reincarnation evolution

Chapter 31 Ruyue Shadow II

"It seems that it's a little superfluous for my previous move." Luo Yun's tone was inevitably mixed with some shame.

After all, he was indeed a little stubborn at that time and insisted on his ideas without asking others. Fortunately, people did not worry too much about this problem, but did not make him feel that his self-esteem had been trampled on.

"The plot of the branch is determined by heart. If our team is strong enough, then the benefits will certainly be very great if we develop according to this plot." I have to say that Chen Xin's words at this time can really be said to be a tranquilizer for Luo Yun.

Although it is still a little guilty, it is much better than before.

"The final boss of 97 is the snake, right?" Luo Yun suddenly asked everyone, and then he was despised by others. Because of this problem, it can be said to be very idiotic.

"Shouldn't it be." In the tone of the shadow, there are some uncertain meanings.

"Well, it's not the big snake, who is that?" Will felt that the opportunity to despise Ying, a gentlemanly man who had always behaved, finally came.

"sound nest." This sentence was said by Luo Yun, and he was already a little annoyed waiting for everyone's answers.

"Well." After hearing Luo Yun's answer, everyone thought for a moment and determined the accuracy of Luo Yun's words.

In the original plot of KOF97, although Orochi appeared as the final boss, in fact, he was just a petriander.

The three members of the three artifact family: Ba Shen'an, Cao Zhijing, and Kagura Qianhe are at most a clam.

As for this yellow finch, it is undoubtedly a sound nest. The grass pheasant was pulled over as a white mouse with bare buttocks, causing countless strong biochemical people. From this, we can see how powerful the sound nest organization is.

"Boss, even if the sound nest organization is really the final boss, what can it do?"

"Then we can start from them and change the plot."

"Head, you mean, hey hey, I understand." Chen Xin laughed very obscenely,

"Hey hey hey." Luo Yun patted Chen Xin on the shoulder with the same obscene smile.

"Shadow, do you know where the sound nest is?" Since the second main task has failed at this time, it is useless to stay here.

Instead of this, it's better to take the initiative and dominate the plot.

"I don't know." It seems that the movie used to be a good boy and rarely did these things to change the plot. Otherwise, he would not have experienced the world, but he did not know the specific location of the famous organization and sound nest of the whole KOF.

"Forget it, find it yourself." This sentence seems to have a little sigh, but it comes out of Luo Yun's mouth with a little chic and freedom.

There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. If you can't find it now, it doesn't mean you can't find it in the future. However, if you don't go to them, you will definitely not be able to find the specific location of the sound nest organization. The pie falls occasionally in the sky, but how can it fall every time?

"Those people haven't attacked us yet." Luo Yun said to everyone in the team space.

Hearing Luo Yun's words, everyone nodded, and they felt equally curious. Because the captain is dead, their full attributes as the same team will definitely be deducted. In this case, they did not retaliate, which is not strange.

"Are they scared?" This idea only flashed in Luo Yun's mind, because he would not believe that such a group of reincarnations were scared by them so easily.

In this way, they don't deserve to be called reincarnations at all.

"It looks like there's something stuck." This is the second thought in Luo Yun's mind.

"It's very possible." This is the third one.

"Ok, anyway, they are either scared by us or something. In my opinion, the second possibility is slightly higher. Luo Yun said these words in the team space that seemed to be without thinking.

"Head, you're acting cute again." Chen Xin seemed to feel very contempt for Luo Yun's words.

"Well, it seems that someone is looking at me behind." Luo Yun suddenly said such a sentence.

"But there is no murderous intention. It should not be that group of people." Luo Yun then said this sentence again.

suddenly turned around, because the game had just begun at this time, and not many people were eliminated. Therefore, there were naturally not many people coming out, and Luo Yun quickly found the person who stared at him.

Slim and tall figure, wolf-like stubborn eyes, blue mask, blue practice clothes.

"Like the moon shadow two." This idea came to Luo Yun's mind.

"What can I do for you?" Luo Yun's mouth moved towards him.

"You promised me to help me kill the Eight Gods." Although there are not many people around at this time, it does not mean that there is no one.

Things like killing the Eight Gods are absolutely not suitable to spread.

Therefore, when saying this sentence, Ru Yueying II walked to Luo Yun and said it.

Because the name of Yueying II is not loud, his action, in the same way, did not attract much attention.

"Yes, we promised you." Luo Yun admitted this fact very single.

"When?" In the tone of Yueying II, there is a little impatient.

Look at his appearance, it seems that he can't wait to kill the Eight Gods Temple for a second.

"Did you come in as a contestant or as an audience?" Luo Yun said to him like a horse's mouth.

But after listening to Luo Yun's words, Ruyue Yinger's face was a little embarrassed.

"You really entered this place as an audience, didn't you?"

Luo Yun knows that for lonely people like Yueying II, it would be a shame for him if he did not participate in such a grand event as KOF.

Because he disdained to sign up with the public, this time he did not receive an invitation to be held at the KOF97 conference because of his performance of being slapped by Ba Shen'an in KOF95.

Now, Luo Yun has uncovered this bloody wound, which not only makes Ruyue Ying II feel very painful.

And his anger towards the Eighthen Temple deepened a little more.

"I already want to kill that guy. You don't have to continue to stimulate me." Like the tone of Yueying II, it is very cold.

"When will you help me kill that guy?"

Ruyueying stared at Luo Yun. He already had a sense of fear for this cunning man who could open his scars at any time.

"Kill him, do you think it's a simple thing?" Luo Yun looked at Ruyue Yinger's eyes with a little mockery.

"This..." For example, Yueying II clearly remembered the power contained in the slap, which could not be achieved by human beings at all.

To be honest, as soon as Luo Yun and others said that they wanted to help him kill the Eight Godshen Temple, it made him feel suspicious. The already inhuman monster is basically an insurmountable existence in his mind.

It was only in view of Luo Yun's later performance that he reluctantly believed them. Now he hears the answer given by Luo Yun, but he doesn't feel anything unexpected.

Even Yueying II still feels that this is a very normal thing.

"So, when can you help me kill him?" Ruyue Ying II did not give up the questioning.

"Don't worry, I won't let you wait too long." Luo Yun's words are as confident as ever.

"I have believed you once, but you didn't do it." Ruyueying said to Luo Yun.

"Oh, is it?" Luo Yun looked at Ruyue Ying II, with an undisguised mockery on his face.

"Why didn't we do it?"

"Well." Hearing Luo Yun's words, Ru Yueying suddenly felt that she had nothing to say.

After all, Luo Yun just said that he would definitely help him kill the Eight God Temple, but he did not set a time. At the beginning, he was a little excited because of Luo Yun's words and actually ignored this problem.

"Okay, then I'll trust you again." Ruyue Yinger doesn't want to stay here any longer.

Because he felt that if he continued to stay, he would definitely be killed by the man in front of him who looked harmless.

"Don't worry, we will definitely help you kill him." Luo Yun waved his hand to Ruyue Yinger's hurriedly fleeing figure and whispered.

"Brother Yun, are you really going to help him kill Ba Shen'an?" Will grabbed his head, and he couldn't figure out what Luo Yun was thinking.

"How is that possible?" Luo Yun smiled at Will.

"Even if he really wants to kill the Eight Gods, it is he who helps us." The smile on Luo Yun's face deepened a little. His face was quite beautiful. Originally, this smile should have reminded people of words such as sunshine.

But this time, the idea of "demon's smile" rose in everyone's hearts.

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