
Chapter 18 The Determination of the Night Stars

The big shaman did not devour the leg meat like the two children, but slowly tore the meat down from above along the texture and sent it to his mouth one by one. He looked at the fire with dark eyes and said, "You and Shen Fan are going to live. Shen Fanshuang will be my student in the future, but I have nothing to teach you! You have your own strength. You don't need me to teach you anything. At most, let a few generals teach you something between life and death. Because you will go to the battlefield in the future--

"I know, what I need is time! I'm just too small. When all my strength is awakened, the whole world will shake me. I am the god walking in the clouds. What I lack is just time!" Ye Xingchen said calmly.

The big shaman looked up at the child. It turned out that he knew what kind of existence he was. I thought that I had to wait for the child to grow up before telling him the truth little by little. It seems that someone took care of these things for him before... The big shaman suddenly couldn't help shivering. Maybe he is not the power of the child, but also a pair of red eyes secretly looking at his every move. After all, it's a stream The gods in the world are so involved that no one can find them!

The big shaman silently continued to tear the sheep's legs, and his dry lips slowly muttered! He whispered, "In the grassland, I will try my best to keep you alive. After all, you are too young!" I know the strength of your family. Although there are only three or two people alive now, it is enough to make the world chaotic... You're right, all you need is time! Five years, five years should be almost done! I don't know what you will look like in five years... It is said that your family has changed a lot before and after the age of 17, whether it's appearance or heart! Maybe you will become a gentle god, or a terrible demon... Anyway, just live..."

The child's delicate face trembled, and Mumu looked at the firelight, with a little bright in his eyes, which looked a little strange. He muttered, "Do you have to wait for five years?"

"Are you looking forward to it?"

"No, it's just that I'm afraid that I will slowly lose patience and become numb after waiting for a long time... I'm even used to that uncomfortable and cone-hearted feeling, not even the last trace of anger! I'm not a person who can summon up courage..."

When he said this, the night star's voice became smaller and smaller, as if he was about to fall asleep, but his eyes suddenly opened wide at the last moment, as if he had seen something terrible. The beautiful, gentle and unique coral-red eyes trembled in their eyes, and the dark red pupils were like a cave full of blood, full of bloody corpses. The long eyelashes are covered with fog, like the thick fog on the grassland in autumn after the rain.

Uma sat there at a loss, and her mouth was full of mutton. But when she saw the owner's sadness, how could she continue to eat? But she didn't know how to comfort her master. She only knew that there were too many unknown things hidden under the delicate child's face. I am just a slave and can never touch the heart of my master! No, even if she summons up the courage to know more about her master and touch his gentle heart, I'm afraid that as a slave, she will reject herself!

The slave is just a talking tool. How can he get close to the heart of a nobleman? Uma slowly chewed the mutton in her mouth and suddenly felt bitter in her mouth, although the roasted lamb of the big shaman was indeed delicious. Maybe only princes or princesses like Suil and Ke or Yumeng can walk side by side with their little masters!

Suddenly thinking of a girl like Princess Yumeng, Uma surged with a tingling jealousy! It's not that she is jealous of the identity of Princess Yumeng, nor that she can wear a luxurious white fox jacket that she is not even qualified to touch, and wear such a blazing pomegranate red horse skirt... However, she can stand side by side with the master, ride on a horse holding his hand, and call the Lord loudly. Zi's order... But before she met her master, she didn't have such a strong jealousy... She didn't know what's wrong, but you chewed the mutton in your mouth more and more fiercely, as if you were chewing your own teeth ^...

Afraid of numbness? Unsniffic and conical? Angry? The big shaman repeated slowly, and his old face smiled, "This means that you are still a child. You haven't grown up yet!" When you grow up, you will be a god, and God's heart is just a numb stone! God sits high on the throne and looks down at the birth or death of the people under his feet. He is emotionless, numb, indifferent, neither angry nor uncomfortable, just so cold and numb..."

"Will I become something like that in the future? Is that God? Ye Xingchen looked at the big shaman and said.

"Yes! God is that kind of person. No, that's no longer the category of human beings! God is God, so indifferent! If God has the same feelings as human beings, is it still God? The big shaman said seriously, although he was talking about such an illusory existence, the big shaman was extremely serious, and his snow-white eyebrows stared into the child's eyes like an eagle. We barbarians worship the Tengri god in their hearts! The image of Tengri God is a wolf head, with eagle wings on his back and a fierce god with six arms. He held a knife in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, and his body slowly rotated in mid-air. Every time he rotated, the world was destroyed and reborn... And we wandered between destruction and rebirth! Tengri God is only responsible for destruction and rebirth, but it no longer cares how we live between destruction and rebirth... That's it!"

