Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 8

Kong Lingqi and Jiumo dig tombs and the three people talked happily. Their brothers have a deep relationship, coupled with the fact that they have not seen each other for decades, there will be some words that are bound to say at this time.

Liu Huaisha looked at Zuo Fuchao, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. She was sent to Shushan by her family and met Kong Lingqi when she was a teacher. The two were originally brothers and sisters, which can be called childhood sweethearts. They originally fell in love with each other and married them under the arrangement of the teachers of both sides. The relationship between the two is deep. Jiang Chi is a disciple of Kong Lingqi, but for her husband and wife, just like a daughter, seeing that she has also reached the age of marriage, the two have discussed several times. Although they are both immortals, this lifelong event can not be delayed.

She and Kong Lingqi both think that it is best to find a Ruyi Langjun for Jiang Chi in Shushan. There are many talented people among Shushan disciples. It is not difficult to find a person who satisfies them, and Zuo Fucha is the favorite person Liu Huaisha. Zuo Fuchao and Jiang Chi, one is the eldest brother of the second generation of disciples of Shushan, and the other is the elder sister. Just like her and Kong Lingqi in those years, they can be called the right family, and Zuo Fuchao Fuchao can fully admire Jiang Chi regardless of his character and learning.

"Fu Chao, do you know what happened to your uncle and me this time?" Liu Huaisha asked with a smile.

Zuo Fuchao shook his head and said, "Disciples don't know". Naturally, it will not be a trivial matter to let the five elders of Shushan go out this time, but he doesn't know exactly what it is, but he vaguely guessed that it may be related to the war in Hangzhou West Lake.

"During the retreat with my brother, I heard that you went to the West Lake to eliminate demons?" Liu Huaisha asked, "We just know something. Tell me in detail what's going on."

Since Liu Huaisha asked, Zuo Fu could not be supernatural like the two pestering nephews who treated him. After thinking about it, he found the West Lake demon capital from Kunlun and gathered various sects to talk about it:

"...We thought it was the demon world, but the bottom of the West Lake was just a gathering place for demons, not the demon world. Those demons called themselves the demon capital, but in this battle, all the demons were destroyed, and we can't return without success."

When Jiang Chi heard this, his heroic face was not inferior to that of a man, his eyebrows were slightly browed, and he interrupted, "So it is said that there are six worlds in Kyushu. Gods, demons, immortals, ghosts, demons and people, but no one can really prove it. This demon world is inevitably a little ridiculous."

Hearing Jiang Chi's words, Zuo Fuchao shook his head and said, "Master Jiang's words are not good. Do you know that Pangu opened the world in ancient times, which led to the current Kyushu. Later Pangu's essence turned into Fuxi, Shennong and Nuwa, that is, the three emperors."

Jiang Chi wondered, "Of course I know these, but which monks don't know these?"

Seeing Jiang Chi's doubtful appearance, Liu Huaisha smiled and motioned Zuo Fuchao to continue talking.

There are no relatives and disciples in the forest. Although Linzhong is the leader, he is the younger brother of Jiumo. Coupled with Zuo Fuchao's outstanding talent, his cultivation is the first among the second generation of disciples in Shushan. However, in addition to his cultivation, he has also dealt with outside affairs and some common affairs within the Shushan in an orderly manner, so he has been treated by Shushan elders. It is regarded as the best choice for the next generation of leaders.

The years of training has made Zuo Fuchao not only excellent in cultivation, but also done things without water. He was very eloquence. After thinking about it, he said, "After Pangu, there were not only three emperors. The spiritual power originally contained in Pangu's body also escaped and decomposed into water at the same time. The five spirits of fire, thunder, wind and earth are scattered between heaven and earth. And Pangu's heart hangs between heaven and earth and becomes a link connecting heaven and earth, and connects with the place where the clear air of heaven is ring. Because of the turbidity, it gives birth to divine trees and becomes the source of life in heaven.

What Zuo Fuchao said this time is not as clear as Jiang Chi was just now. Although she knew that the foundation of immortals is the five spirit attributes, she did not know that the five spirits were born with the three emperors. As for the divine tree, she had never heard of it, so she could listen more attentively.

"Did the few creatures in Kyushu, the three emperors created creatures in different forms. Fuxi took the fruit of the divine tree absorbing the clear qi of the divine world as his body, injecting his powerful energy to create a god. Because the fruit of the divine tree has few sources, the number of gods is very small, but the spiritual power is strong. God is intolerant of the turbidity of the earth, so he lives in the sky for the divine world;

Shennong uses the earth, stone, grass and trees as his body to instill his own strength and create beasts, including animal insects. Because Shennong pays attention to quantity and ability, there are many types and numbers of beasts, and their abilities are diverse, but their minds are not enlightened;

Nuwa mixed with soil and water, attached to her own blood and spiritual power, dots with willow branches, shaped according to her own appearance, and created people. The human body is beautiful and intelligent, but the physical strength is inferior. Although there is no special ability, it has strong comprehension. God lives in the sky, people and beasts live on the earth, and the ghost world is the reincarnation of people, beasts and other creatures. We have been in peace for tens of thousands of years.

When Liu Huaisha heard this, he said to Jiang Chi, "Xiao Chi, do you see? Your brother Zuo has not only refined a lot, but also has a lot of knowledge."

