Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 85 Got married

Liu Shuihan looked at the sleeping Mo Yuche beside him and sighed faintly. After all, he still couldn't bear to hurt Lin Xiaoluo, even if the man was himself and not the real Lin Xiaoluo.

Looking at Mo Yuche's sleeping face, Liu Shuihan felt a little sad, but this was the end of the matter. Even if nothing happened, it was enough.

Liu Shuihan shrank into Mo Yuche's arms and fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Early the next morning, Mo Yuche only felt that his head was chaotic. He frowned and sat up from the bed and noticed something was wrong. This was not his house!

"Hmm..." Mo Yuche suddenly got up and pulled up with the bedding, and a trace of cold wind took the opportunity to run into the bedding. Liu Shuihan muttered in the cold.

Mohei's eyes narrowed slightly, and Mo Yuche turned his head and looked beside him. Unexpectedly, he saw Liu Shuihan sleeping beside him!

What's going on! Last night, I came to Penglai Pavilion by appointment to ask about the mysterious man, and then drank wine and found that there was medicine in the wine, but I had resolved it... Then an inexplicable fragrance... Mo Yuche found that he had no impression of what had happened after smelling the fragrance!

Liu Shuihan is also awake at this time, but he doesn't know how to explain the matter now, so he simply closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

After thinking about it carefully, I still couldn't remember what happened last night. Mo Yuche looked at Liu Shuihan with a cold face. "Miss Liu, did you wake up? Don't you have anything to say to me?"

Liu Shuihan was stunned and immediately opened his eyes and slowly sat up. "Brother Che... Haner doesn't know what Brother Che's words mean." Liu Shuihan whispered when he gently pulled the bedding to cover his ** body.

Mo Yuche naturally won't believe her words, thinking that the medicine in the wine was her. Yesterday, you ordered the maid to go to the royal palace to inform me that she had something to ask for. I came here as promised, but you put it in that wine**..."

Seeing that Mo Yuche told him about the medicine, Liu Shuihan knew that he was afraid that he could not hide it. "Brother Che... It's true that Han'er has been drugged, but Han'er is also because he really loves Che's brother!"

Mo Yuche knew that the absurdity that night was not the medicine under Liu Shuihan, but the inexplicable fragrance! Now that it has happened, I will not deny it. It's just about the mysterious man. When are you going to tell me?

Liu Shuihan thought that the seventh prince would be angry and relieve his marriage, but he didn't expect that he would say that he would not deny it... just a mysterious man? Brother Che, Han'er doesn't know who the mysterious person you are talking about is.

A trace of danger flashed in his dark eyes, "Liu Shuihan, I advise you not to play tricks!"

Liu Shuihan really didn't know what was going on with the mysterious man. Seeing that Mo Yuche was a little angry, he quickly said, "Brother Che, Han'er really doesn't know what you're talking about..."

"Is Xiaohuan the maid around you?" Mo Yuche didn't believe that a little maid would know so many things, and he didn't believe that the timid little ring would lie to himself.

Hearing Xiaohuan's name, Liu Shuihan nodded, "Is it the maidservant who told Brother Che that Han'er has something to tell Brother Che about the mysterious man?"

Looking at Liu Shuihan's doubtful expression, Mo Yuche frowned. Is it really the little maid's nonsense? But how did she know about the temples?

Liu Shuihan knew when he saw Mo Yuche's expression. It must be that the little ring was lying. Brother Che, Han'er really doesn't know about the mysterious man. He must have said it casually.

Since Liu Shuihan did not know about the mysterious man and the temples, Mo Yuche no longer got up and got off the bed and put on his clothes to leave.

"Brother Che..." Liu Shuihan hurriedly wanted to chase him, but when he thought that he was being bare, he had to call out, "Is Brother Che going back home?"

"Today is the third day of the lunar new year. Isn't Miss Liu want to resist the decree and regret the marriage?" The beautiful corners of his mouth raised a sneer, and Mo Yuche pushed the door open and left.