The night star was silent and bowed his head and bit the leg of mutton again. Finally, his mouth was not so hot, and he didn't hesitate to bite.

"You are only 12 years old and young. When you grow up, you will understand this! The stronger you are, the more indifferent you will be, because you can't save everyone. That's not your responsibility... Sometimes you just need to save yourself!" The big shaman said, his eyes fell on the sheep's leg again and said slowly, "Sometimes we are like God's food, that's all!" Whether it's a slave, a warrior, or a high king..."

The old man suddenly smiled bitterly: "My old man has been full all his life, and he is not as famous as before!" How many years can I live? It depends on whether I can make any fame in the remaining years of my life, so that the gods will not tear me up..."

The tent was suddenly very quiet, leaving only the sound of flames beating and rising, as well as the wind outside the tent. The tent trembled in the strong wind and would fall off at any time.

"In the future, if you have nothing to do, you can play with Su Rile Yumeng and others more. They can be your friends. Su Rile is a little sleepy, but this time when Mengyang comes back from the Southern Expedition, it looks like a lot of inspiration. I won't say more about the girl Yumeng. My old man has to hide. If he doesn't agree, he will come up to grab his beard and scratch his ears. My old man can't help tossing around. The great shaman said, "Give me what is missing on the grassland. If the king entrusts you to me, don't be restrained. Although I don't have a population but cattle and sheep, the signboard of shaman is very bright, and the king of sweat who opens a few parts has to be obedient..."

"That's right, big shaman, where's Huzha? How is he? I remember... I remember that one of his arms was broken by me..." Ye Xingchen's tone was a little sorry.

The big shaman was stunned for a moment and couldn't help sighing. This child is still soft-hearted and has too much power, but he doesn't have a hard heart to dominate this power. I don't know whether it's good or bad...

"Dead, the king executed Hu Zha. He dares to offend Princess Yumeng and you, which is a death penalty! There is no need to feel any apology, because Huza is a pest on the grassland... It's okay for the king to kill him. If it is handed over to King Erdun Ketu Khan, I'm afraid that the Kuma department will be destroyed by the Arslan department..." The great shaman said truthfully, just concealing that Huza was killed by him.

"Oh..." The night star answered.

fell silent again.

Uma has finished eating her sheep's leg, and her mouth is full of oil, but she still looks at the remaining sheep bones and grasps them tightly. I'm afraid this is the best thing she has eaten in her life! Usually, slaves can only eat corn and very little meat, and they can't even drink too much goat's milk. They are barely hungry, so although Uma is a little older than the night star, she is thinner than her master.

"Uma, do you still want it? There are still a lot on the grill. You can eat as much as you can. Only three people can eat such a big sheep, and the rest will be wasted!" Ye Xingchen looked at her and understood her thoughts. He knew that Uma was very concerned about the difference between nobles and slaves.

Uma was so excited that she was about to cry. She could sit and eat the same thing with the noble master and the god messenger-like shaman, which was an honor that many slaves would never dream of...

"Little girl, you are lucky!" The big shaman handed the sharp knife for cutting mutton to Uma, deliberately pinching the sharp blade with his finger, and the handle pointed at the little slave. Your master is a kind man, and you are very lucky..."

Uma tremblingly took the sharp knife from the big shaman and said thank you for winning streak. The big shaman waved his hand to stop her and said, "It's all yours. I've been tired of roasting lambs for many years, and your master can't eat much... It's all yours!"

The female slave hesitated for a moment and asked tremblingly, "Can Uma take the rest of the meat back and give it to other slave children?" Many of them haven't eaten..."

"It's said that this sheep is yours! The decision is up to you!" The great shaman said lightly.

Uma turned over, knelt down, kowtowed hard, and said with joy, "Uma, thank you for your noble master and the noble shaman. Uma doesn't know what to say..."

"Uma, as I said, you don't have to kneel to me anymore!" Ye Xingchen said calmly. I don't know why he was inexplicably sad to see this child about the same age as himself. Although he was a high-ranking son, the son of General Zhentian and the heir of the lord of the night kingdom in the night country, there were many people who served him at that time, but those kind palace guards did not let him do so. The heart is soft. Perhaps the wind of the night army is prevalent, and the servants and guards are all proud of warriors. There is no such a little slave...

Uma stood up and carefully took down the sheep from the grill. At this time, the lamb has been roasted very old, not as fresh and tender as at the beginning, but it is still very fragrant and attractive. She hesitated for a moment, took off the outermost sheepskin jacket, wrapped the mutton in it, and then held it tightly in her arms with her thin arms. She only had a shabby coat left, which looked thinner and thinner, and she couldn't help shivering with cold. But the light in her eyes was very happy.

