Dragon God War Song

Chapter 37 Bottom Card

With the participation of the strong men of the Holy Magicians, the speed of the loss of the strong on the coalition side is visible to the naked eye. In some places, there is even a vacuum zone of the coalition strong, and with the members of the Holy Magic League constantly attacking, there are more and more vacuum zones for this kind of the strong men of the coalition, and there are even the coalition. The trend of the spread of auxiliary occupations in the rear.

You know, although auxiliary professionals can play a huge role in this level of war, they have almost no means of attack and defense. Even if they do, that means are not enough to deter, or even kill the strong people like the Holy Church, so these auxiliary professionals have already retreated. Thoughts.

Far away, there are several people standing in the air in this area, and they can't feel a trace of strong breath from them. If Jing Chen is here, he will find one of the acquaintances, the high priest of the Moon Temple, the only god-level strongman of the Moon Temple, who has also come here at this moment. Li.

These people standing in the sky seemed to be unaffected by gravity. They stood there so calmly. Everyone's face was so calm that they couldn't see what anyone was thinking.

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that the newly appointed Lord of the Holy Church is also a fierce person. I'm afraid this method is more fierce than the old guy at the beginning. He sent the Holy Magicians so quickly. The background of this Holy Church..." An old man in a light cyan magician's robe couldn't help but let out a while. There is a deep "tut" sound.

"Hey... The holy church is the holy church after all. This accumulation of tens of thousands of years is not comparable to anyone. Now even if the Tianzhen Hall and the Earth Watcher Temple are really in the same place with the Holy Church, it is not enough to look at." A strong man in a light cyan magician's robe said, his face was full of wrinkles, and the traces of these years were covered with his original face, but those bright eyes showed his strength.

"Tianzhen Hall? Temple of the Earth Watchman? If it were these two forces more than ten thousand years ago, they might still be able to challenge the Holy Church, but now... Let's talk about it. Who will win? The old man in green robe shook his head, and there was a look of sarcasm in his eyes. Obviously, he was not optimistic about the strength of the current Tianzhen Hall and the Earth Watcher Temple. The matter of the two major forces may be hidden from other strong men, but it is very difficult to hide their divine existence, so in the eyes of these people In the middle, those two major forces have already fallen.

"I'm still optimistic about the coalition army. Although there are many ways of the church, it's just the cards we know, which are equivalent to the cards of the two guilds, but don't forget that behind the coalition this time, there is their support." A deep voice came, and there was a strange coldness in it.

"It turns out that you are also optimistic about the coalition forces, so we think the same. Although this church is strong, I'm afraid that in the end, it will retreat from the barrier of God. Even if it is the barrier of God, it may be broken by them this time." There was a sound of gloating in the void.

"It's not true. Have you forgotten the scene that rises like a new star? It is still unknown how strong he is now. Maybe the horrible atmosphere some time ago was made by him. An indifferent voice suddenly sounded from the side, but the owner of the voice was a middle-aged man who was not good-looking.

"I have a different view from my husband. In my opinion, even if Jing Chen's strength is extremely strong, he can't turn the situation around this war. The Holy Church will be defeated. The best result is to be able to keep the barrier of God." The high priest beside him pondered for a while and said slowly.

Although the high priest saw Jing Chen's powerful means with his own eyes, Jing Chen at that time obviously used a power that did not belong to him. The real god-level strong man could completely drag Jing Chen's power to dissipate before attacking him. After only a few decades, the high priest did not think that Jingchen could become How horrible it is.

"I didn't expect that you are not optimistic about the church, but I still feel that the church will not be defeated so badly this time, and it can't even be defeated by the coalition of the two major guilds." The middle-aged man, who was not good-looking, laughed.

This battle between the Holy Church and the two guilds is a very extensive battle for the whole continent. Even these god-level strongmen have come one after another. They all want to see how the final victory or defeat is, and whether the forces they control have any interests to plan.

However, in order not to cause misunderstanding between the two sides, these god-level strong men are just watching from afar. With their strength, the space limit for them is already very weak. These god-level strong men can completely watch the changes of the whole battlefield as if they were immersive.

Of course, in addition to these god-level strong men, there are also many mythical strong men who have come here. These mythical strong men are not ordinary people, and some of their strength is even comparable to the weak god-level strong men. If not, they will not come here to watch the battle.

"Let's take action. If our two guilds hide their privacy again, I'm afraid this battle will be over."

After meditating for a long time, the president of the Alchemist Association finally said that he would send his own card of the guild at this moment. The president was not so willing. Unfortunately, if he did not send the card at this time, the coalition of the two guilds could get out of the ground. He also knew in his heart that Losa Jue Yes, the card that will not be arranged to enter the battlefield alone.

In fact, the two presidents know very well that even if the whole battle fails, they will not show their cards first when the other party does not play cards. Although this can be exposed to the immediate crisis, it leaves endless hidden dangers for the future development of their guild. This kind of stupid thing is for people like them. Old people will never do it.

"Good! Blood group, go to war!"

"Artificial God, go to war!"

The two presidents issued an order to attack the strongest regiment in their guild. The next moment, the two breaths of terror suddenly spread throughout the battlefield. Even those strong coalition forces who were ready to escape were so shocked by these two breaths that they did not dare to act rashly. They did not know that the source of these two breaths was holy. Tang's side is still their own side, but the price of rash action is definitely what they don't want to bear, so the whole battlefield actually stood still strangely.

"Is this the card of the two guilds? This powerful breath..." Where the gods were, the deep and cold voice sounded again. If you listen carefully, you can still hear a smell of greed in it. This sound is really chilling.

"Kill!" A voice with endless murderous spirit swept across the whole battlefield in an instant. Before these strong men joined the battle, all the strong men in the whole battlefield trembled.

"It seems that the two guilds can't help but take action." Joseph, standing on the top of the city, looked at the rear of the two guilds, and his face became more and more gloomy. Although this breath was nothing to Joseph, it had a great influence on the strong men under him.

"Humph!" A cold hum came from Joseph's mouth. Those strong men who were already in fear were suddenly awakened by this cold hum. Although they still trembled for the breath, it was not as strong as before.

"Holy Magicians, Purify!" The old man who stood next to Joseph and Arthur and was responsible for commanding these sacred magicians said in a low voice.

As his voice fell, the bright golden light suddenly rose. The golden light swept the whole battlefield in an instant, and even swept over the bodies of all the strong people in the temple. As long as it was swept by this golden light, the fear in the hearts of the strong people in the temple would disappear. Not only that, but even a stronger fighting spirit would rise in his chest. For these strong people who grow up by faith and hard work, divine power is their best tonic.

However, this purification technique not only dispels the fear and physical discomfort in the hearts of the strong men in the temple, but also dispels the magic of most of the auxiliary professionals on the strong men of the coalition, which is also another wonderful use of purification.