Dragon God War Song

Chapter 26 Half-Month Growth

Jingchen and his group are not in a hurry to rush to the ladder. According to Sayata, there are many people who can step on the ladder, but they can go to the end, and even have the hope to enter the team in the area where Jing Chen once entered. It can't be said that there is no, but there will not be too many in every God's Backbone Competition. So collecting the brands of other strong people has also become the key to winning in the end.

Of course, Sayata did not start to attack other contestants unscrupulously because he learned that Jingchen had a powerful plant beast. When he met a powerful opponent, unless the other party provoked or sneaked, Sayata would never take the initiative to attack, so half a month later, the few people fought for less than ten. However, most of the battles are not difficult. Sometimes you don't even need all the people to participate in the battle, so you can easily win.

But in the past half month, there have been two extremely dangerous battles. They were all teams with similar strength to Jing Chen and others. Once, there was even a team with a five-level peak strongman. When dealing with these two teams, several people were injured to varying degrees. In the end, Jing Chen took action and was not kicked out in advance. Competition.

"For goodly, there is Boss Chenjing in our team. This backbone of God is too fucking exciting. I haven't had this kind of battle for a long time... Ouch... Linger girl, be gentle, I didn't offend you, did I?" The originally excited rock's eyes stared and said to Leng Linger, who was dressing the wound on his arm.

The rock in battle is more like a berserker than a swordsman. The elegance and lightness of most swordsmen can't be seen on the rock at all. Every time they fight, the rock always waves the giant sword in his hand to charge forward. Many people who fight with Jing Chen and others will regard this big man who looks like a barbarian as a strong mad warrior. .

"Ter, say! Let you say it! I think you still have a light pain. If Chenjing hadn't saved you, you wouldn't know how many times you would have died. It's really careless. Leng Linger bit her silver teeth slightly and said viciously.

Leng Linger patted the rock's wound, which caused a burst of pain from the rock and said, "Well, pay attention next time. No one can always save you, especially when you are alone. Learn to use your brain to fight."

The rock that patted his buttocks and stood up exaggeratedly said to Jingchen, "Indeed, Boss Chenjing, I love you so much." Looking at him, it seemed that he was going to jump on Jing Chen. However, the rock only dared to say that he did not really jump on it. You know, after the rock really jumped on it once, it was blown away by the vines emerging from Jing Chen, leaving no emotion at all. Although the rock was not hurt, he remembered the pain. Deep.

"Linger is right, Rock. Although you have a good defense, and you can suppress the enemy with attack, and you can really attack as defense. However, you must understand that no one can stand behind you all the time. If you fall down in the enemy's calculation, you can only add trouble to your teammates." Sayata also said with a serious face. As the captain, although Sayata is happy that there is a strong man like Jing Chen in the team, what he prefers to do is to let his teammates not rely too much on Jing Chen.

Anyway, Jing Chen's strength is only the peak of level four, but the means are extremely amazing. Even if the demon hunting team where Sayata is located has been established for so many years, there is no such master, so he wants the rock to learn to take care of himself in the battle.

Jing Chen has been sitting next to him and listening to the conversation of several people calmly. For Jing Chen, it's not a big deal whether he takes action or not. Even if the other five people don't need to take action, Jing Chen can clean up all the teams here. However, Jing Chen did not do that. Every time Jing Chen took action, it was at the most critical time. If Sayata and others were just not seriously injured, Jing Chen would not take action. Just like Rock this time, Jing Chen was just doing what a healer should do from beginning to end, but he did not take action.

"People, especially geniuses, should experience more setbacks. Only in setbacks can they clearly realize what should be understood." This is the idea that Jing Chen has always adhered to. Setbacks are not terrible things. No strong person, including Jing Chen himself, can not experience any setbacks in the process of growing up, but the real strong can overcome these setbacks and finally become stronger, and only the weak will be defeated by these setbacks. Even kill.

Although Jing Chen's idea has not been told to anyone, none of the people who can enter Zeus College and achieve such achievements are fools. With the passage of time, they may not have figured out the reasons and laws of Jing Chen's action at the beginning, but as the contact time is getting longer and longer, there are more and more battles. Of course, these people also know when Jing Chen will take action, so in the backbone of God, Jing Chen can keep them alive, but injury is inevitable.

If you don't want to suffer, there is nothing you can do. It is to rely on yourself, improve your strength, improve consciousness, and improve everything that can be improved, so that you can win in fighting with more powerful opponents.

"Big boss, is it time for us to climb the ladder? It's always meaningless here." The rock was a little helpless.

In the past half month, several people have met some powerful teams every day in the first ten days. Most of them have avoided it, but in the past five or six days, a group of six people have only met five strong teams. One of them, that is, has just met this, and has been cleaned up by Jing Chen and others. It seems that it has been After many teams stepped on the ladder, they will not move here.

"In the last battle, we will climb the ladder after the fight." Sayata Road.

"Good!" There was a glow of excitement in the eyes of the rock.

Not only the rock, but also others answered one after another. For these people, only fighting with people of the same level can they be improved. In that kind of life and death battle, it is most likely to stimulate people's potential, so as to improve their own strength, and always deal with some opponents who are not as strong as their own, in addition to being able to get some brands. In addition, it doesn't make much sense for the improvement of the strength of several people.

Although it is difficult for a team in this area to compete with Jing Chen and others, they are still carefully looking for the enemies of the last battle. However, it took less than half a day to determine the target.

Near noon, a kilometer away from Jingchen and others, seven strong men in turquoise clothes sat on the ground. In the middle of where they sat, there was a small fire. The fire was roasting fragrant warcraft meat. The sound of "sss" spread far away. Obviously, those barbecues were almost ready.

Generally, those who come to participate in the Backbone of God Competition, except for Zeus College and a few colleges that do not require students to dress uniformly, other colleges require students who come to participate in the competition to dress uniformly. The advantage of this is that they can distinguish between enemies and friends, and there are fewer teams participating in the competition. If If they kill each other, it is obviously not in the interests of the college. However, if the students belonging to the same college wear the same uniform and are still fighting, it is definitely a joke for others.

"Captain, this meat is roasted. You can taste it. It's absolutely delicious." One of the seven handsome men handed a piece of thigh meat to the woman beside him. The fragrant smell could definitely make people's forefinger move. However, the cold woman seemed to not see it at all. She reached out and took a piece of breast meat from the simple barbecue grill and ate it by herself. I didn't pay attention to the handsome man at all.

"Uh..." Seeing that the woman ignored herself, the handsome man's face changed slightly, and a trace of imperceptible coldness suddenly flashed in his eyes. You know, the man's talent was revealed at a very young age, so the family attached great importance to him, and the influence of his family was also very great, and She belongs to the same country as this cold-faced woman, so the two families have been married to these two since childhood, but who would have thought that after this woman grew up, she would look down on this man who was weaker than her at all, and even disagreed with the arrangement of the family.

However, the man was also disappointing. He was bumped into by a woman more than once when he flirted with other girls in the college, which strengthened the woman's disdain for him, and what made the handsome man most unswerving was that once, a woman and the parents of two families blocked him with a woman in the college in ** It's good to be a fool. Even the elders of the handsome man's family are embarrassed to refuse the other party's request to cancel the marriage.

Of course, as the two families of the same empire, marriage does not mean that it can be retreated. The two families need to be carefully considered, and the time limit is that after the end of this God's Backbone Competition, the senior management of the handsome man's family also gave him a death order. If he can't win the heart of a woman in this competition, then He was dismissed from inheriting the qualification of the head of the family, so the man naturally flattered the woman everywhere.