She nodded to the master and the shaman, turned around and ran away.

Looking at her thin body holding the roast sheep and disappearing out of the tent, Ye Xingchen couldn't help sighing. The whole tent was full of his leisurely voice.

"Do you see it? Different status and strength determine the level of vision!" The big shaman said, reaching out and roasting, "A slave, giving her a roast lamb that is almost nothing in the eyes of the nobles, can make her happy and crazy. Thank you... But a nobleman, maybe he will not be satisfied with the gold he gave him! Even if the king of Khan, the king, the emperor of Mengyang, these higher-ranking people, I'm afraid nothing will satisfy them! Because they want too much, it's hard to fill in! But sometimes if you want too much, you will ruin yourself!"

"I know!" Ye Xingchen said, and his delicate face was transparent under the firelight, "I know what I want!" I will give everything I want to pursue what I want, and there is no other request! But don't worry, what I want is absolutely worthy of my status and strength!"

"The dragon dives deep into the stream, how can you know how to dance in the sky after the Spring Festival!" The child said in a low voice. The voice is full of a kind of determination at all costs.

"Very good, very good!" The great shaman nodded and said.

The child was silent for a while, looked up at the shaman and said seriously, "Big shaman, I want to learn a knife!" Learn the strongest knife skills!"

The old man was shocked, and his eyes were full of incredible light, "Do you want to learn... knife? What's the use of learning that? You don't have to go to the battlefield in the future. It's only for a brave warrior to play..." In fact, what he wants to say is that for a descendant of a secret race, a knife is as ridiculous as a toy. But why did this child suddenly learn to use knives?

"I just want to learn knife skills. I want to learn the strongest knife skills! No, just for myself! Can the big shaman promise me?" The child raised his head, clenched his hands tightly into fists, and the light in his eyes was cold and determined, as if he had abandoned his life to do this.

The big shaman looked at the child in a daze. His eyes looked at the child's eyes, and once again felt like a bloody prison Shura. The child's dark red eyes seemed to be burning, and the jumping light inside was obviously blazing red, but it fell on the person. It's as cold as ice. The big shaman who had not passed through the storm couldn't help but look away. He really didn't have the courage to look at such a pair of disturbing eyes for too long.

"All right! It's good to find something to do for you! I told you in advance that practicing knives is very hard. You are thin and weak, and I don't know if you can bear it! It doesn't matter if you can't resist. If you can't stand it, we won't learn! In the future, you will be a big shot. How many knives will you wave to make good people guard you..."

"I learned the knife, just wanted to return the sword that my father didn't stab to that man! And my former guard warrior, Uncle Yongkui!" The child muttered.

How many times has he been thinking that if his father's last instant sword could stab the emperor's neck, would the family not have to suffer such a death?

He needs to use the same means to make up for the humiliation.

"If you make up your mind, I will help you find General Huaerzha. That boy is one of the best at using knives on the barbarian grassland! But General Huaerza's requirements are very strict. I'm afraid you can't stand it..."

"Just talk about it. The rest is my business. Don't worry too much!" The night stars are calm like a frozen river, feelingless.

"Sugly child!" The big shaman wiped the oil stains on his hands and staggered up and said. It's getting late. Go to bed early! I'm going to find Zhaerhua. The wolf blade of Zhaerhua is playing well! Well, Zhaerhua will be your teacher in the future. What do you say in the south? A teacher for one day and a father for life? In the future, Zhaerhua can't get along with it. It depends on you. Why do you think it's too cheap..."

The old man staggered to lift the curtain of the tent and turned around and said, "Actually, I am also good at playing with knives. Hey hey, but you don't like me when I teach you knives in person! When there was civil strife in the grassland, my old man also rode with a bow and shot with a samurai... Ha ha, I'm old, old."

The voice of the big shaman fell, and the man has disappeared into the darkness outside the tent.

The night stars curled up like a cat beside the gradually weak fire and curled themselves up into a warm ball. He doesn't want to lie down, which can reassure him. Although this posture is not very uncomfortable, he just wants to make himself uncomfortable! In this way, the pain that cannot be forgotten will not be easily forgotten.

Painful things need to be remembered with painful feelings.

He fell into a dream. I have experienced so many things on this day that I am very tired!

In his dream, the thin man held the Zhanlu sword left by his father and walked step by step from the south gate of Mengyang. He was so short that his sword dragged to the ground, and the tip of the sword sparked on the ground. He walked forward step by step in the voice of 'Kalakara', and his eyes fell on the towering star fall hall... as if there was something waiting for him!

The dream is so real and illusory. He has been walking forward, but he can't walk. It seems that although the Starfall Hall is in front of him, it is actually in the distant sky... And he walked step by step with his father's sword...