Dragon God War Song

Chapter 25 Time and Space Wonderland

At this moment, the giant hand in the whole space seems to be the center, and everything seems to be in that giant hand.

Jing Chen, who was originally standing quietly in his magic array, suddenly tightened, and a feeling of tear suddenly appeared. At this moment, Jing Chen only felt a feeling of being torn in his body. Looking at the bright ball of light held by the giant hand, Jing Chen's face began to change.


At the same time, the bright light ball was suddenly smashed by the giant hand, and the endless bright light splashed out in an instant. Whether it was Jing Chen's magic array or the whole hall, it became dreamy, as if everything was a virtual shadow. Jing Chen suddenly felt that even his body did not seem to be his own. A feeling of suffocation came to Jing Chen's mind, which even affected Jing Chen's mind.

"No, I got it!" At this moment, if Jing Chen doesn't know that he has fallen into the trap of the other party, then Jing Chen's experience over the years is really in vain. Unfortunately, even if Jing Chen knows the situation at this moment, he can't change anything, because the strong sense of suffocation has made Jing Chen's body unconscious.

"Alas... poor human, you are so confident." Looking at Jing Chen, who was struggling in the silver light, the master of time and space sighed kindly. The compassionate appearance was like a god who selflessly saved the sufferings of mortals but did not ask for anything in return, but the cold smile flashed in his eyes destroyed his compassionate image. Obviously, the master of time and space did not It's just pretending.


Jingchen, who was bound in the bright light and shadow, tried his best to drive all the energy in his body. The complex arrays shot out of Jingchen's body and kept bombarding the endless bright light, and the bright light also produced a slight tremor under the tenacious resistance of Jing Chen, as if it was about to collapse.

"Open it for me!" Jing Chen suddenly shouted fiercely. The bright silver light that had firmly controlled Jing Chen's body that made it unable to move suddenly darkened. Although the split reaction of the master of time and space was also extremely fast, he injected infinite divine power into the bright silver light. Unfortunately, Jing Chen would not make the same mistake twice after all, and only saw Jing Chen's figure. As soon as he moved, he swept to the opposite place where the master of time and space was located, and instantly distanced himself from the master of time and space.

"Fortunately, the strength of the Lord of the Sky did not reach the intermediate mansion at this time, otherwise I would be really in danger this time." Just now, Jing Chen was careless. Originally, Jing Chen thought that since the Lord of Time and Space was famous for his strength in close combat, his long-range battle should not be his strength, but what Jing Chen didn't expect was that even the split of the Lord of Time and Space, who was not good at long-range attacks, could have such a powerful means for long-distance combat. If it hadn't been Jing Chen. The reaction is fast, and the master of time and space is too complacent. I'm afraid that the result now is not that Jing Chen is safe and sound.

When Jing Chen was surprised by the means of the master of time and space and stared at the master of time and space from afar, the master of time and space was really shocked by Jing Chen. In any case, he did not expect that the human in front of him could really avoid his powerful blow. According to normal means, the master of time and space should have just now. Close to Jingchen, and then give Jingchen the gift of time. But under Jingchen's repeatedly squeezing, he was completely angry as the master of time and space of the mansion. He even wanted to kill Jing Chen.

Although this is contrary to the rules left by the Lord of Time and Space, he is after all a split of the Lord of Time and Space. Although that rule has a certain restrictive effect on him, this restriction is not very large, and he did so to take back the artifact that was taken away by Jing Chen. Even the rules left by the Lord of Time and Space can't do anything to him.

What the Lord of Time and Space didn't expect is that this human escaped, escaped the shackles of his own divine power, and escaped his own fatal blow. Such a tricky mortal, not to mention that the Lord of Time and Space has never seen it. I'm afraid that even if he tells his master the Lord of Time and Space, the Lord of Time and Space will not believe that there will be such a powerful person. Class.

Looking at the human beings staring at him in the distance, the Lord of Time and Space can't help thinking, is this really just a mortal in front of him? Can mortals really achieve such arrogity? Unfortunately, no one can answer his question.

