Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 70

Being pulled away from the battlefield by Shang Qinggui, Liu Huifeng was surprised and didn't understand what he wanted to do, but felt that he was not malicious, so he kept following Shang Qinggui. And Xiaoyu didn't say a word, but took Liu Huifeng's hand tightly and followed him.

"Well, all right, here it is." Finally, I arrived at a place where Liu Huifeng seemed to have no characteristics. Shang Qinggui stopped and said, "Wufeng, last time I met you, I knew that I was a fellow, but I didn't expect you to be a disciple of Shushan. It's really interesting and interesting."

"Interesting?" Liu Huifeng smiled bitterly in his heart, but he didn't think it was meaningful. "I don't know why Brother Shang brought me here? Now that the shemale war, Brother Shang is not worried about his peers at all?

Shang Qinggui's body fell lightly on an empty land and smiled, "Life and death are life, and wealth is in heaven. I can't control their safety. Instead, how could you come to Kunlun with the nerd Zuo Fuchao and the idiot who dug the grave?

"Idiot? Idiot?" Liu Huifeng didn't know much about these two people. When he heard Shang Qinggui call Zuo Fuchao and Digging the tomb, he had to laugh dryly. "They should be my uncle and brother-in-law. I came with them." Seeing Shang Qinggui fall to the ground, Liu Huifeng also put away the Huifeng sword and fell beside him.

"Should it be? Oh, I see. Even you don't think there is a problem with these two guys, right? Sure enough, you are my bosom friend!" Liu Huifeng thought, "It's you who have a problem, right?"

But when he heard Shang Qinggui ask again, "Huh? Who is this little girl? Didn't you see her with you last time?

Hearing Shang Qinggui's words, Liu Huifeng was speechless and thought that it took you to see it for so long? Helpless, he still replied, "This is Xiaoyu. Last time she and I were not together, it's not surprising that you didn't see it."

Shang Qinggui seemed to just ask casually. After listening to Liu Huifeng's explanation, he did not intend to ask questions. Liu Huifeng saw his leisurely appearance and wondered, "Brother Shang, you haven't told me the intention of bringing me here..."

"Ah! That's right!" Shang Qinggui suddenly shouted together and interrupted Liu Huifeng's words, "I actually forgot to bring wine. How can we be worthy of ourselves if we don't drink two drinks when we meet? Damn it!"

"..." Liu Huifeng now feels that it is really a rare thing for him to travel all the way with Qinggui. It is almost as difficult to communicate with such a person as my daily practice. When I was thinking about it, I found that a breath was approaching the two people, and my heart moved and looked up.

And Shang Qinggui also noticed this breath at this time. He raised his head lazily, shook his head at a glance, and simply sat on the ground, "What is she doing?"

"Purple Cliff?"

Liu Huifeng waited for this person to get close and found that the person who came was actually Purple Cliff. Why did she also leave the Kunlun army and follow them here?

"Brother Shang is polite." Ziya first blessed Shang Qinggui in the air. Shang Qinggui waved casually, "No, no, since you're here, why don't you stop there?"

Ziya didn't say much. She took the sword and fell to the ground. She looked at the two people who seemed to be talking happily with doubt and asked, "Do you... know each other?"

Liu Huifeng nodded and said, "Brother Shang and I met on the way to Hangzhou, but I didn't expect to meet here... But why did you come to the Purple Cliff?"

Zi Ya hesitated for a moment and replied, "I'm afraid that you don't speak the same language for a while, so I rushed to have a look. It seems that I'm abrupt."

Shang Qinggui looked at the familiar appearance of Ziya and Liu Huifeng and was surprised. Of course, he knew who Ziya was.

As the only disciple of the water mirror, her face is peerless, beautiful and refined, and her qualifications are excellent. In addition, she is smart. It is not too much to say that she is like a nine-day fairy falling into the mortal world. It's just that Ziya hardly associates with anyone in the Kunlun faction. On weekdays, he sees these brothers salute politely, and all the people who talk to her for other purposes are closed. Why is her attitude towards Liu Huifeng like a friend she has known for many years today, and she seems to be more familiar than herself?

