Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 2

Longkong Mountain.

In front of a cottage made of green bamboo, a ten-year-old teenager in white is dancing with a three-foot green front. His figure looks very vigorous, his pace is calm, and every move is very open and close, and a vast momentum is faintly emitted from him.

Suddenly, he threw the sword in his hand into the air, and the original three-foot sword suddenly became bigger. Then he shouted, "Wake up!" His body flashed, and his feet were firmly on the sword, and the sword seemed to be spiritual at this time, quietly condensed in the air.

The thick eyebrows and big eyes of the teenager with the imperial sword, coupled with his tall nose and slightly squeezed lips, formed a angular and resolute face from the side, as if to show the character of the teenager, but a pair of eyes still looked clear and unchanged.

This teenager is Liu Huifeng. Spring and autumn come, and time flies. The little teenager in the master's arms was also 18 years old.

In the past eight years, Liu Huifeng has practiced thirty-nine in winter and threefus in summer. His practice has progressed rapidly. To this day, he has been able to fly with his sword easily in the air. Today, as usual, the daily routine practice began early at dawn.

Flying in the air for a while, Liu Huifeng jumped down from the sword and fell firmly to the ground, and the Qingfeng sword also made a soft sound and accurately inserted the scabbard on Liu Huifeng's waist.

Liu Huifeng smiled and walked towards a towering tree. The huge trunk tilted up like a natural ladder and rocked straight up. All the way up to the top of the tree, I saw a hut standing on the staggered branches, looking up at the rising sun, and the willow wind got into the house.

If anyone can see the situation in the room at this time, they will be surprised. This small room is full of all kinds of classics. After a brief glance, you can see historical books such as Historical Records, Warring States Policy, Art of Warring States Policy, Art of War, Sun Sun Art of War, and even some thick bamboo slips that have not been marked, but seem quite simple.

Liu Huifeng sat on the only bamboo chair in this room, pulled out a roll from the pile of books, read it with relish, and soon fell into it.

For a long time, Liu Huifeng raised his head with satisfaction, and a trace of regret appeared in his clear eyes. He only heard him mutter to himself:

"It's a pity, why didn't the author finish writing this? It's really a sin!"

As he spoke, he shook his head repeatedly. He was quite dissatisfied with the irresponsible behavior of the author and regretted that a good book had no follow-up.

"I don't know what day it is today," Liu Huifeng opened the almanac beside him, just glanced at it, touched the back of his head, and said:

"Today turned out to be the seventh day of April, and I forgot such an important day. Master, the apprentice is really unfilial!"

Liu Huifeng's disappointed expression was full of expression. He said to himself, "The practice of blowing ice in the past two days has just reached a critical moment. I don't even know how long it has been, but it's still early now, and it should be too late." He walked out of the tree house, looked at the sun that had gradually reached the sky, and then rushed down the towering ancient tree like a gust of wind.

"Let me see, green vegetables, radishes, green peppers... What else, three-tailed fish, is not enough, let's buy more, there is not much salt, alas, why everything hit together."

Liu Huifeng touched the back of his head with regret. At this time, he was busy in the small village called Dingyuan under Longkong Mountain. Today's Dingyuan Village has already returned to tranquility, and the deep impression left by the villagers by the strange scene eight years ago has slowly disappeared with the passage of time.

"Apartment Li, you still look so energetic!"

Liu Huifeng held all kinds of fresh ingredients in his hand and greeted a middle-aged woman who was basking in the sun at the entrance of the village.

Aunt Li is a middle-aged woman. She is not very old, with only a few faint crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, but she leaves traces of years on one face. Judging from his current figure, she must have been a very popular girl when she was young, right? Liu Huifeng looked at Aunt Li, whom he had not seen for a while, and thought of it in his heart.

When Aunt Li heard someone say hello to her, she saw a heroic teenager with many things in his hands and white like snow, so she said happily:

"Who do I think I am? It turned out to be Xiao Fengzi. Your boy's mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter, and he knows how to make her happy. I haven't seen you for a while. Why, come down the mountain to buy something today!"

Liu Huifeng nodded and replied:

"Yes, the master will go back to the mountain today. I need to prepare more."

"I said, Xiao Fengzi, why have we never seen your master for so many years? What does he look like?" An old but powerful voice came.

Liu Huifeng looked for the sound and immediately answered:

"It turned out to be Uncle Zhang. You are still as angry as before!"

"Hey, only you can talk!" Uncle Zhang touched the long beard on his chin happily, "If only my granddaughter had been so obedient... After all, we have lived in the village all our lives and have never seen your master."

Uncle Zhang is the oldest person in the village. His forehead has already been engraved with deep wrinkles over the years, and his slightly rickety body slowly came to Liu Huifeng with a mahogany crutch. Maybe it's well maintained. Although his long beard under his chin has turned white, he still looks energetic. Liu Huifeng's words are not deliberately to make him happy.

"Mr. Zhang, my master still often goes down the mountain, but he doesn't come to the distant village. I usually buy everything he needs on the mountain. It's not surprising that you haven't seen him."

Grandpa Zhang slowly approached Liu Huifeng and sighed:

"Xiao Fengzi has also grown so tall. I still remember that you came to my place a few years ago!"

Pointing his crutch, he turned his head and said to a middle-aged man who was walking towards several people:

"Han Sheng, your girl is as big as Xiao Fengzi. Look at other people's children and then look at you. That child has spoiled you!"

The middle-aged man spread out his hands helplessly and said with a wry smile:

"Dad, where did I spoil her? It's all you who spoiled that little girl. Every time I want to beat her, you stop her, okay?"

When Uncle Zhang heard his words, he snorted in his nose and stopped talking.

When the middle-aged man saw Uncle Zhang's expression, he could only smile and turned his head to Liu Huifeng and said:

"Xiaofeng, why are you free to go down the mountain today?"

Liu Huifeng looked at the strong man in front of him and only wore a simple dress made of coarse cloth to reveal his bronze skin, which was a manifestation of his long working in the sun.