"It's really insightful for me to play tricks on me as a mortal, but it's a pity that you didn't get what you wanted." Jing Chen's face was extremely calm at this moment. If it weren't for the life power that kept stirring from his body, he looked like chatting with people, saying that the life power that stirred around Jing Chen's body was obviously not as strong as just now, but this faint green light gave people an endless source. Sense.

In the battle just now, the divine power of life in Jing Chen's body has almost been exhausted. At this moment, Jing Chen is using the divine power borrowed from the tree of the world. Although this divine power is not as strong as the divine power in Jing Chen's body, it is definitely much more powerful than other forces for Jing Chen.

"Human beings, I have to admit that you are indeed very strong. Among the so many challengers I have encountered, you are the first strong person to force me to use all my strength. You are honored enough, even if you die." At the moment when the word death fell, the whole temple trembled. Not to mention the whole temple, in Jing Chen's perception, the space where he and the Lord of the Sky was located began to tremble. What surprised and puzzled Jing Chen most was that this tremor also affected Jing Chen's soul and divine character, even the god of Rahill. Ge Du was not spared.

At this moment, the split of the Lord of Time and Space is so powerful that the space where the whole temple is located will tremble because of his breath and throb because of his hands and feet. Countless fragments of space and time keep stirring between him and Jing Chen. If such a scene appears in the original continent, Jing Chen fully believes that this is It is the end of the world.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Countless fragments of space and time could not withstand this terrible pressure and broke up one after another, while the face of the master of time and space became extremely calm, and even a trace of expression did not appear. He looked at Jing Chen so indifferently, as if there was an intriguing smile on his face.


At the moment when Jing Chen saw the smile on the face of the Lord of Time and Space, the whole space suddenly made a roar. At the moment when the roar sounded, the whole space collapsed, and the first one to break was the temple, which carried the separation of Jing Chen and the Lord of Time and Space. At the moment when the space collapsed, it completely turned into Nothingness, and the separation of Jing Chen and the Lord of Time and Space seems to fall into the endless whirlpool. Jing Chen can clearly feel a huge pulling force constantly dragging his body in.

"Haha... Human beings, you don't know that not only time and space, but also eternal existence. When time and space break together, as long as you are not as strong as me, you will die. Of course, I will also die with you, but in the temple, it will A brand-new me will appear, but there will be no more you!" In the end, a ferocious face of the split of the Lord of Time and Space showed a trace of ferociousness, killing the provocation and injuring his human beings, and he was even willing to die with it.

"Uh..." Jing Chen didn't expect that at this time, the split of the Lord of Kong hated himself so much that he didn't even hesitate to die with him. Although such a result would not cause Jing Chen to really fall, Jing Chen didn't want to fall like this.

"There must be a way to get out of here, there must be!" Jing Chen roared in his heart. Although the split of the Lord of Kong at this time has an intermediate god, through this battle, Jing Chen clearly found that he does not have the strength of the intermediate god's mansion. Of course, this may be that for a long time, part of the strength of the split of the Lord of Time and Space has been consumed by countless strong men, which may also be other reasons. According to reason, the strength is even The summoned devouring god Kesu is not as good as the master of time and space. It is impossible to have such a powerful attack method.

Whether it is a mansion or a mortal, powerful means need to be supported by powerful energy. At this moment, it is obviously impossible for the Lord of Time and Space to have such a huge energy to support this absolutely low-end terrorist attack in the magic skill.

"Fantasy! It should be a fantasy!" Just as Jing Chen kept struggling, he suddenly found a smile of conspiracy that flashed in the eyes of the Lord of Time and Space. This was not a manifestation of the person who died with his opponent at all. At this moment, Jing Chen suddenly remembered that in Rahir's memory, although the most powerful of the Lord of Time and Space was melee ability, he exerted The means of illusion are also unique, especially the fantasy laid by the two forces of space and time, which even forced many gods to fall.

You should know that even in that period when the ancient gods coexisted, it was rare to kill a main god. Even some supreme gods did not really slaughter the main god, and the lord of time and space had killed two main gods, which directly caused it to be killed by the creator god and the ancient gods.