Dragon God War Song

Chapter 39 The Secret Treasure of the Temple

At this moment, only the sand demon patriarch is left in this room with a huge magic screen, and the sand demon who has been responsible for monitoring the magic screen. Their eyes are closely at the huge magic screen. At this moment, there are not only five green dots, one red dot, but also five yellow light spots, these five yellow lights. The light spots naturally represent the five elders of the sand demon clan.

"The patriarch, you said that the elders can..." With this monitoring of the relationship between the sand demons and the sand demon patriarch, he dares to ask this when there is no outsider. Of course, even if he asks, he is not sure whether the sand demon patriarch will give him a definite answer, but he is really too Curious, you should know that even the sand demons with such strength as him have never walked in this huge building.

In the Shamo clan, except for the patriarch and several powerful elders, no one knows why they must stay in a specific area and cannot enter other places of the building. The Shamo patriarch and those elders have not explained to them, and no one of them dared to ask.

But unlike those ordinary people, at this moment, the sand demon who is responsible for monitoring still knows some inside stories. Just because he knows some insides, he is not sure whether these elders who entered the building to capture human beings can come back intact.

"May the Sand Demon God bless them." Obviously, the sand demon patriarch has no confidence in whether the elders can come back successfully. After all, although he does not know that the strong human beings are not affected by the space cracks in the world, their sand demon clan is absolutely affected, and those human strong people can leave safely, but the sand demon clan can't, so including him Inside, all the strong people of the sand demon clan have a consensus that this space is not friendly to the sand demon clan.

"Uh..." The desert clan didn't expect that the patriarch would come up with such an answer. For a moment, even he didn't know whether he should continue to ask. He could only silently look at the huge magic curtain. Although he didn't really understand why he wanted to catch the human strong, he was still silent in his heart. The elders and others prayed.

"They are about to come into contact." Looking at the yellow and green light spots on the magic screen, there is a light spot that is about to come together. Obviously, an elder of the sand demon clan is about to come into contact with the human strongman. However, whether it is the human strongman or the sand demon strongman, it is impossible to know that he will meet each other at the next intersection, and only Only the head of the Shamo clan and the confidant beside him did he know, because once he left here, he could not know the situation in other parts of the building.

And this magic light curtain is not made by the strong sand demons, but something that they had when they came here, but they can mark the light spots inside in some special ways. Of course, even the sand demons don't know why this magic light curtain can spy on the whole building. The principle of Xiao.


"What is this place? Although it doesn't look special, the space here is extremely unstable. How can it be like this?" The more he walked, the more Jing Chen felt that the building in front of him was extraordinary. It was so special that it was completely different from the place he went to. This was simply a huge labyrinth. Even with Jing Chen's strong memory, it was impossible to return the same way.

"And why do these words look familiar?" Looking at the strange words on the broken walls, Jing Chen feels familiar, but Jing Chen is sure that he has never seen this kind of words.

Since he didn't see it with his own eyes, the reason why Jing Chen can find it is related to the memory of Lahir or Tyran. At this moment, he has integrated two powerful memories. Naturally, he will be familiar with the things involved in their memories, even if those things are not what they have really seen.

As he recalled, Jing Chen couldn't help stretching out his hand to touch the seemingly strange-looking words.

"God text! Is this the word of God? At the moment when he touched those words, Jing Chen finally knew what these words were. These words were the words of the ancient coexistence of the gods. They were the words belonging to the mansions. This kind of words are different from the franca of the original continent or other racial characters. The difference between these divine words is that, Any divine mansion, or a person with a divine character, can know the meaning of the words as long as they touch these words, or perceive these words with divine consciousness.

"I didn't expect that this is the temple of the main god." After a long time, Jing Chen has understood the meaning of the words of those gods. It turns out that this is a temple of the main god-level mansion, a temple built in the world under its control. So Jingchen also understands the reason why this temple is so big, because the temple itself is not seen by manpower, but It is condensed directly with divine power.

"No! If it is really built in the temple in the world of the Lord God, why is it so badly damaged? Is it... the Lord God has fallen? Jing Chen's body suddenly shook. At this moment, he finally figured out why the temple was so badly damaged. At first, Jing Chen thought that the temple collapsed just because of geological changes and other reasons, but now it seems that the truth is far from as simple as Jingchen thought. The reason why this temple became like this is because The mansion fell.

"It's really... incredible to have such a big temple in the world of the fallen mansion." Jing Chen can't find any other words to describe his mood at this moment. Generally speaking, no matter what level of the mansion is, unless his world has evolved into a perfect world like the Lord of the Sky at that time, it will definitely die because of the fall of the mansion.

However, this temple is different. Although the main god who built the temple has fallen for countless years, the temple is still there. There are only two possibilities. One is that the world built by the main god is still there, and the other is something in it, so that the temple will not be crushed by the power of space.

"Treasures?" Looking at this huge temple, the only possibility Jing Chen can think of is that there is some kind of treasure in this temple, and this treasure is definitely a very powerful thing, otherwise it is impossible to support the whole temple from being destroyed by the power of space.


As if to verify the speculation in Jing Chen's heart, a huge roar sounded from the depths of the temple, and then the whole temple trembled violently. Jing Chen could clearly see that the dust in the surrounding walls was falling. At this moment, the whole temple seemed to be about to break up.


"Treasures? There is a treasure here!" Adams suddenly roared excitedly. Just now, there was a terrible shock in the whole huge building. Originally, Adams thought that someone was playing somewhere would cause such a terrible shock. However, when the shock subsided, a series of consciousness that he did not know the source but could understand the meaning was like his mind, and this The only message in the string consciousness is that a treasure is about to be born.

Although Adams is also the elite of his college, he is also regarded as a once-in-a-lifetime genius in his family. He can enjoy a large number of resources for cultivation and has a good magic weapon. These are envied and even jealous of others elsewhere, but Adams feels that these are not enough. He needs More, more resources, better weapons and treasures, because he is a genius.

Unfortunately, for the family where Adams works, genius is just a genius. Although genius has a much greater chance to grow into a strong man than ordinary people, and the senior management of the family is also willing to pay some price to train Adams, but the price will never be too big, because Adams is not the kind of pan-continental genius, even Even in an empire, you can find a genius with a talent comparable to it.

However, when a genius grows into a real strong man, the road he needs to walk is definitely not smooth. Even if it is easier than others, it is only slightly easier. It still needs to make a lot of efforts and experience countless tests of life and death, only real efforts and go through those tests. Only a genius can become a strong man.

However, to become a top strong man, it also requires a certain level of understanding. Therefore, from a genius to a top strong man, the road in the middle is too long. It is impossible for each family to devote itself to just a trace of signs. In that case, even an empire can't afford the cost of a few geniuses.

That's why it's extremely difficult for the top strong to achieve, and a genius like Adams doesn't get too many resources, so Adams is eager to get more resources. At this moment, it is reasonable for Adams to covet treasures here.