Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 40 Gloon Loer is favored

"Lor just happened to hear from the people in the house once. She felt that the elk was very strange and asked curiously before she knew that there were such animals."

The ministers stood up one after another to congratulate the emperor for answering the first question and also congratulated General Lin on his resourceful daughter.

"The Seven Princes have arrived." In the distance, a little eunuch shrilled, and the lively atmosphere fell to the freezing point in an instant, and the emperor's original smiling expression also became gloomy and unhappy.

The Seventh Prince? What is he doing here? Xiao Luo turned around curiously and happened to see Mo Yuche coming this way.

The cold face that has not been changed for thousands of years, wearing a black brocade robe looks more arrogant and lonely, and there is a dangerous message in his cold and ruthless eyes.

"Why are you here?" After hearing the news of Luo Er entering the palace, Mo Yuche couldn't take care of his vow never to enter the palace again.

I didn't wake up until I entered the palace. Why was she so nervous? She just promised to be her own princess for the sake of gambling. What does she have to do with herself if she can't enter the palace?

However, he did not stop. Knowing that the emperor had set up a banquet in the royal garden, he turned to the royal garden.

"Hm?" Xiao Luo thought that the seventh prince came to see the emperor when he entered the palace. Seeing the seventh prince stop in front of him and ask such a sentence, Xiao Luo was a little surprised, "Is the prince here to find Luoer?"

Before seeing Luoer, Mo Yuche kept telling himself that he was just looking at her and not worried about her, but at the moment he saw Luoer, all the thoughts in his heart disappeared, leaving only the woman in plain clothes left in his eyes.

This is a very contradictory psychology. Obviously, I know that she is gambling and warning myself that everything is just a joke, but I still want to pay attention to everything she knows about her.

"I have met the Seven Princes." They are not favored, but after all, they are the emperor's children, and the ministers dare not ignore them at will.

"I will go back to my house." Mo Yuche ignored those people and took Xiao Luo's hand and turned around to leave.

Mo cost doesn't want to see the Seventh Prince. At this time, he actually ignored that he wanted to take away Luo'er's face, which was even more ugly. "Presumptuous, you still have me in your eyes!"

Mo Yuche didn't hear him and continued to walk out.

"Your Majesty." Xiao Luo stopped and said, "Luo'er just followed her father to the banquet, nothing else."

I don't know why, he said it after thinking about it. Xiao Luo felt that he must be stupid enough to explain it to him.

"Your Majesty, even if you don't want to see him, he is the lord of a country after all, and the most shameful thing is his face. Your behavior will cause murder."

Although this guy has nothing to do with life or death, Xiao Luo can't watch the beautiful man die.

Mo Yuche's heart moved. Is she caring about herself? Grabbing Luo'er's hand, he gradually let go of "Seeing the emperor, long live!" Even Mo Yuche did not want to call his father, but did the salute of the king and minister.

"Little Zhangzi, give me a seat." Mo Cheng knew that it was his limit to do this.

Mo Yuche looked around and found where Lin Feng was. He walked over and sat down. Zhang Huairen stared at him resentfully. The seven princes really didn't know the depth of heaven and earth.

Since Mo Yuche came, Liu Shuihan's eyes have been staying on him. Seeing Lin Xiaoluo so nervous, his teeth are itching.

"Lin Xiaoluo, Brother Che is mine. You can't take it away!" I was jealous that Xiao Luo stole the limelight, and now he was even more eager to rush to kill her.

He didn't say much about Mo Yuche's visit to Lin Feng. The news of Xiao Luo's entry into the palace was that he sent someone to deliberately tell him.

"Yu Guoshi, please continue to ask questions."

The depressed goblet looked at the place where the seventh prince was, and the corners of his mouth slipped with a sneer. "The second question..."


"It's peanuts" Xiao Luo said the answer to the third question with a smile, "Yu Guoshi's idea is unique, which makes Xiao Luo see it."

"Okay, Miss Lin is really wise! General Lin is blessed..." The ministers stood up to congratulate him.

Mo Cheng was also so happy that he couldn't close his mouth. "I didn't expect Luo'er to be so wise at the age of seven. It's really valuable! Whatever reward you want, I will satisfy you.

"Thank you for your kindness. As the daughter of the general, Luo'er should solve the emperor's problems and dare not ask for anything." Xiao Luo blamed all the credit on his father.

Liu Hen stared at her daughter unhappily. Originally, this honor should have been her own, but she was robbed by Lin Feng.

Liu Shuihan knew that he was wrong and did not dare to argue with his father, but he hated Xiao Luo more and more.

Wanyan Junlin didn't expect that someone in the Mo Dynasty could answer these three problems. At this moment, he stared at Yu Liu with some unhappily.

The Goblet smiled helplessly, saying that he didn't expect it.

"Hahaha, it's really difficult for Luo Er to be so modest and polite, so I owe you a promise. If he wants anything, just say it."

Liu Hen was shocked, which is equivalent to a death-free gold medal. "Your Majesty, I don't think it's appropriate."

Lin Feng was also surprised that the emperor valued Luo Er so well.

Mo Cheng also felt that it was inappropriate after saying that, but how can the emperor's words be taken back at will? "What's wrong with Luo'er solving the crisis for the Mo Dynasty? What's wrong with the little reward? Liu Taishi don't need to say more. I have made up my mind."

