
Chapter 43 Kill

Several hormonkeys are like mysterious and strange ghosts. Their sharp eyes look disdainfully at the high shield wall built by Mengyang - in the eyes of the arrogant hor horses, this is just a manifestation of cowardice and cowardice, dare not fight with the enemy head-on, only the turtle huddled in the fortifications... Since they shoulder the title of 'warrior', there should be The spirit of the samurai, if only defends passively like this, even if it wins, it will only be defeated, and it will still be defeated by the word 'wu'!

The black cloud horse under the phern cavalry has only half of its legs until the horse's hoof is as white as snow. This kind of horse is more powerful than the ordinary 'God's feet'. The ordinary high cloud horse can still carry a heavy burdened warriors to rush wildly. This kind of better bloodline can only carry only wear The threed warrior with light armor swept across the battlefield like a gust of wind! Gao Yunma is known as the "foot of the gods", and this kind of "stepping on the snow" is known as the "god of the wind" in the grassland. A 'snow and high cloud' can be exchanged for 50 slaves on the grassland! Only a noble and unparalleled warrior as Hayabusa can be equipped with the same noble Xiongjun! The number of hooves is not large, only thousands of people, but each of them is a sharpshooter. It can only be seen from the 350-step arch and long shot hole through the back neck of the old knife scar! If you ride a horse, you will never miss it! This is the scariest place for them.

The bow among several thaya riders is also a hyperbolic reverse bend, but it is more than a foot longer than the unique hyperbolic reverse bend composite bow in Yining City. The bow arm made of cooked steel is more elastic than that of wood, and the end of the bow arm is ground into a blade, which is sharp. It can be used as a machete when held close to the body. The string of this bow is also much thicker and very tight. With the huge hyperbolic anti-curved bow body, the tension reaches a terrible 900 catties, so that the arrow shot will not float, and the penetration of three or four hundred steps is still amazing. But the right index finger and thumb bones of these phalan warriors who have trained to use such a powerful bow since childhood have been deformed, and even their spines have been crooked, but their combat effectiveness is still amazing!

This powerful bow is called 'Dragon Tongue', and it was even named by Mengyang people. Chi Nasi led the newly built magnificent horse and Falcon horse to kill directly into the erratic city. The whole Mengyang Dynasty was violently turbulent, and it took decades to recover! Since then, the two armies of Chi Nasi have been engraved in the hearts of the Mengyang people, riding vigorously and threw riding. The frightened Mengyang people called the sword of Chi Naisi's vigorously riding as 'killing the horse', and the bow of the hae as 'dragon tongue'.

After these two names were passed on to the grassland by Mengyang's businessmen, Zhuo Ligetu shouted: "Mengyang's lamb can actually take out a name with such a strong killing spirit. Unexpectedly, the vigorous horse and the phalan are the two arms of my god of war. In the future, the sword of the fierce horse will be called the horse, and the bow of the phalan is called the dragon tongue! Tell you, Emperor Anyang, I like his name very much, and next year's tribute can be reduced by 30%! Hahaha..."

These arrogant words of Zhuo Ligetu have been recorded by Chi Nasi's historians in the Biography of the Kings of the Extreme North, and can be seen until today a hundred years later.

With a 'whew' sound. A ringing arrow burst out over Mengyang's camp, and the arrow exploded in the air, emitting a dazzling white light. The ringing arrow exploded into a dazzling small sun in the night sky. The shield wall and wooden building under the arrow were exposed. The sharp eyes of the leader Samurai looked at the wooden buildings and muttered. Then he turned the horse's head, his thin side face faintly revealed the outline of the bones, and his deep concave eyes were deep and cold, saying, "Go back! The task assigned to us by the king has been completed, and the sheep who have explored Mengyang have covered three shield walls and 35 wooden buildings...!"

"Yes, Lord Alatancang!" Several threed warriors followed him to turn the horse's head and swept in the direction of the Chi Nasi army!

