Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 10

The next morning, as soon as Liu Huifeng opened his eyes, he heard Shang Qinggui's doorbeat, " Huifeng, it's time to go, don't sleep in!"

Liu Huifeng couldn't help smiling, promised to clean up. When he came to the lobby on the first floor of the inn, Shang Qinggui was already waiting for him.

"Brother Shang got up early."

Shang Qinggui smiled and said, "I can't help it. I'm hungry. Let's eat something and go."

There is no objection to Shang Qinggui's arrangement of Liu Huifeng. At present, the two left the inn after breakfast.

With Shang Qinggui as a guide, the trip was much more convenient. Under his guidance, Liu Huifeng also bought a horse at the post station, and the two honed east.

Hangzhou and Qing Baishi said that they were not far or close. If they missed their head, they would sleep in the wilderness. As for the raptor tiger and leopard that Liu Huifeng usually saw in the book, the strong man who blocked the road did not appear. And his proficient skills in the wild also surprised Shang Qinggui, and praised Liu Huifeng's craftsmanship.

In the past few days, the two have not been far from Hangzhou. That morning, Liu Huifeng, who had just eaten dry food, heard Shang Qinggui say that as long as he walked forward for half an hour, he could reach Hangzhou and couldn't help speeding up his progress.

Shang Qinggui noticed Liu Huifeng's action and asked, "Why, you look very happy when you are going to Hangzhou?"

Liu Huifeng didn't say anything, just nodded.

"Don't rush for a while. The two of us have been very fast in the past two days. Now that we are not far from Hangzhou, it's better to move forward slowly. Even if you are anxious, let the horse that accompanies you rest these three days.

Shang Qinggui touched the drooping horse with pity. The journey for several consecutive days made their mounts a little tired. Although there is a rest every night, in order to save time, Shang Qinggui chose more roads between the mountains and forests, and the road was potholed. Although it accelerated a lot, it also made the two horses a little unaffluable.

Hearing Shang Qinggui's words, Liu Huifeng couldn't help blushing. Although he didn't say it clearly these two days, he secretly accelerated his pace from time to time. It seems that Shang Qinggui had already complained about this, but he didn't say it. Thinking that Shang Qinggui said it well, since Hangzhou is close in front of him, he simply let the horse move forward freely and no longer walk as fast as before.

Shang Qinggui looked at it again and again, and finally made up his mind to say to Liu Huifeng:

"Can I borrow a sword to look at the wind?"

Liu Huifeng heard Shang Qinggui's voice. As soon as he looked up, he found that he had always been lazy and was a little embarrassed at this time, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Of course." Liu Huifeng took off his long sword from his waist and threw it to Shang Qinggui. Looking at his careful appearance, he couldn't help laughing. It was just a sword. Is it so exaggerated?

Shang Qinggui took over Liu Huifeng Sword. As soon as he took the sword, he felt a chill and couldn't help praising: "Good sword!"

This sword is more than three feet long, and its body is slightly narrower than that of ordinary swords. Shang Qinggui pulled out his long sword from the scabbard, and his eyes were shining. He only felt the cold coming to his face. He should know that it was summer. Although it was not the hottest time of the year, just a sword could make him find the feeling of winter. This sword was by no means simple.

picked up the wind sword and waved it gently twice. Shang Qinggui, who was full of interest, suddenly changed his face and silently inserted the sword back into the scabbard and handed it to Liu Huifeng.

"What's wrong?"

Liu Huifeng looked at Shang Qinggui in surprise and looked at his expression. His expression seemed to be a little uncomfortable. Just now, he was not happy. Could it be that he rushed to eat the game he had not yet baked last night, and now he is having a stomachache?

"Liu Huifeng, my attribute is fire. This sword is too cold. I didn't expect that I couldn't bear it just by holding it in my hand. This flying sword is really not ordinary."

Liu Huifeng was stunned and realized that Pangu opened the world in ancient times. After Pangu's death, the "spiritual power" originally contained in Pangu's body dispersed and decomposed into the "five spirits" of water, fire, thunder, wind and earth, scattered between heaven and earth.

Since Shang Qinggui himself is a fire attribute, he will naturally not feel good if he wants to control this Huifeng sword cast from thousands of years of ice. However, what Liu Huifeng did not expect is that he would have such a big reaction just by holding it in his hand and waving it twice.

"What's the name of this sword?"

Shang Qinggui looked at the long sword inserted back to his waist by Liu Huifeng with some regret, thinking that such a divine soldier must have an excellent name.

"The Wind Sword."

"Huifeng, this... Er, where did this Huifeng sword come from?"

Shang Qingguiqiang suppressed his dissatisfaction with Liu Huifeng's arbitrary naming of the divine soldier and asked.

Liu Huifeng was calm and said, "It was my uncle who refined it for me."

Shang Qinggui couldn't help sighing, "The person who can refine this sword must be extraordinary. It should take a long time to refine this sword, half a year or a year?"

Liu Huifeng thought that there was no such exaggeration, so he told the truth, "It's not that exaggerated, just three days."

"What? Three days!"

Shang Qinggui couldn't wait to jump down from the horse and slap Liu Huifeng in the face. The sword was cold and awe-inspiring. He did not tell Liu Huifeng. He already felt cold to the bone just by holding it in his hand, which showed its preciousness. It will take some time just to collect materials, let alone refine swords.

However, Liu Huifeng's tone was indifferent as if this matter was very ordinary. Thinking that it was difficult for him to even pick up the sword, the depression in Shang Qinggui's heart could be imagined.

Both of them stopped talking along the way. Shang Qinggui was depressed, while Liu Huifeng was excited.

This is the place where Xiao Bieli picked him up, and it may even be the place where he was born. Liu Huifeng, who thought about this, did not notice that Shang Qinggui beside him was shrugging his head and was as listless as the horse he was riding.

When the two came to the gate of the west city of Hangzhou, the extremely depressed Shang Qinggui waved goodbye to Liu Huifeng, leaving a sentence "the green mountains remain unchanged, the green water flows long" and drove away. Even Liu Huifeng's uncle forgot to ask who was, so he went to his friend.

Liu Huifeng has been getting along with the noble and noble monks these days. He still has a lot of good feelings for him. With his help, Liu Huifeng has taken many wrong roads and gained a lot of knowledge. On Longkong Mountain, although Liu Huifeng has read a lot of books, after all, it is far from his own experience. He finally feels shallow on paper, and he never knows that this sentence is not aimless.

The only thing that made him helpless was that the first thing Shang Qinggui did was to fill the wine gourd he carried with him. And this wine gourd is often just filled and emptied again in less than a day, making Liu Huifeng shake his head.

In addition to being addicted to alcohol, Shang Qinggui is also a good partner. At this time, when he saw him leave, Liu Huifeng was still a little disappointed. However, he soon had to cheer up, because he had just arrived in Hangzhou and was in trouble.