Dragon God War Song

Chapter 23 Forced Convocation

"I didn't expect that the spirit to be so powerful. It seems that the horrible means in ancient times are really chilling." Walking casually on the second floor of the polar tower, Jing Chen still remembered the scene he saw yesterday. The horrible weapon was just a face-to-face, and he cleaned up the Zhoumu Shuangjie and the Black Shajun team together. Such a horrible means were not comparable to Jing Chen.

What's more, Jing Chen, who has the memory of Rahill and Terion, naturally knows that this means of using the soul to refine the spirit is a very extreme means even in ancient times. Not to mention mortals, even those primary and intermediate mansions may be assimilated by the resentment of such spirits, and finally become a person who only knows how to kill. Jing Chen doesn't think that he is now comparable to those intermediate mansions in ancient times. It is an era of coexistence of gods, far from being as calm as it is now.

"It seems that the spirit will definitely bring a lot of losses to both sides this time." There are not many ideas about this Jingchen, and he will not be stupid enough to remind others to be careful of the spirit. After all, this is inside the extreme tower. Although the military strictly prohibits killing in the same camp, this is only a ban. Dead people can't expose it. Anyway, even if someone is stupid enough to remind the latecomers to pay attention, they see this. How many people can resist the greed in their hearts? Self-Knowing that this kind of thing is not even as good as a fig leaf in the face of greed.

Jing Chen, who came to the second floor of the polar tower, will naturally not know that what he thought has indeed become a reality. Whether it is the Great World Kingdom or the Great World Kingdom, as long as he sees the strong man of the spirit, few people are really willing to leave. Over time, the two sides have naturally formed a lot of power. In this force, although the two sides are divided Ming, however, if there is no deep hatred in the sea of blood, the two sides are also extremely restrained, and every once in a while, there will be a group of strong people trying to subdue the spirit.

At the beginning, they naturally couldn't deal with the powerful artifacts, but these people also found one thing, that is, the artifacts did not have the ability to chase them, but could only stop in place, and the attack methods of the weapons were also very simple. There were only a few ways tossed and turned, even these methods were given to this at the beginning. Some people have brought a lot of trouble, but over time, it is nothing.

Finally, one day, the two sides sent an extremely strong lineup, including the god-level strong, to take down this weapon that has been consumed more than half. Of course, after taking this weapon, the two sides could not avoid a fight. In the end, it ended with the fall of more than a dozen holy and hundreds of honorable strongmen. As for the mortal level in this process. How many strong people have died, but no number of people have to come.

Of course, these are all the afterths. It's nothing for Jing Chen, but at this moment, Jing Chen is facing a decision that makes him scratch his head a little.

After more than ten days of hard work, Jing Chen finally found the place where the second floor of the polar tower leads to the third floor, but this place is not as peaceful as Jing Chen thought, because it has become a battlefield, a place where the strong people of the Great World and the Great Zhou Kingdom are fighting, not to mention that there are several high-level strong people like Jing Chen. Ten, even there are several holy-level strong men. It is absolutely rare to fight on such a scale.

After all, in such a vast place, even Jingchen's speed has to walk for more than ten days to find the intersection to the next floor, not to mention other strong people, and so many people gathered here is obviously not a matter of a day or two. Looking at the situation, it seems that both sides There is a plan to fight a protracted war, and some people are even calling for friends to strengthen their own strength.

In fact, both sides of the war know that no matter which side has a character who is enough to change the war situation, the situation of this confrontation will be broken. Unfortunately, this polar tower is not an ordinary place. Even the god-level strongman does not dare to fly at will, so if this heavyweight wants to get here, both sides need a Some time, and the current situation is that both sides are waiting for the arrival of their own big shots, so although there are people fighting here every day, it is not particularly fierce.

Seeing that the two sides did not mean to stop, Jing Chen frowned and wanted to leave here. Jingchen has no good impression on the two countries in the world. In this case, it is impossible for Jing Chen to help anyone, so leaving is the best choice at this moment, and the passage from each floor to the lower level is not It's one. At worst, go to the next channel. Why do you have to stay here?

Captain! It's a coincidence that you are also here. Just as Jing Chen was about to turn around and leave, looking for other channels to enter the third floor, the voice of Sabah, one of the deputy captains of Jingchen, the team, suddenly sounded.

Hearing this sound, Jing Chen couldn't help but be stunned and was ready to ignore it and fly away directly. After all, even members of his own team in the tower could completely ignore it. However, when Jing Chen was about to fly up and leave quickly, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

"The soldiers of the Daewoo Kingdom in front are from our Yumu Battalion, right? I'm the captain of the third brigade of Yumu Battalion. Now I'm looking for you to assist in defense. Please come here as soon as possible, otherwise the military law will deal with it." As this cold voice fell, Jing Chen clearly felt that a very strong holy strong man suddenly locked himself. If he was not recognized by Sabah, it would not matter if he disobeyed the order of the captain of the third brigade of Yumu Camp, but since he was recognized, this was troublesome.

According to the provisions of the military regulations of Daewoo, if there is a special situation of fighting between the two sides in the polar tower, the officers directly subordinates can forcibly recruit lower officers or soldiers. If they do not obey the dispatch, they will be dealt with according to the disobeying military orders. Of course, if there are not many people in peacetime, they are even superior officers. It won't be forced to recruit subordinates. After all, the more people you bring, the greater the danger will be. But at this moment, it's different. It's good to have more people.

Although Jingchen can still leave completely regardless, after all, after this trip to the extreme tower, he will try his best to find a way to leave the world. However, if he has not found a way to leave at present, it is obviously not a good decision to offend the military, and Jingchen does not want to implicate the Aoki tribe. I joined the army in the Aoki tribe. Although he is a practitioner, he is also a new recruit of the Aoki tribe. If something goes wrong to him, the Aoki tribe may be implicated.

Jing Chen's reaction was so fast that he thought about this in an instant. He immediately turned around and walked towards the officer named him. Of course, Shaba, the deputy who should have been under him, was looking at Jing Chen with a smile. Obviously, the sound just now was the Sabah. If there is a plan, as for the plan, it is not known by others.

"Your Excellency." When he came to the officer, Jing Chen nodded slightly. When the cold-faced middle-aged officer saw Jing Chen returning to the team so simply, he did not have much doubt. He nodded to Jing Chen and said, "Don't worry, although it's a little dangerous here, my general of Daewoo will arrive soon. We just need to delay the other party, and then the general will be big. People will naturally destroy them when they arrive.

Jing Chen nodded with a wry smile in his heart. At this moment, it is time for both sides to fight. There is a peak strong man on that side, and the other side will be destroyed at all. In fact, everyone here knows this in their hearts. If they survive until their own strong man comes, the other party will naturally be the fate of destruction, and everyone can get it. A lot of military achievements. If the strong man of the other party arrives first, he can only send military achievements to the other party.

After appeased Jing Chen a few words, the captain of Yumuying left. As one of the top people here, if Jing Chen's direct subordinates had not been for Jing Chen, he would not have bothered much with Jing Chen at all. At this moment, seeing that the purpose he wanted to achieve had been achieved, naturally there was no need to stay, but he took When Sabah left, Sabah suddenly turned his head and looked at Jing Chen with extreme obscureness. His eyes seemed to have some special deep meaning, and Jing Chen couldn't help but be stunned.