Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 4 Changes in Ten Years

Liuli said this and looked at Lin Tingyu, "Liu Huifeng was originally a beautiful person, but now I can't see what's thinking in his heart, and you are in a different position in his heart, so I want you to persuade him."

"Let me persuade him?" Lin Tingyu couldn't help but be stunned, "How can I persuade him?"

A strange color flashed in Liuli's eyes. "You just need to let him know that he should not continue to indulge in the past. You don't want him to continue like this."

After listening to Liuli's words, Lin Tingyu pondered. Although she did not know the purpose of Liuli, his words were not wrong. Liu Huifeng should not be addicted to the past, and Liu Huifeng's identity... She had a headache when she thought of this. In fact, her own identity was not ordinary, and the aura of heaven and earth was conceived. How can a fairy beast be ordinary?

Thinking of this, she didn't want to eat anymore, so she simply put her chopsticks and said, "I'll go to see the wind." Stand up and walk in.

Looking at Lin Tingyu's departure, Sun Xiufang couldn't help looking at Liu Li and wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything. Seeing that Sun Xiufang wanted to stop talking, Liu Li said, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Sun Xiufang thought for a moment, but couldn't help asking, "I think the relationship between you and Brother Liu is a little strange. It's clear that both of them are... but they don't seem to be close, and he doesn't seem to be very friendly to you."

Liu Li's eyes moved to the distance, "Liu Huifeng is indeed a little special. Kong Zhang, the demon king, told me that he had the blood of the demon clan in his body. If not, I would not have gone to Shushan."

He paused and then said, "In the past ten years, I have taught him all the secret skills he knows. What his original master taught him is basically the top magic formula of Taoism. Although he has never mentioned his master to me, I can feel that his master's cultivation must be far above the head of Shushan. I don't know who he is.

Sun Xiufang asked, "Then you still want him to do that. Did he agree?"

Liuli smiled and said, "From the moment Yuwenyao died, he was doomed not be able to stand on the side of the so-called right path. Those stupid practitioners forced him to our side for his own selfishness. It's really ridiculous!" When he said this, he suddenly said to Sun Xiufang, "You are with me. What will you do if you face your former peers?"

Sun Xiufang was thinking about Liu Huifeng, but Liuli asked about this. She couldn't help but be stunned and suddenly dumbfounded.

Liuli smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't let this happen. They are not qualified for that!"

Lin Tingyu walked into Liu Huifeng's room and saw him standing in front of the window with his hands on his back. He couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart. Once upon a time, as soon as she entered this house, she would jump into Liu Huifeng's arms. Unfortunately, such days are gone forever.

"Is it Liuli who asked you to come?" Liu Huifeng turned around and looked at Lin Tingyu and said.

"Yes," Lin Tingyu did not hide it. "But I think he is right. You can't just live in the memories of the past. If Sister Yaoguang is still there, you will not be happy to see you like this."

Listening to Lin Tingyu mention Yaoguang, Liu Huifeng's expression changed slightly, but it immediately returned to normal. "Listen to the rain, I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Leave?" Lin Tingyu was shocked, "Where are you going? I'm going, too."

Liu Huifeng slowly approached Lin Tingyu until he came to her and stretched out his right hand to gently stroke her head. Although Lin Tingyu had completely grown into a big girl, standing with Liu Huifeng still looked very petite.

Lin Tingyu was really stunned. It had been many years. She had never enjoyed Liu Huifeng's warmth to her again. Even for a moment, tears gushed out of her eyes in an instant. Like ten years ago, she suddenly rushed into Liu Huifeng's arms, hugged him with her arms, and her soft body clung to Liu Hui. The wind can't say a word.

Liu Huifeng didn't say anything. He was still gentle and gently stroked Lin Tingyu. "I have lost a relative. I don't want to lose another relative again. Listen to the rain and listen to me. Just this time, okay?"

Liu Huifeng rarely speaks in a pleading tone. Even ten years ago, let alone now, the more it is, the more it shows the danger of Liu Huifeng's going to do this time. Lin Tingyu will never let him take risks alone. She changed her mind. If I refuse now, I will inevitably be deadlocked with Huifeng. It's better to promise him and then think about it in the long way.

She had this idea and naturally raised her head with tears on her face, "I know, but if you want to promise me, just this time!"

"Well, just this time!" Liu Huifeng never thought that ten years had made this originally innocent five poisonous beast so deep. It's no wonder that he didn't expect it. After all, she hasn't been able to grow much in the past hundreds of years. Who would have thought that only ten years could make such a big change for her?

That night, the four of them lived on Longkong Mountain, but in the middle of the night, Liu Huifeng and Liu Li quietly got up and left Longkong Mountain. Sun Xiufang knew about this, because Liu Li told her that Lin Tingyu did not know, but she also guessed it, because she knew Liu Huifeng too well.


A man in a robe walked around an anxious hall, as if waiting for someone. When he looked up at the door for the third time, his face finally showed joy, "Xiao Chi, you're finally here. Hurry up!"

A girl appeared at the door. It was Jiang Chi, the elder of the Shushan School. She glanced at the man talking to her, "Brother, why are you in such a hurry? Where is your calm?"

Zuo Fuchao smiled bitterly and said, "I can still be calm to others, but today Uncle Kong and Uncle Liu are both here. Since we got married, they have been blaming me for not letting you visit them. If it's too late today, won't you scold yourself?"

When Jiang Chi saw his sad face, he couldn't help smiling and smiled like flowers, "If you are really afraid, you will see a ghost. Okay, okay, let's go now."

Jiang Chi said and smiled and walked to Zuo Fuchao's side. The two walked to the hall together. This was the righteous hall of Shushan. When they rushed to the inside, they were stunned. There was no elders of Shushan here, but there were several people they were familiar with.