"Uncle praised it." Zuo Fuchao said modestly and then said, "Later, a master with great wisdom appeared in the beasts. Presumably Sister Jiang had heard his name."

Jiang Chi was aroused by Zuo Fuchao and asked curiously, "Who is it?"

Zuo Fuchao didn't sell the key and said with a smile, "This is Chi You. He led the orcs to fight against human beings with the intention of monopolizing the earth. At that time, human power was weak and was not an opponent of beasts at all. In addition, Chiyou exerted the power inherited from Shennong to the extreme, and human beings were not sure of winning at all.

" Shennong?" Jiang Chi couldn't help interrupting, "Shennong is the third emperor. Did he watch Chiyou do this? And Fuxi and Nuwa? Don't they care about it and let Chiyou do this?

Although he knew that the result of the later event must have been a human victory, Jiang Chi couldn't help saying when he heard such behavior. It is impolite to interrupt others when others are talking, and Jiang Chi has interrupted Zuo Fuchao's words more than once, but Zuo Fuchao doesn't care. He is gentle and a modest gentleman. In addition, although he has not seen him for decades, he still knows more about his sister's personality. Perhaps because as an apprentice of Kong Lingqi and Liu Huaisha, Jiang Chi inherited their characteristics at the same time. On the one hand, he was generous and polite, but on the other hand, he was jealous and sometimes impulsive.

But Zuo Fuchao also knows that Jiang Chi's side can only be revealed to people who are very familiar with him, while in front of others, she is still the knowledgeable and gentle master sister. Therefore, he explained:

"The three emperors did not sit idly by, but Shennong had already been killed in the world at that time, otherwise his blood power would not have been inherited by Chiyou."

"It turns out that Shennong is dead, so what about Fuxi? Where's Nuwa?" Jiang Chi asked urgently.

"At that time, the Protoss assisted the human race and defeated Chiyou's army under the command of the Xuanyuan clan. Chiyou tried his best to open the alien channel and deliver the remnants to the alien world. Chiyou's remnants gradually cultivated into demons in the alien world, and the demon world gradually formed. There are already gods, demons, people and ghosts, and they have become four of the six worlds.

After cultivation, beasts inspire the Shennong power they inherited and become demons. After cultivation, we human beings can also stimulate the spiritual power of Nuwa inherited by ourselves and become immortals. The formation of demons and immortals is not only related to talent and cultivation, but also related to the earth. Therefore, there are fairy worlds in the sky, and there are also ten caves, 36 small caves, 72 lucky earths and other fairy worlds. Among them, the most famous fairyland is Shu Mountain where Pangu's heart is located and Kunlun Mountain under the fairy world in heaven.

"Shutan, Kunlun?"

"It's our Shushan and Kunlun..." Zuo Fuchao's topic changed, "correspondingly, although it seems that demons are acting alone, the demon world where demons live is also true. This time, the demons in West Lake can be regarded as a small demon world. Although we don't know where the real demon world is, its existence But there is no doubt about it."

Liu Huaisha heard Zuo Fuchao's words and asked, "Fu Chao, where did you know these?"

Zuo Fuchao replied truthfully, "Some of them are heard from the master, and many of them are known by me who have consulted the classics of Shushan."

"So it is," Liu Huaisha looked at Jiang Chi, "Xiao Chi, do you understand now? Don't thank Brother Zuo. You just interrupted Fu Chao several times, and the teacher hasn't said anything about you yet.

Jiang Chi was a little embarrassed and blessed Zuo Fu Chao, "Please don't mind."

Zuo Fuchao shook his hand repeatedly, "Sister Jiang doesn't have to be polite. It's just a little thing. Don't worry about it."

Of course, Liu Huaisha will not be serious. Her heart can protect her shortcomings. Seeing that Zuo Fuchao said so, she was even more satisfied with him, so she asked, "You just said that you have destroyed the demon capital, but why don't you eradicate it once and for all?"

Although Liu Huaisha's personality is gentle, when it comes to eliminating demons, his body exudes a faint murderous spirit. Zuo Fuchao's heart is cold. Sister Jiang's temperament came from this uncle, right?

He smiled bitterly, "I'm ashamed that I was not present at that time, but after listening to what Brother Wang said, we also found the escaped demons, but we were disturbed by others, and finally failed."

"Oh?" Liu Huaisha's eyes lit up and asked curiously, "What kind of person has such ability? Can he save those demons in the hands of many leaders with one person's power?" Between the words, the look between the eyebrows is almost the same as that of Jiang Chi just now.

Zuo Fuchao shook his head with emotion and shame, "He is Kong Zhang, the demon king."

"Demon King?" Liu Huaisha muttered, "I have also heard that there is a king among the demons, and all the demons obeyed his orders, but unexpectedly they really appeared. It's just that I've never heard of Kong Zhang's name before.

"Uncle, it's not just you. We didn't know anyone on the day Kong Zhang appeared. Even the proud sword and the death in black among the demons have heard the names, but Kong Zhang, the demon king, is indeed unheard of."

"In this way, it is very likely that he has only recently become a demon king," Liu Huaisha continued, "Is he who saved those monsters?"

Zuo Fuchao smiled bitterly and said, "Not only that, he also left a message saying that he would step on Shu Mountain, split the lock of the demon tower, and save the monsters trapped in the tower."