Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 78 Liu Shuihan's Conspiracy

Xiaohuan was afraid that he would not hear the words of the seventh prince. At this time, Wang Qiang repeated it before he could hear it clearly. He was relieved in a panic, "Sir, Xiaohuan also has no choice but to hope that the prince will not be angry..."

Xiaohuan's voice was submissive, and she also knew that what she said was in vain... Anyone who was inexplicably bitten would be angry, not to mention that the guard looked so fierce...

Wang Qiang smiled, and the girl was cute and tight. It doesn't matter. The pain of my rough skin and thick flesh is nothing. The seventh prince has to do something later. If the girl has something to do, go and talk about it quickly. Wang Qiang quickly retreated to one side and made way for Xiaohuan.

Xiaohuan looked up and smiled gratefully at Wang Qiang and walked towards the seventh prince. The slave Xiaohuan has met the seventh prince.

"What's the matter with you?" The woman in front of her was very strange, and Mo Yuche couldn't guess whose maid it was.

"The maidservant is the maid beside Miss Liu in the Taishi Mansion. Miss has something to ask the maidservant to bring to the seventh prince." Xiaohuan was scared by the cold voice and reluctantly said the purpose of the trip.

Taishi Mansion? Miss Liu? It must be Liu Shuihan. Mo Yuche frowned, "I still have something important to do. I'll go back and tell your daughter. Let's talk about it tomorrow." After saying that, Mo Yuche lifted the curtain and prepared to go up.

It's not easy to see the Seventh Prince, how can Xiaohuan let go of the opportunity like this? Seeing that the prince raised his legs to get into the carriage, Xiaohuan hurriedly rushed over and hugged Mo Yuche's legs. "Lord Seven, please... Please listen to the maidservant..."

Although Wang Qiang stepped back a few steps, he was not far away. Seeing the girl hugging the prince's leg, he ran over in horror and said, "Girl, let go!"

A trace of anger flashed in his cold eyes, but the other party was a woman Mo Yuche and it was not easy to use force. "Wang Qiang, pull her away."

"Yes, my lord!" Wang Qiang hurriedly answered and reached out to pull the small ring. However, Xiaohuan was determined not to let go, and Wang Qiang did not dare to use too much strength for fear of pulling the prince...

"The Seventh Prince... Please listen to the maidservant's words, please!" Xiaohuan's body is weak, and it's okay to hold on for a while, but after a long time, his hands gradually lost strength.

When the people coming and going on the street saw this scene, they stopped to watch the bustle, and from time to time pointed out and said a few words to the people next to them.

Mo Yuche also saw the lively people, and his unhappy face became deeper and deeper. "Let go, I'll listen to you."

Xiaohuan also lost his strength, and after listening to the prince's words, the strength of his hands relaxed. Wang Qiang was still pulling the arm of the small ring, and the loose force of the small ring was unstable. Wang Qiang directly pulled the small ring and fell back together.

"Hahaha..." The onlookers laughed when they saw this scene.

"Wang Qiang, take her into the house and wait in the front hall." At present, Mo Yuche couldn't leave like this, so he simply put down the curtain and walked back to the house.

In the front hall of the Seven Kings Mansion, Wang Qiang took Xiaohuan over and retreated. He was a guard and naturally could not leave his post for too long.

There was only Xiaohuan in the large front hall. He gently patted the dusty ring on his body and stood obediently. Although there is no one in the front hall, Xiaohuan dares not sit down casually. You should know that if the Seven Kings Mansion is careful to damage something, it will be a capital crime.

Since being teased by the prince's words that day, Caidie began to treat herself as a princess. From time to time, she had to show up in front of her concubines and pinch her tone.

Maybe he was bored in the south wing this day. Caidie took the meal and wanted to go to the front hall to have a look. Maybe she could meet the prince!

As soon as she arrived at the door of the front hall, Caidie saw the careful ring in the room. Caidie was stunned. The girl was so familiar with her. Looking at the dress, she guessed it was a newly bought maid.

"Cough!" Caidie deliberately coughed and then entered the front hall.

Xiaohuan originally thought it was the prince, but when she looked back, she was an extremely charming woman. She should not be a maid in the house. After a little thought, Xiaohuan realized that this was probably the concubine given by the emperor to the seventh prince.

"I met my wife."

In the south wing these days, Caidie ordered those maids to call the princess. The maids were afraid of being sold to the kiln by their masters, so they followed Caidie's wishes and called the princess.

Hearing the word madam, Caidie's beautiful face suddenly became gloomy. "Bold maidservant, how dare you call me my wife? What's your intention!"

Maybe she has forgotten her identity by those maids in the south box these days, and she really thinks she is a real princess.

Xiaohuan was stunned by this reprimand, and immediately felt that something was wrong... Isn't the princess of the seventh prince her own daughter and Miss Lin? But the woman in front of me is obviously not Miss Lin...

Seeing the maid staring at herself with a stupid look, Caidie was even more annoyed, "Who bought you into the house? Butler Li? Didn't you teach you the rules of the palace!"