"Waifeng, your gravedigging uncle is not a good person. He has been thinking about my water mirror master. You are not the one he sent to approach my sister, are you?"

"..." Liu Huifeng looked embarrassed and didn't know what to say. Ziya said coldly, "Brother, I won't say this again."

"Hey hey, hey." Shang Qinggui laughed dryly. Seeing the cold eyes of Ziya, he couldn't help but burst into his heart. He knew that she was not joking and said, "Eifeng, in fact, I brought you here because I lacked a helper."

"Helper?" Liu Huifeng said strangely, "What kind of helper?"

Seeing that Ziya also looked at himself with the same doubtful eyes, Shang Qinggui grinned at her, "I thought the two of us might not be enough, but now with you, it's perfect. Sister, don't you remember that I'm not just repairing swords, do you?"

Ziya's heart moved, and she naturally heard about Shang Qinggui's skills in Kunlun, "You mean...divination?"

"That's right, that's right!" Shang Qinggui patted his palms, "I just divination. As long as we stay in this place, we will get something in half an hour."

"Harvest?" Liu Huifeng frowned and said that he was not good at numerology at all, but he also knew that it was true. Thinking back, the old man he met in front of the West Lake made a sudden attack in his heart, "Are you a heavenly gate man?"

Among the practitioners, there are many sects that study numerology, but an ancient sect - Tianjimen is the most outstanding. The sects of this sect have been studying numerology all their lives and are famous among practitioners. Therefore, Liu Huifeng suspected that Chen Mozhe might be a Tianjimen before. Now when he hears Shang Qinggui say this, he can't help but think of it.

"Why is it Tianjipai when you mention this?" Shang Qinggui looked reluctant, "Although this sect is famous for divination, it can't assign everyone to them!" Tianjimen, hum, if there is a chance, I would like to find Xu Tu to see what he can figure out.

Ziya saw Shang Qinggui's anangry appearance, and when he heard his words again, he did not react for a moment, "Xu Tu?"

When Liu Huifeng saw that Ziya didn't understand, he explained, "Xu Tu is the founder of Tianjimen. He is unparalleled in his attainments in fate. As early as his debut, he established the rule of only counting three hexagrams every day. There is no mistake in fortune-telling. It's really a living legend."

When it comes to Xu Tu, Liu Huifeng couldn't help sighing. He still heard Xiao Bie's talk about this person. In Xiao Bie's mouth, he is "a person who likes to join in the fun and play soy sauce. When he sees interesting things, he will occupy a seat to watch, and when he sees interesting people, he will follow him shamelessly. "Old guy. Now that I think about it, this person may have some connection with Xiao.

Shang Qinggui vented his dissatisfaction and said to Liu Huifeng, "Didn't you keep asking why you brought you here?" After Liu Huifeng's reply, he rushed to say, "It's because I predict that I will meet an acquaintance I haven't seen for a long time today, and only by bringing this person can I make this trip worthwhile."

"You" Liu Huifeng was surprised and said that Shang Qinggui's mysterious tone made him doubt it.

Zi Ya also looked at Shang Qinggui puzzledly and didn't understand what this had to do with Liu Huifeng.

"Don't look at me. I don't know why, but that's what the hexagram shows. Let's just wait."

When Liu Huifeng saw Shang Qinggui's appearance, he knew that he couldn't ask anything from him. He was about to discuss with Ziya, but Xiaoyu suddenly pulled his sleeve and said, "Huifeng."

"Little rain?" Liu Huifeng looked at the little one puzzledly and saw her firm eyes. Liu Huifeng picked her up with a smile and asked, "Why, can Xiaoyu also divination?"

Ziya saw Liu Huifeng and Xiaoyu's movements and looked at them curiously. Naturally, she had known Xiaoyu for a long time. She always thought that Xiaoyu was Liu Huifeng's sister, and she couldn't help guessing what Xiaoyu would say to Liu Huifeng. Xiaoyu seemed to say a word to Liu Huifeng, but Liu Huifeng's face suddenly became solemn.