"Lor thanked the emperor."

When the matter was solved, the emperor was very happy. No one was present with one hundred taels of gold. He called the musician and dancer to drink and listen to the music with everyone.

There is a lively scene in the royal garden, but some people are forced to laugh, such as Liu Hen and Liu Shuihan, and Wanyan Junlin and Yu Liu Goblet.

So many things have happened since the beginning of the banquet. Xiaoluo has been hungry for a long time and ate by himself before the emperor ordered him to open the banquet.

"Yes, the prince" took a sip of soup and swallowed the food in his mouth, and Xiao Luo remembered that the prince was still sitting next to him. "How do you know I entered the palace?"

Mo Yuche has drunk a lot of wine. Seeing Xiaoluo, he finally remembered that he was slightly better. "Of course, I have my own way."

Xiao Luo curled his lips and said, "It seems that the prince is quite powerful, and the palace has also inserted people's hands."

"The seventh prince, I have been admiring the seventh prince for a long time, and I can finally see him today." Yu Liuyan held the wine cup and said with a smile.

Mo Yuche looked up and saw that it was the envoy who just asked the question, "I don't know where I deserve the admiration of Yu Guoshi?"

Yu Liu Goblet stood in front of Mo Yuche and his eyes rested on the kit beside him. "This kit is so familiar. I don't know where I've seen it?"

Mo Yuche, who was drinking, stiffened his movements, and his eyes turned sharp when he looked at Yu Liu. "Who are you?"

Seeing Mo Yuche's slightly changing look, he has confirmed that the seventh prince in front of him is the person he has been secretly investigating.

"I'm depressed, the master of the Celestial Empire."

The cold eyes narrowed slightly, "Is the national teacher interested in the kit? Unfortunately, the person who embroidered this kit has already died for a long time, and the national teacher is afraid that he has no chance to get one or two.

Xiao Luo listened to the two chewing words while stuffing snacks. What the imperial chef makes is not so easy to eat.

"Brother Che, why don't you come and sit at Han'er's place?" Seeing several people chatting happily, Liu Shuihan couldn't sit still and got up and walked over.

Seeing Liu Shuihan's twisted posture, Xiao Luo felt that his stomach was churning for a while, and he couldn't eat any snacks, so he simply poured a glass of wine and drank it.

"It seems that ancient wine is much better than modern red wines, and it is not choking at all and sweet..." After drinking a glass of Xiaoluo, he thought it was delicious, so he continued to drink it.

Seeing Liu Shuihan coming over, Mo Yuche frowned unhappily, "I have always been at peace with Lingtang. Does Miss Liu not know?"

"Seventh Prince, the invitation of the beauty should be happy. Why does this face make the beauty sad?"

Yu Liu Goblet brought a stool from the side, and a very gentleman invited Liu Shuihan to sit down.

"Thank you, Master Yu." Liu Shuihan sat down shyly and said, "Brother Che... Dad is just pedantic, and it's not that he really doesn't like Brother Che."

Xiao Luo really wants to put the plate in front of him on Liu Shuihan's forehead. Can this person not pretend to be weak? Xiao Luo looks shivering.

"Brother Yu, it's really not interesting for a beautiful woman to accompany me." Wanyan Junlin also came forward and sat down, saying with an unrighteous expression.

"Seventh Prince, Yu Guoshi, Prince Wanyan, you can talk slowly. I'm going to have a few drinks with my colleagues." Seeing more and more people gathering, Lin Feng simply got up and left to talk to his colleagues.

Xiao Luo also wanted to leave, but as soon as there was a strange movement, the seventh prince found out, "Luoer, sit down."

When Xiao Luo was caught, he had to sit down with a bitter face and continue to drink sweet wine.

Hearing that Mo Yuche called her Luoer, Liu Shuihan's heart was unbalanced again, "I don't know if Brother Che has a clear emperor and Miss Nalin is a concubine?" As long as the emperor doesn't know, it's not too late.

Xiaoluo understood when he heard Liu Shuihan's words. It turned out that this man wanted the seventh prince to be a princess? No wonder it's always aimed at yourself. Thinking of this Xiaoluo couldn't help staring at Mo Yuche with resentment. It was thanks to you that he had been squeezed many times!

"When do I need his consent to get married?"

"It's not." Yu Liu Goblet put down the wine cup and said, "The seventh prince's words are wrong. Since ancient times, marriages have been handled by parents. What's more, the seventh prince is the prince, and the matter of marrying a wife should be more clear to the emperor."

Liu Shuihan was overjoyed. Could it be that Master Yu really looked on Lin Xiaoluo? Otherwise, why did he refute the seventh prince? "What Master Yu said is extremely true that marriage matters have been the words of his parents' fate and matchmaker since ancient times. Since Brother Che wants to marry a wife, how can he not inform the emperor!"

Wanyan Junlin did not speak again after sitting down. His interest was the woman who kept drinking.

The corners of Mo Yuche's mouth raised slightly. I'm afraid that Yu Guoshi is so active that he has some plans. "Since the two agree, I will go to report to the Mingsheng and marry Miss Liu to you, Yu Guoshi?"

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Liu Shuihan was full of joy. As long as the emperor knew it, he would definitely not agree, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, his joy suddenly disappeared without a trace. "Brother Che, you are the only one in Han'er's heart. How can you bear to ask Han'er to marry someone else!"