exposed. In that case... Patton Krone didn't dare to think about it.

"Report...Report! General Patton Krone..."

The person who came was indeed a messenger, but before he continued, Patton crown's body suddenly moved. When no one reacted, Patton crown had come to the messenger's side and scolded, "What is not long-sighted, I didn't see Your Highness Ling Xiao like this, and he broke in so directly. Do you want to die?" With that, he waved his palm out and slapped directly on the head of the messenger.

This messenger is just an ordinary soldier. At most, he only runs relatively fast. It is difficult to flash the blow of a strong man as Patton Krone. When he saw that the untimely messenger was about to die under Patton Kron, a figure quickly saved the messenger from Patton Krone like lightning.

This figure is so fast, not to mention the Patton crown, no one in the big account can see it clearly. This figure is so that it robbed the messenger in the hands of the Patton crown.

"Bum!" The man who saved the messenger threw him to the ground and patted his hands gently, as if he disliked the dirty body of many parties. At this time, the people in the tent could see who saved the messenger. This person was a servant who was originally standing behind Ling Xiao. The man looked very ordinary, and there was no energy fluctuation on his body. Everyone They all thought that it was just Ling Xiao's follower. At this moment, it seems that this is also an extremely powerful strong man. In fact, his power is at least much stronger than the Batton crown.

"Baton crown, although it's not right for him to rush into the big account, I'm afraid it's a little too much for you to do this to him? The military law of the Holy Spirit Empire clearly stipulates that the messengers can break through the account to report the military situation in an emergency. Don't you know? The strong man who saved the messenger was obviously the intention of Prince Lingxiao.

"Your Highness, I'm just..." Patton Crown was about to explain, but His Royal Highness Ling Xiao, the prince of the empire, waved his hand and said, "You don't have to explain it to me. Listen to what he wants to say first." With that, he turned his head and looked at the messenger sitting on the ground, who was still surprised, and said slowly, "Speaking, what important military situation do you need to report? If not... military law disposal!"

"Yes!" The guards standing under the account answered in unison.

"Your Highness, the ten legions on my front line have now collapsed!" The messenger said while wiping his face and didn't know whether it was sweat, blood, or tears.

"Crash? The whole line collapsed?" After listening to the words of the messenger, the high Prince Ling Xiao was also stunned. He really went to the battlefield. In the early years, he even went on an expedition with Marshal Perry. Of course, Ling Xiao understood what collapsing meant, but he really couldn't believe that more than 100,000 troops collapsed at the first siege? Is it the legend that the two ancient remnants have joined the battle?

Retolding this, Ling Xiao hurriedly asked, "Did the two ancient survivors participate in the battle?" What about our strong man? Why didn't they take action?" As Anna and Yue Ran expected, there are a group of strong men hidden in the army of the Holy Spirit Empire. These strong people are not only super strong, but also have many weapons bought by Ling Yun from the Jingge Alliance at a high price. Although these weapons are not enough to deal with the seven-level or even higher strong, they are more than enough to deal with the six-level strong.

"It's too much. The city of Nagama suddenly sent out five or six thousand strong people, of which the worst ones are above level six, and they came too suddenly. Most of our strong people were killed before they could perform, and the rest fled." It seemed to recall the horrible scene, and the messenger's face also showed a strong fear.

"Five or six thousand?" Hearing this number, not only Ling Xiao, but also those city guards who originally lowered their heads felt their legs trembling. Many of them knew some internal conditions. There were more than 800 strong men in the Holy Spirit army sent this time. The strength of these strong men was above level 6, which is already the current Ling Yun and Ling. All the strong men that Xiao can mobilize, even the current imperial palace, only a few strong men are responsible for protecting Ling Yun, and the rest have been mobilized.

Such a strong army is the reason why these garrison officers are willing to come to Gama, because in their opinion, with these strong men, it is definitely a mixed military merit to come here. But at this moment, everyone was dumbfounded to hear that those strong men died and fled.