reincarnation evolution

Chapter 1 The Death of Chen Xin

One week after that, Luo Yun's mood has always been in a state of excitement. No matter who comes to him, he is smiling, even the same as those management girls who say he is a joker. It is estimated that because he angered God like this, that is, the so-called reincarnation space is large. A week later, he got a hint to enter the next reincarnation world.

In fact, it has been a full month since he returned to the real world to the reincarnation world. Although Luo Yun doesn't know why, it doesn't mean that others don't know. Don't forget that there are two former super seniors in his team, Chen Xin and Ying.

Originally, Luo Yun thought that Ying should know about this, but he didn't expect that he shook his head directly. On the contrary, Chen Xin, who was not expected by Luo Yun, gave the answer. In fact, you can understand it when you think about it. After all, the role of shadow in the team is just a DPS. As for Chen Xin, he is a treatment, and the different positioning of the two teams also makes them know much about team affairs.

Although it seems that the shadow knows a lot more than Chen Xin in advance, it's just that Chen Xin is unwilling to answer.

And Chen Xin's final answer is: the experience of the transfer. This is the experience that every reincarnation will go through after the first transfer. Because the transfer task is generally not too difficult, the reincarnation space has specially set up such an experience to test the reincarnation. As for the difficulty of this experience, it is naturally conceivable.

However, in this process, only a few strong reincarnations are qualified to trigger the protection of space, so that the reincarnation space can be recalled and tested in advance. Moreover, in practice, reincarnations can only rely on themselves. Therefore, in this experience, people like Chen Xin and Will who are scum without a team are the most likely to die in this experience.

After that, Chen Xin opened his mouth a few times, but closed his mouth as if he had angered some taboos. Finally, Chen Xin only left a sentence: "Ok, boss, there are some things that the reincarnation space won't let me say now. You'd better rely on yourself to discover." After saying that, Chen Xin hurriedly hung up the phone, as if there was something important.

Luo Yun exhaled a turbid breath after hearing these words. In fact, the previous transfer task was so easy that it had always made him feel a pimple in his heart. Now it has been solved. Although the explanation is not very smooth, it also makes Luo Yun feel much better. Luo Yun then chose to return to the reincarnation space, as for how to explain this departure.

In fact, Luo Yun did not intend to explain his departure, because he had asked before that between entering the real world, he can transform his face and figure through the reincarnation space, and the specific scope of the transformation is determined by the reincarnation himself. And Luo Yun has no intention of continuing to struggle in the real world as a college student.

As for this reason, it is naturally because the basketball game he played before was so eye-catching that it is not impossible for some reincarnations to attract his attention. In fact, not only him, but also Chen Xin had to change his face. Chen Xin also asked Luo Yun before why the two of them had to hide like mice.

Luo Yun quickly gave the answer: "The action you showed when you played basketball before has made me find out that it's you." After saying this, Luo Yun turned around and returned directly to the reincarnation space. After listening to it, Chen Xin's mind was full of sewage. It was not until he went home that he finally understood the meaning of Luo Yun's words.

The reason why Chen Xin can understand this comes from his parents. The middle-aged couple who struggled to pursue because he entered the reincarnation space for hundreds of days, resulting in white temples. The purpose of Luo Yun's words is to make him choose to temporarily forget his gratitude and cherishing for the middle-aged couple, and completely change his stock and become a real, iron-blooded warrior.

Still, keep your love for them and be meticulously filial to them. In the end, Chen Xin chose the second one. For him, his biological parents sent him to this world. The key to their lives can be said to be more important than their own lives.

In fact, this is also a situation that Luo Yun wants to see. Luo Yun doesn't want his teammates to be a group of extremely cold guys. What he needs is a group of good oil that can really entrust his back to each other. Instead of a group of strangers who completely regard him as a tool.

However, Chen Xin naturally knows if he continues to stay. Then it is not guaranteed that one day a few reincarnations will come to visit, and then the two elders are likely to be implicated by themselves. Therefore, Chen Xin directly exchanged two people in the reincarnation space, one is exactly like him and the other is completely different.

The memory input into the brains of these two people: one is Chen Xin's friend before his death, and the other is Chen Xin. Subsequently, Chen Xin arranged another suicide operation. He let the guy exactly like himself jump straight down from the fifth floor of the teaching building. Although this guy said that his face was exactly the same as Chen Xin's, how could his physical fitness be as strong as him?

Therefore, the poor child was also directly turned into meat sauce, and Chen Xin's parents who came to hear the news also burst into tears when they saw this scene. Finally, it was the turn of the man who was completely different from Chen Xin to appear. He picked up the two old men and said to them, "Uncle Chen, Aunt Wang, Ah Xin's death, I also feel sad. If you don't mind, let me help you instead of Xin.

What he said is not only far-fetched, but also makes people feel very difficult to read. However, in this case, it was so infectious that the two old people couldn't help standing up. Then let the benevolent brother kowtowed three times, which was regarded as a kowtow to his parents. It was not until this time that the second old man reacted and helped the boy from the ground.

The reason why the two elders are so slow to react is naturally because of a man standing next to him. A man whose eyes are very similar to Chen Xin, and there is no other place where they are the same (not including below). In fact, this man is really Chen Xin. However, at this time, he has changed his appearance through the reincarnation space.

In fact, Chen Xin didn't want to pretend that he was dead before, and then took care of the two elders himself. But he understands that some necessary experiences and trade-offs are necessary to travel in this reincarnation space. If even these choices are not good, then this person will definitely not be called a reincarnation, an iron-blooded warrior.

And in the reincarnation space, Luo Yun is also constantly exercising and buying drugs. At this time, he was still three days away from entering the next reincarnation world, and he also learned that his next reincarnation world was Sword 2. According to the information he asked Chen Xin, this world is separated from the five basic worlds. This type of world is known as "multiple worlds."

As the name implies, this term means that it is not a single basic world, but a reincarnation world composed of two or even multiple basic world tones. Generally speaking, the place selected for the transfer experience is this "multiple world." Three days passed quickly, like a white horse passing through a gap.

And Luo Yun has not made much progress in these days, because this time is too short. Luo Yun also really doesn't understand where to get the experience needed for these skills in the later stage. Is it actual combat or something else, but the previous display...

However, this problem will soon no longer be in Luo Yun's mind, because Luo Yun's goal has locked the place he took him to: the equipment strengthening factory. Only in this place can one's own strength be quickly and fully improved.