"The maidservant is the maid in front of Miss Liu in the Taishi Mansion..." Xiaohuan said in a low voice.

This time, Caidie was stunned. This maid turned out to be the maid in front of Miss Liu in the Taishi Mansion... Miss Liu is one of the prince's concubines...

Caidie's mind turned around, and her gloomy face instantly became bright. "I said, if the maid in this house didn't know the rules... Miss Liu, she also came?"

Xiaohuan didn't know why the lady changed her face so fast, and she didn't dare to ask casually. Seeing that she mentioned the young lady, she quickly replied, "Miss, she hasn't come. She just asked me to send a letter to the prince."

Caidie nodded. She had also heard of Miss Liu's character, who was an unruly and arrogant master... "Did Miss Liu ever say what to do with the prince?"

Xiaohuan didn't dare to tell her about the master's matter at will. She shook her head quickly and said, "Miss, I can only tell the prince about it."

Caidie's face was about to be angry, but she thought about it and pressed down. "Yes, yes, yes, I talked too much... Xiaohuan, when you go back, say hello to me and Miss Liu, and say hello to Mrs. Caidie of the royal palace.

Although Miss Lin is young, she always has an unpredictable feeling, as if she expects what she does and says... Such a colorful butterfly has a feeling of being snooped everywhere.

Only then did Xiaohuan realize why Mrs. Caidie changed so quickly. She thought that she wanted to climb the high branch of Miss... "Mrs. Caidie, I will definitely convey it for you."

"Oh, I'm afraid the prince will come later, right? My wife went back first. Don't forget Xiaohuan!" Compared with Miss Lin, Caidie would like to climb the high branch of Liu's house more.

Xiaohuan nodded. The things between the masters are not in the control of their subordinates, just pass on the message.

As soon as Caidie left, Mo Yuche stepped into the front hall. It's just that Caidie was thinking about what gift to give to Miss Liu tomorrow, so she didn't notice that the prince went to the front hall from another direction.

Mo Yuche entered the front hall and saw the little maid standing there tremblingly. He couldn't help frowning, "What does your lady have to say to me?"

After Caidie left, Xiaohuan stood there in a daze and was shocked to hear the prince's voice. Prince, miss, she didn't tell me what it was, but asked the maidservant to tell the prince that she had something to ask for.

Mo Yuche frowned, so what can Liu Shuihan ask himself for?

Seeing that the prince frowned and knew that the prince was unhappy, he hurriedly said, "Miss said that the matter was very serious... No one can help her except the prince."

Xiaohuan doesn't care at this time. Anyway, the young lady did not allow herself to exaggerate. As long as the prince who can be deceived goes to meet the young lady, she will save her life.

Mo Yuche frowned deeper. Where did Liu Shuihan play? What did your lady say?

This was fabricated by Xiaohuan. Seeing that the prince asked what was going on, Xiaohuan bit his lips and replied, "Miss said that she accidentally heard the conversation between the master and a mysterious person, but the lady did not tell the servant... I think it was related to the prince."

Mysterious man? If this maid said something else, Mo Yuche might not believe it, but she has frequently met mysterious assassins in recent days. Is it related to Liu Hen?

"Is that true?"

Shocked by the prince's cold face, Xiaohuan thought that he was blind? The maidservant didn't dare to lie. The young lady did say this to the maidservant. The young lady also said what the mysterious man was... What kind of hall..."

This lie has been pulled out, and the small ring is more outrageous. It's just that she didn't know that her casual nonsense was true.

Hall? Mo Yuche's eyes were awe-sighted. Is it the temples? It's just that Liu Shuihan is the daughter of Liu Hen. Why did she choose to betray her father...

"Why did your lady tell me these things? Doesn't she know that my frequent encounters with assassins has something to do with the mysterious man?"

Xiaohuan's face changed when she heard the prince's words, but immediately thought of a countermeasure. "Seventh prince, my lady is obsessed with you, and even the emperor knows this... The lady was also upset for a long time when she heard that, but the young lady said that she would marry the prince tomorrow, and the person who will be born as the prince will die is the ghost of the royal palace... ..."

These words were half true and false, and the little maid said the temples again, and Mo Yuche completely believed them.

"She once said when and where to meet."

Seeing that the prince believed his words, he also agreed to meet with Miss Xiaohuan, who was secretly relieved. "The young lady said that it was not convenient for her to leave the house during the day. She asked the prince to meet at Penglai Pavilion tonight."

Penglai Pavilion is a famous brothel in Kyoto. Mo Yuche's face changed. Unexpectedly, Liu Shuihan asked him to meet at a brothel.

Xiaohuan also blushed and said, "Miss said that many people there are not easy to be noticed..."

"I know. I will go back and tell your lady that if what she said is true, I will not treat her badly in the future."

The task has been completed, and I don't have to be sold to the kiln. Xiaohuan is in a much better mood. The little face that has been depressed all day showed a smile. "The maidservant knows, and the maidservant will go back to the young lady."