Alatancang is the leader of the thre, Suhe, the leader of the fierce horse. Saihan is a famous grassland general, and he only obeys the king's orders. The whole Hayabishi is the king's guard army. Usually, these ghost-like shooters may be shepherds, cattle herders, and horse herders, but after the king's edict is issued, they will take out the 'god of the wind' that they are reluctant to ride, take out the bright and perfectly maintained lock light armor, and pick up the dragon tongue of killing. The bow wears the falcon-shaped forehead symbolizing the glory of the grassland warrior, and his eyes are also gentle and honest, and his face is cold like an falcon - this is the falcon riding, which is more terrible than the magnificent riding!

Several riders flew through the heavy night and rushed to the wolves.

In Mengyang's camp, the whole Mengyang army boiled in the shocking explosion of the sound of arrows. The chiefs blew the horn to wake up the sleeping warriors. Nearly 100,000 warriors quickly put on armor and took knives, held bows and arrows and rushed to the shield wall and wooden building.

General Zhentian, who had not slept all night, looked gloomy. The imperial capital ordered himself to attack Chi Nasi on October 3rd to weaken the power of Shen Guohe and Chi Nasi's joint efforts, but now that Chi Nasi has attacked, a day in advance... If he hadn't arranged all these fortifications in advance, Mengyang would have been inevitable that he would have been killed. Embarrassment! After all, the wolf in the grassland lost its patience. They couldn't wait to bite Mengyang under the wolf's kiss... This is the second time that the erratic city has faced the impact of the iron horse since Zhuo Liget, the god of war a hundred years ago!

He and Ye Jiangqu stood on the tower of the south gate of the city. The torch outside the south gate were lit, and the night was like day! The misty fog of the city covered the hook moon and weighed down. It seemed that it was going to rain, and the general felt a little sultry, or the boiling of the whole army ignited his blood. He remembered that when the king was over half a hundred years old slashed his knife in the eastern suburbs of Yining City - would he meet that person again? The general was vaguely looking forward to it, but also a little lost. They are all heroes in troubled times, but how can different camps and different positions feel sorry for each other?

He killed Yuanhong, and Ye Mingshan thought resentfully. At that time, the king's voice was still clear: "Your son is very brave and did not humiliate the reputation of General Zhentian. He awakened another young king's determination to burn heaven and earth with his blood, and his death was worth it!" In the days when Ye Yuanhong fell, every time he thought of this, the general felt that the blood vessels on his forehead were jumping and almost exploded. He couldn't control the fury anger in his heart...

But the king finally saved him. Feng Zhongqiu wanted to shoot them together, but finally the king saved himself. I just think that the world will be much more lonely when you die. Is this what the king thinks? What kind of person is it? Calm like a full wolf, like a lion when slashing, such a man is in vain to walk in the world...

The general doesn't know whether he will kill him this time... Maybe he will be like the king, thinking that the whole world will be much more lonely if the other party dies... These are the heroes in troubled times!

The general pressed his hand on the Zhanlu sword, so that he could calm down. The moment he held the sword, he was a dead warrior, no different from the soldiers on the battlefield...

Suddenly, the general felt that the tower under his feet was trembling. In the thick night in front of him, there seemed to be thousands of giant elephants running on the earth, and the earth was trembling and breaking... A friction sound came through the night, like a giant moving joints, like a dragon biting teeth and chewing the bones of prey...< /P>

He waved his hand and ordered, "Let another ringing arrow!"

"Yes, the deputy of the general will pull out the horn bow from his waist, reach out to pull the lead in the front of the arrow, and quickly open the bow and build the arrow. The arrows swept into the sky with a sharp roar and burst into a small sun in the air, illuminating the unknown night ahead...

Under the bright light, there are several broken city cones several feet high, and there are higher rhino horns! Each huge thing is pulled by more than a dozen bulls, and hundreds of barbarian warriors are behind it to push it! These sharp weapons that destroyed the fortifications slowly approached the erratic city, and behind them were the more terrible King Chinasi and his heroic horses and ghost hor horses!

