reincarnation evolution

Chapter 22 Kiss you because I love you

Look at the child's naive, innocent and eager eyes. Luo Yun resolutely chose: "Come on, take a bite." When he said this, he also picked up a string of mutton kebabs, then handed them to Nobita, and divided them several skewers to others. After tasting the taste, these children immediately ran to their table and immediately put them in their mouths after picking up a skewer of grilled squid or mutton kebabs.

As for the cold beer, Luo Yun didn't intend to let them touch it. After all, from any point of view, these children don't seem to have been soaked in wine tanks since childhood, and in case they drink too much and happen to be attacked by monsters at this time, then the gains are really not worth the losses.

After hearing Luo Yun's explanation, the little children of the protagonist team were still quite unhappy and their lips were raised, but they didn't mention anything more about drinking. They just took a few barbecues and went around the city angrily. Luo Yun and these guys blew a few bottles of snowflakes, and then ate dozens of barbecue. Luo Yun also found the boss to pay the bill.

However, when he put his hand in his pocket, he found that his pocket was already empty. At this time, Luo Yun finally remembered that after taking the thank-you money raised by the people of Santa City, they thought that the bag containing the money was too heavy and too old-fashioned to carry, so they directly stuffed it into Doraemon's omnipotent pocket.

And now the protagonist team has long known where to go, so Luo Yun now has to face the bad result he planted. Fortunately, there is Sam in the reincarnation team. Women's minds are generally delicate, so she also thought that this situation might happen before, so she had taken a sum of money to deal with this situation before.

And when she saw Luo Yun, who had always been indifferent in her impression, and pretending to be X, suddenly showed such an awkward expression, and there was a smile on the corners of her mouth. Then she slowly got up and walked towards Luo Yun. After she paid, a joking look flashed in Sam's eyes.

After that, she put her hand on Luo Yun's chin, gently raised his head and said, "Handsome man, I have paid the bill for you. How can you thank me?" When Sam said this, he did not deliberately lower his voice, so it also attracted the attention of many people.

And after seeing such a woman flirting with a good man, everyone immediately began to coax: "Kiss her, kiss her..." Such words are also endless. Luo Yun obviously did not expect that he would be molested, but he did not panic, but looked at Sam seriously.

He suddenly found that he seemed to have ignored this woman because of her indifference all the time, because this girl now looks really beautiful. Danfeng's eyes, willow leaf eyebrows, exquisite facial features, and hot figure all made Luo Yun a little moved at this moment. Hey hey, you took the initiative to flirt with me. I'm purely self-defense.

Luo Yun held such a YD idea, wrapped his arms around Sam's waist, and then aimed at her delicate red lips and asked. After seeing Luo Yun's action, Sam was surprised to stay where he was, without any dodging. Because she really didn't expect how this man suddenly became so bold.

It was not until the hand that Luo Yun wrapped around her waist began to move down and was about to touch her delicate buttocks that she screamed, patted Luo Yun's strange "claw" and roared at him, "What are you doing?" This voice was shocking, and even the mosquitoes flying next to it were shocked down.

When normal people see Luo Yun for the first time, they will feel that this man is very cold and difficult to get close. After a few days of contact, you will find that he is a bitch. If you become a real friend or brother with him, then you can find that this guy is definitely a collection of bitches and villains.

Can you expect a bitch or a villain to say something like "sorry", "dog selling lase" and "slutty" and so on, not to mention a combination of two people. However, Luo Yun is not a fool. On such an occasion, he knows that if what he says is too much, the relationship between the two of them will be very embarrassing in the future. Luo Yun thought for a moment and spit out a sentence that shocked everyone present: "Because I love you, I kiss you."

I have to say that the lethality of this sentence and the effectiveness of alleviating the situation are quite terrible, and the correctness of this conclusion can also be seen from Sam, who was just shouting "I want to kill you" and suddenly became a little shy. Sam then stamped his feet again, and then probably felt that there was no deterrent, and then stared Luo Yun fiercely before leaving.

And when Luo Yun returned to other people, everyone also laughed. Chen Xin, a bitch, even walked up and patted Luo Yun on the shoulder and said, "Head, it's really yours. How do you feel?" Luo Yun did not directly respond to Chen's words, which seemed to be very YD, but actually more YD. Instead, he put his hands on his chest and looked at him with a smile.

Chen bitch couldn't help feeling a little angry when he was looked at like this, but he did not appear directly on his face, because he knew that it was easier to be verbally attacked by Luo Yun. However, what Luo Yun is best at is to grasp people's psychology. After saying this, and seeing that there was no expression on Chen Xin's face, he sighed and said to Chen Xin:

"You are so experienced, do you still need to ask me?" After hearing this, the thickness of Chen's face is calculated in meters, but it is still slightly red. And he also immediately rushed to Luo Yun and shouted at him, "I'll fight with you."

Ten seconds later, "Head, I was wrong. Forgive me." A blue-faced guy lay on the ground and said to a man next to him who seemed to be preparing to punch again, and these two guys were Chen Xin and Luo Yun. The main reason is that Chen Xin's combat effectiveness is too weak. Luo Yun kicked him out with only one foot, and then beat him again, so it has become the current situation.

But fortunately, Luo Yun is not the kind of male silver who likes to pretend to be X. After receiving Chen's sincere apology and answer, he directly turned around and left. Chen Xin's body also began to glow slightly green, and the scars on his body slowly faded in the process.

In fact, the main reason is that Luo Yun is still a teammate, so he doesn't exert much effort. Although Chen's body looks very miserable now, because Luo Yun's precise control of strength, these wounds are just skin traumas. Even if they are placed on ordinary people, it will only be good in a day, not to mention that their recovery ability is many times stronger than them. Reincarnation.

But Chen Xin is at least a man. No man will like the blue and purple all over his body. It doesn't matter if there are a few more scars. Therefore, he did not hesitate to directly use the therapeutic talent that can remove these scars faster and remove all the humiliating scars on his body.

When Chen Xin solved this matter and wanted to find Luo Yun to comment, he was stunned to find that Luo Yun, not to mention, in this reincarnation team, everyone except him, was nowhere to be found. Instead, the protagonist team returned, but the news they brought was: "Uncle Chen, Uncle Yun and they took all the money, and Uncle Yun also said that he would go to the Spring Breeze Tower to drink a few times more wine."

"Drink, ah, drink flower bars." After listening to the children's words, Chen Xin couldn't help but think of this idea, and then directly pulled the group of children of the protagonist team to the Chunfeng Building in their mouth.