Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 33

Liu Huifeng's eyes looked through the grass in front of him and saw the two of them walking lazily in this direction. When the two came close and saw their appearance, Liu Huifeng couldn't help but be shocked.

It turned out that these two people were both demons. Looking carefully, a cat demon and a tiger demon were both human demon heads. It was the cat demon that spoke just now.

Liu Huifeng glanced at the purple cliff beside him and thought to himself. It seemed that the purple cliff was really possible. If he knew that the demons had been able to turn into human form and then show this appearance, he was either fearless or forced to be helpless. But looking at the tired appearance of the two monsters walking, Liu Huifeng preferred to believe that it was the former.

It's just that strangely, why can't you feel the evil spirit in them now?

"Shh, keep your voice down," the tiger demon covered the cat demon's mouth, "When can you pay attention to this big mouth? Can you and me manage these things?"

The cat demon opened the tiger demon's hand, but sneered, "Saner, you are getting smaller and smaller. I really don't know if you are a tiger or I am a tiger. Our imperial department has been afraid of who it is. Now that the Demon King is not here, we have the final say. My old cat really doesn't care about those miscellaneous fish and so on!"

When the tiger demon heard what he said, he was quite disapproving. He thought that if this was the case, how could you complain about those people here? With your temper, I'm afraid you would have rushed over to give them a claw on their faces. It's just that he has a good relationship with the cat demon, and it's inconvenient to say these words.

"What a big tone, aren't you afraid?"

The tiger demon and the cat demon's faces changed at the same time, and the tiger demon was shocked, but the cat demon shouted, "Who? Snither, get out of here!"

I saw the two slowly fall from the sky and stand firmly in front of the tiger demon and the cat demon. I only heard one of them say, "As soon as we came back, we heard someone brag here. It's really ridiculous!"

Liu Huifeng can only see the back of these two people from the angle, but only by looking at their petite bodies and long hair hanging down, you can know that they are women.

Liu Huifeng and Ziya looked at each other, and both of them nodded. The two women fell from the sky and happened to fall at the place where Liu Huifeng and Zi Cliff woke up just now. It must have come from the bottom of the West Lake.

"Please don't mind the two girls. My brother has this temper. If there is anything offensive to you in your words, please forgive me."

As soon as the tiger demon saw the two, he quickly stepped forward and pulled the cat demon tightly with one hand, but secretly complained in his heart. The two people in front of him are famous for their difficulties here. If they are alone, it's okay, but the cat demon's temper is the stone in the toilet - smelly and hard. I'm afraid they can't be good today.

When the cat demon heard the tiger demon's words, he looked at the tiger demon pulling his hand and hummed, but still didn't say anything.

"That's good. My sister is responsible for managing the affairs of this demon capital under the order of the Demon King. If some people are not good or evil, self-righteous and boastful, it's really funny."

The woman's voice is quite beautiful, as crisp and pleasant as an brian. It's just that what he said was ruthless, good or wrong, self-righteous, and a few words jumped out in one breath, all aimed at the cat demon.

Liu Huifeng thought that this woman's voice was quite pleasant, but she didn't know what she looked like. Was it also a monster? And what she said was that the demon didn't know what it had to do with the demon world?

"Bah! Who brags, you don't ask what level my old cat is in this demon. The three demons are headed by the imperial department, and although my old cat is not at the top level in this royal department, no one dares to despise it. Even if you want to teach me a lesson, it's up to you, hum, I'm afraid you're still not qualified, right?"

As soon as the tiger demon heard the cat demon's words, he knew it was going to be bad. He said what you were angry with them. At first, I said a few good words, and the peace was over. Now... I'm afraid it's useless to say more. Thinking of this, I simply kept silent and thought about the way to save it carefully.

"Not bad, Cat Demon, are you getting better and better? It seems that my two sisters are not in your eyes?

The cat demon snorted coldly and ignored it, but the disdainful eyes had explained everything.

Liu Huifeng is secretly laughing. Almost all of the four people in front of him can't feel the demon spirit, but the cat demon and the tiger demon are obviously demons at first glance. As for the other two, although they seem to be human figures, I'm afraid the only people who can be here are themselves and Purple Cliff. It turns out that demons also argue about these things like people, but they really don't look like demons, and seven points are more like people.

"Sister, what do you think we should do?"

The woman turned slightly and asked the other woman beside her.

It was this side. Liu Huifeng saw her face, with beautiful eyebrows and a very beautiful face.

But I heard the woman next to her say, "What should I do?" The voice is flat, but without any anger.

"Did you hear me, cat demon, why don't you openly contradict me and capture me?"

"Bullshit! Caifeng, others are afraid of you, but my old cat is not afraid of you. If you have the ability, come and take me. Don't talk nonsense to me here!"

Caifeng smiled and didn't seem to care about the words of the cat demon. She sighed slightly and whispered, "Why? Why don't some guys know themselves?"

As soon as the words fell into her mouth, she flashed in front of the cat demon like a ghost. The original distance of a few feet seemed to exist, and her left hand attacked the cat demon's chest.

The cat demon did not dodge. His right hand, which had been hanging on his side, quickly lifted it, blocked his chest, and met Caifeng's left hand. Both of them shook slightly.

Caifeng smiled and said, "It's really rough and thick." With a light turn of his left hand, he took out a dagger, but his right hand was grasped into claws and grabbed it. The cat demon is still empty-handed against the enemy, and the two of them come and go and hand in hand.

The tiger demon watched the battle and secretly observed another person who had not yet done anything. She looked calm, as if all this in front of her had nothing to do with her, and her eyes did not stop at the two people in front of her, but looked into the distance and didn't know what she was thinking.

Zi Ya observed the movements of the two people and thought that if he had a chance to compete with one of them, he should be able to win, but he didn't know why the two people just compared martial arts and did not use spells. While thinking about it, I saw a thunderbolt in the sky and the cat demon.

Thunder Curse! Finally, the tiger demon's mind moved, but he saw the cat demon's body shake twice and step back. With a wow, he spewed out a mouthful of blood. He did not hesitate to grab it and block the second thunder. Half of his body was numb and could not move.