The broken city cone and the rhinoceros horn are all large-scale machine brackets. It took several generations of craftsmen to make this powerful machine. Only Shen Guo firmly mastered the manufacturing technology of this large-scale machine bracket. The broken city cone is more like a giant crossbow, but there is no *. A thick giant tree is hollowed with a built-in ejection device. The cone arrow is a large tree more than one meter thick, flattening the tree joints. The front part is fixed with a tapered arrow, and the cone arrow is shot out by the force of the machine bracket. After the cone arrow is connected by a tough iron rope, which can be pierced with one blow. The wall, and then a pair of barbs popped from the tail, stuck the bricks, and then the winch made the force to withdraw the iron cable. The wall will collapse under the strength of the machine! The rhinoceros horn rush only replaces the sharp cone arrow with a heavy, refined iron hammer like a giant rhinoceros horn. After one blow, it will not be taken back, and it will break through the wall with great strength!

It's just that the city-breaking cones and rhinoceros horns are only effective for ordinary small and medium-sized walls, and it's still not enough to look at such a wall as a few feet thick as the esoteric city. When the emperor ordered the construction of this huge city, he imposed strict requirements on the city wall in order to prevent people from breaking the wall with heavy machines, so this esoterate city is also known as the safest city.

Shen Guo lent the broken city cone and rhino horn to Chi Na Si in order to break the three shield walls of Mengyang. Otherwise, Chi Na Si's warriors could not approach the city gate. Back to a hundred years ago, Zhuo Ligetu did not have to take almost all the lives of the vigorous horses to enter the erratic city. In fact, there were only about 200 warriors who really followed Zhuo Lige to kill the city, but they all crawled out of the dead and survived against the bodies of their companions. They were brutal murderers! They slaughtered all the palace ministers, held the emperor's robe and put * on the emperor's neck to force him to sign a covenant of submission. Emperor Anyang even asked the eunuch to hide the glazed dragon robe symbolized by the emperor, so as not to be robbed by the Chinasi people. If so, the ancestor of the Wanyu clan will not let him go when Emperor Anyang dies...

And Zhuo Ligetu looked extremely calm in the face of the magnificent palace. He only ordered his warriors to grab as much as he could, and he was just wandering around the palace full of blood, as if he was enjoying the beautiful scenery. He took more than 40,000 vigorous horses all the way from the north, broke through the wall of the erratic city, and finally took nothing! It seems that I tried my best to enter the city just to prove my ability and courage! Even when she saw the beautiful queen, she just pulled out a piece of white silk and said to her, "If you don't want to become someone else's plaything, just break it yourself!"

The God of War of the grassland seems to be just to crush the nobleness of Mengyang people arrogantly and fiercely... Sprinkle a layer of blood on Mengyang's beautiful rivers and mountains, so that the copper smell of money in the market can be added to a strong smell of blood... Or, just use this means to commemorate themselves My dream is a trip to the city!

The king looked coldly at the high-rise buildings in the erratic city, ignoring the layers of shield walls and towering wooden buildings! He is another king under the city since Zhuo Ligetu a hundred years ago. He saw the magnificent star fall hall in the erratic city... Is that what his father often told him when he was a child that he could pick the star palace as long as he stretched out his hand? Now that I am 57 years old, I have finally seen it with my own eyes. My childhood dream has been hurriedly thought about. Now that I have realized my dream, I have spent nearly a long time...

The king felt blood hot. He took off the * next to the saddle and raised it over his head! The warriors around looked at him feverishly, watching the blazing flames gathered in his chest and shouting out the deepest desire in their hearts. They excitedly held the weapon in their hands more tightly, and the high clouds were excitedly digging their hoofs and hissing low...

The king finally shouted out the most anticipated and anticipated voice in the hearts of himself and the warriors--

