Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 39

Ziya also thought that An Di must be an important figure in the master's family, but he never expected that he would be the master and the eldest brother of the master, his own uncle.

The current composition of the Kunlun School is mainly two or three generations of disciples. In addition to the master Yufengling and Ziya's master Shuijing, there is also one of them, Xiao Wall. However, it is said that Xiao Wall began to retreat decades ago. When Ziya entered the gate, he had been closed for decades, and many disciples in the door had not seen him.

The second-generation disciple is the personal disciple of these three people. With the qualifications of Ziya, he should have been a third-generation disciple, but after Ziya was sent to Kunlun Mountain by his parents, he was looked at by the water mirror and was accepted as a personal disciple by the water mirror as an exception. Therefore, although Ziya is young, her generation is not low in the Kunlun School, and most of her peers are called uncles.

Most of the current Kunlun School are three generations of disciples, that is, the nephews of Ziya. And Ziya now knows that An Di, whom she met not long ago, is actually a disciple of the generation of He Yufengling and Shuijing, and is also their senior brother. How can she not be surprised?

Only heard Yu Fengling continue to say, "300 years ago, when that man defected from Kunlun, it was not long before the master handed over a major matter closely related to Kunlun to him. Just because he put Kunlun in an eternal place for his selfish desires, the master was about to cultivate the heavenly path and become a flying immortal at that time, but because of this matter, he drove to the west with a haggard mind.

At this point, Yu Fengling's tone was slightly dry, "That's not to mention that after betraying Kunlun, he actually colluded with a large number of demons to attack Kunlun..."

Hearing Yu Fengling say this, the body of the water mirror shook slightly. Yu Fengling looked at her and said painfully:

"At the winding cloud platform of my Kunlun, because the master had died, my Kunlun disciples were led by the top ten golden immortals and fought a shocking bloody battle with those demons. This battle shocked the whole fairyland."

Speaking of this, Yu Fengling suddenly asked, "Zi Ya, do you know which immortal I worship in Kunlun?"

The purple cliff said awe-inspiringly, "What I, Kunlun, worships is the Nine-day Xuan Empress."

Yu Fengling nodded and said, "Yes, it was the Nine Heavenly Empress. At the last moment of the war, there were only three of the ten golden immortals left, and the other party also suffered heavy losses. Fortunately, God blessed me, Kunlun. At this time, the nine-day goddess fell on the sky fire, destroying the man and the many demons he led, but Kunlun was also seriously injured and lost seven golden immortals. In the past 300 years, Kunlun has worked hard to govern, which can withstand today's situation.

The water mirror, which had been silent, also sighed at this time, which seemed a little depressed. She gently opened her red lips: "Purple cliff, you just mentioned that Brother An sent you a sword. You might as well ask the master to have a look."

"What? Brother also gave Ziya a sword, so I really want to see it.

Yufeng has always had a great regret in his heart. The main gap between Kunlun and Shushan now lies in the cultivation and magic weapons of the disciples. People's cultivation can be strengthened through continuous cultivation, but it is impossible to make up for the gap between magic weapons without a good refiner master.

An Di was one of the best disciples in Kunlun's sword refining 300 years ago, but after that war, he left Kunlun for some reasons and refused to come back. If there was him, I believe that Kunlun's strength would definitely improve by a higher level.

Yu Fengling took over the sword in Ziya's hand and observed it carefully. He leaned it little and handed it back to Ziya. "It's really a masterpiece of my brother. This sword is purple and is made of black gold and black iron. And what is valuable is that the power of Lei Can is added here. It is really beneficial for you to have such a sharp weapon in your hand. Purple Cliff, does this sword have a name?

Zi Ya took the sword with both hands and shook his head. "Uncle only said that he gave this sword because he destroyed my sword, and did not mention the name of this sword."

After hearing this, Yu Fengling nodded and said nothing more.

When the water mirror saw that Ziya had taken the sword, he said to her, "Zi Cliff, go back to your house first. In a few days, I will go to the West Lake with you as a teacher."

Until the figure of the purple cliff completely disappeared, the jade wind order did not look back. He turned his back to the water mirror, and his long figure looked unspeakably bleak. "Sister, I didn't expect that my brother's sword refining skills had reached this level. First, the jade waist bow, and then this thunder sword. What on earth does he want to do?"

Listen to what Yu Fengling said, he had known the sword in Ziya's hand for a long time, but why didn't he explain it just now?

The water mirror said: "Nothing should be too end. If everything is too end, fate must end as soon as possible. He asked Ziya to bring me this sentence, but I think it doesn't mean to remind you.

Yu Feng suddenly turned around and said, "Remind me? Can't you exhaust everything? Is he blaming me? If he hadn't been fooled by that man and failed to become a dragon and phoenix sword, wouldn't I, Kunlun, look like this now?

The jade wind in front of the purple cliff is a polite and elegant gentleman, but at this moment, he is not at all calm in front of the water mirror. He spoke faster and faster, and his voice became louder and louder:

"Emei has purple and green swords, Shushan has demon swords, and even Qingcheng has a Zhuxian sword array, but what about us? The hard-won magic sword was taken away by the uncle, saying that it was rid of anger, but some people saw it appeared in the world a hundred years ago! The dragon and phoenix swords were about to be refined, but they gave up because of an inexplicable reason!"

The water mirror quietly looked at the jade wind and roared without manner, and his clear eyes always stared at him closely, as if to see him through.

"For 300 years, I have always remembered the eyes of my master before his death, and his eyes are full of regret! These are all because of him. Without him, my brother would not have left Kunlun. Without him, Kunlun would not be what he is today without him..."

"Without him, Kunlun would not have such a talented leader!"

A somewhat low but magnetic voice came. The water mirror and the jade wind shocked the two at the same time. The water mirror shouted in surprise:


A man in a green robe seemed to appear from the void, with a wide face and a high nose, and walked towards the two people step by step. He bowed down to each of them before saying, "Xiao Wall has seen the head brother, Sister Shuijing."

Yu Fengling shook his head, "Brother, you don't have to be polite. I didn't expect you to get out of the customs at this time... Well, your cultivation is refined again?"

Yu Fengling found out at a glance that Xiao Wall was out of the customs this time. His cultivation is actually much more refined than his last retreat, but it is clear to think that his retreat lasted for more than 70 years.

"Brother, sister, I heard what you just said. Brother, you still can't let go of the obsession in your heart. If so, I'm afraid it's difficult to see the way of heaven.

Yu Fengling did not mind Xiao Wall's contradiction, "Brother, maybe you're right, but in my life, if I can't make Kunlun reach the grandeur of 300 years ago, I'm afraid I can't let go of the obsession you said in one day."

The man in green robe is Xiao Wall, the youngest of the disciples of the Kunlun generation, and also the younger brother of Yufeng Lingshui Jing. He began to close to understand the Tao 70 years ago. Until today, if there is any enlightenment in his heart, he knows that the opportunity has come. He simply went out of the customs, but he happened to meet Yufeng Linghe and the water mirror.