Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

The heroes of Longkong Mountain (one)

At present, the first volume has ended. Let's see which LKers have appeared so far~!

LKer who appeared directly:

1. Purple Cliff (Longkong ID Purple Cliff)

The best of the second-generation disciples of the Kunlun School, the master is a water mirror, with a peerless face, beautiful and refined, excellent qualifications, ice and snow and smart, just like a nine-day fairy falling into the mortal world.

2. Little Lily (Dragon Sky ID falls in love with my sister's lily)

The second-generation disciple of Kunlun is close to Ziya and calls Ziya his sister.

3. Kong Zhang (Longkong ID Kong Zhang)

The king of the demon world was originally a red-eyed king snake.

4. Xiaoyu (Longkong ID listens to the rain independently)

Originally a five poisonous beast, it cultivated and turned into a human form, and now follows the protagonist to play soy sauce.

5. Water Mirror (Longkong ID Water Mirror Mensheng)

Master Ziya, the first generation disciple of Kunlun, participated in the Kunlun War 100 years ago.

6. Andi (Longkong IDandy0271)

The eldest brother of all generations of disciples of the Kunlun School now lives in seclusion in Hangzhou Anshu Iron Shop.

7. Jade Wind Order (Longkong ID Jade Wind Order)

The head of Kunlun, the brother of the water mirror, and the brother of An Di, is tough and is worried about the battle of Kunlun 300 years ago.

8. Proud Sword (Dragon Sky ID Proud Sword Soul)

The three royal leaders of the demon clan are good at using swords, arrogant, and unrestrained by trifles, and are good friends with Death in black.

9. Death in white (Dragon Sky ID Death in White), the younger brother of Death in Black, likes A Si.

The following sets are for my participation, and the settings are filled in by myself at the time of registration, but they may not be fully adopted:

10. Dragon Sky ID: edyswghe

Name: Xiao Wall

Gender: Male

Age: over 30

Introduction: painstakingly study shields and other protective magic weapons, good at defensive warfare, extremely weak attack

This book is set as a disciple of the Kunlun generation. He is the younger brother of Andi, Yufengling and Shuijing. He has been in isolation and has just been out of the customs recently.

11. Dragon Sky ID: Jinhen

Name: Jinhen (it can be a weapon, a magic weapon, or a magic horse), and the rest are casual

This book is set as Death in Black, the leader of the three Xuanji Departments of the demon clan. His real name is Jinhen, and he is the brother of Death in white.

12. Longkong ID: A Si

Name: A Si

Gender: Female

Race: Demon


I like to watch the fun, but only gossip in front of acquaintances. The most concerned magic weapon "Manshi Book" looks like a thick ink bamboo slip, which can only record text and simple patterns and cannot be changed (quality and capacity cannot be obtained at the same time. The way to record and adjust is to close your eyes and recall after opening the bamboo slip). Because she was used to recording at the first time, the content was all chaotic, and she didn't know what she wrote down after leaving. The family is all on the body, and there is no fixed residence.

If possible, please make her confused and disappear. There is a way to die, hoping to die on the way to the divine world. The so-called curiosity kills the cat.

This book is set as a member of the Xuantian Department of the Demon Clan and likes Death in white.

13. Dragon Sky ID: North

Name: North

Gender: Female

Age: 170... Add a few zeros as you like.

Introduction: A convulsive tree spirit complains everywhere and has no sense of crisis at all.

This book follows the registration settings

14. Dragon Sky ID: Can Feng

I don't know if there is any room, join in the fun

Name: Can Feng

Gender: Male

Age: 2700+

Introduction: A bad old man, except for living longer, is to live longer! ( Sign up for the set), 2700 years old, a bad old man, except for living longer, but also living longer!

This book follows the registration settings

15. Dragon Sky ID: Dragon City Flying General

Registration: Wang Qinian, courtesy name Donglu, male, B-level, was originally a famous general with outstanding strategy, and later received enlightenment. Because he has seen too many human killings, he likes to travel around the clouds and collects anecdotes and gossip news in the world. He is known as a well-known and a living encyclopedia. Although he self-respects of the soy sauce party, watching the party, and just wants to be a historical observer, his blood surges from time to time and does some righteous things.

The setting of this book, do you dare to have more soy sauce?

16. Longkong ID:milanman

Chinese name: Shen Yue

nickname or code name: Lan Yue Zhenren

Gender: Male

Simple appearance description: 8 feet tall, well-proportioned, wearing a blue robe, black hair.

Personality: thick outside and thin inside, lazy, don't like to make trouble, but being angry is full of murderous. Generally, there are no 3 or 5 people of the same level.

Hobbies: sleeping, reading, beauty.

Mantra: Safety first.

Basic ability: break all methods with one sword.

Advanced ability: the first glimpse of time in swordsmanship.

Must-kill skill: a shocking blow. It is similar to the great * method of demon disintegration, but it is even more powerful. Divided into 2 kinds of power,

1. At the cost of tearing the muscles of the whole body, exhausting internal force and serious injury for a year, in exchange for one blow.

2. Burn your soul and exchange your life for your life. The sword comes out and cuts off everything in a straight line, even the law. But my soul was destroyed and I finished it completely.

What a detailed setting... This book temporarily appears through his demographic description, and may appear again in the future

17. Longkong ID: Xu Tu

Name: Xu Tu

Gender: Male

race: fairy

Age: No known living thing is older than him

Combatability: no more than an ordinary government official

Escape ability: This is a living legend

An old man who likes to join in the fun and watch. When he sees interesting things, he will occupy a seat to watch, and when he sees interesting people, he will follow him shamelessly.

This book follows the registration settings

18. Longkong ID: k00617102

Name: Chus

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Introduction: He is the legitimate son of a powerful family with a high status; or the son of the head of a sect.

The name is taken from "Only Chu has talent, Yu Si is prosperous" and has high Confucian cultivation and strong combat effectiveness.

But she is extremely conceited and narcissistic. She likes little Lori and does anything to get it. Of course, she has a conflict with pig's feet. Next, it's up to you. Haha!

This book follows the registration setting, and the brother is so talented...

19. Dragon Sky ID: Death

Name: Death

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Introduction: One person among tens of thousands of people was killed in one move, the gray party, and no one knew him.

This book continues to use the registration setting...

20. Dragon Sky ID: Muyan

Name: Dark Wood

Gender: Male

Age: Middle-aged... The life expectancy of your book is set.


The thirst for knowledge is strong, but the moral sense is indifferent, and the character of a scientific madman. In order to explore the mystery of magic, he did not hesitate to kill or betray the sect.

Other details, such as extroverted or introverted silence, stubborn or slippery, it's up to you... In fact, I just want to see what details will be more interesting under the main line of "Scientific Madman"~~

There is little opinion on how long to live... Of course, the longer the better. The last way to die is to voluntarily sacrifice your life to interpret the mystery of magic.

This book follows the registration settings, which is really detailed...

21. Longkong ID: Call me Sanjie

Name: Sanjie

Gender: Male

Age: 38

Introduction: A wandering monk with a broken mouth likes to persuade education.

The strength is unknown, but it has the talent skill - danger avoidance (depart from right and wrong for some inexplicable reason after the failure before the war). If you must die, it must be to save little Lori.

This book follows the registration setting. By the way, you are not dead yet.

22. Dragon Sky ID: 28 stars

Yi Zhounan's age is at his age and others are also at his job

This book follows the registration setting, er... Let's talk about it briefly. Yufengling's own disciple, the first of the second-generation disciple of Kunlun, likes Ziya.

23. Longkong ID: Yi Ziran

My name paper is very suitable... Ask for a supporting actress...

This is simpler than the previous one. In this book, it is Emei's disciple, and the name of Chapter 79.

24. Longkong ID: with smoke

Xiao Suiyan, male, 16

This book appeared through his population

25. Longkong ID: Jiang Zi

Name of the dragon set: Jiang Zi

Age: 28

Cause of death: died by ten thousand arrows to save her sister

This book appeared through his population

26. Dragon Sky ID: Fishtail Half Lotus

Register, fishtail lotus

This book appeared in the name of Yu Weilian, a disciple of the Emei School and the senior sister of Yi Ziran.

27. Dragon Sky ID: Looking at the stars under the sky

Name: Zhang Congyun

Gender: Male

Age: whatever

Ability: The angel inheritor gets the incomplete inheritance of the primary winged angel. Because all abilities are not complete, they need to understand and learn by themselves.

Skill: Use a sword as a weapon and you will be able to cure it easily.

Personality: gentle and not cowardly, protect the people you value, keep order and be kind, and how long you can live.

This book appeared through his description.

28. Longkong ID: moonyup

Chen Mozhe, a passer-by, wants to see how the poster describes passers-by...

This book comes with clues. Hello, passers-by, goodbye

The above are all the sets that appear in the first volume. Let's see if there is you on it? If you have signed up but haven't appeared yet, don't worry. The second volume of the story is about to begin. Well, you can't afford to hurt people who have lost 500G hard disk data.

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