It was not until Mo Yuche walked for a long time that Liu Shuihan sighed softly and got up and got out of bed to dress neatly one by one. However, when he thought that he was the first woman of the Seventh Prince, he couldn't help smiling at the corners of his mouth.

This is the third day of junior high school, and the seventh prince is very happy. Lin and Liu are busy early in the morning. Little Luo Shang was called up by the winter rain and Xia He in his sleep.

Looking at the sky outside the window, it was even more than yesterday. "Sister Xia He, Sister Dongyu... It's only a few more times..."

"Miss, this is the day you and the seventh prince will naturally get up early. Soon, a happy woman will come to comb your hair for the lady!" In the past few days, there has been a happy atmosphere all over the house. Even if you get up early in the cold weather, no one will complain.

Xiaoluo was still in a daze. It was not until he heard the word marriage that he woke up. "Yes, today Luoer is going to get married..." Thinking of the marriage, Xiao Luo couldn't help thinking of Qianqian.

At that time, I still had an agreement with Qianqian. If one of them gets married first, the rest will be the bridesmaid. It's just that I'm about to get married, but the two are no longer in the same time and space.

Seeing that the young lady's happy little face became a little sad, Dongyu thought he had said something wrong and hurried over. "Miss, did the maidservant say something wrong to make the young lady unhappy?"

How long have you been here? Xiao Luo found that he could not remember Qianqian's face. No, Sister Dongyu, Luoer just thinks of a person and is a little sad.

Dongyu looked at the young lady doubtfully and didn't understand what she meant.

"Miss, my mother-in-law is coming soon. I will wait for you to change your clothes, right?" Xia He also doesn't understand, but today is a happy day. If you can avoid those unhappy things as much as possible.

"Hmm." It's useless to think too much. Little Rose put aside the unhappy thing and got up and got out of bed. "Sister Xia He, do you have any snacks? Luoer is a little hungry..."

Dongyu and Xia He looked at each other and smiled. Miss is really cute!" Yes, I'm going to get it for the young lady... But the young lady can't eat too much. In this marriage rule, she is not allowed to eat before the worship hall.

Remembering the ancient costume drama I had seen before, it seemed that the bride really couldn't eat, and Xiao Luo didn't say much.

Xia He wanted to change her clothes, and the work of going to bring snacks fell on Dongyu. Dongyu finished his work and pushed the door and went out.

Lin Feng and Shangguan Ya naturally got up and were drinking tea in the front hall. Looking at the dark sky outside, Shangguan Ya sighed gently, "husband, Luo Er..."

Lin Feng knows what his wife is worried about. It's nothing more than that Luo'er is too young to be afraid of going to the palace. Yaer, Luoer is so smart that you don't have to worry about being bullied when she goes to the royal palace. Besides, Yuche will also protect Luo Er.

Shangguan Ya also knows this, but she is still worried. Alas, I'm afraid that Luoer is young and doesn't know how to deal with some things..."

Dongyu brought a snack from the kitchen and went back to the west wing. On the way, she happened to meet Mrs. Xi, who was going to comb her hair for the young lady, and walked to the west wing.

"Miss, Mrs. Xi is here." Dongyu opened the door and let Mrs. Xi go in first, and then she hurried in and closed the door. "I'm afraid it's going to snow these days. It's cold!"

"I've met the young lady." Mrs. Xi came forward and blessed her body. "Miss Lin is so beautiful! I have combed so many brides, and Miss Lin is the most handsome!"

Xiao Luo was a little embarrassed when he was praised, and he blushed and smiled, "Dongyu, there is a reward." On this happy day, most people will say a few auspicious words to ask for money, and Xiao Luo also understands.

Dongyu hurriedly took out a taels of silver from his purse and handed them to Mrs. Xi. Seeing that Miss Lin was so generous, she couldn't close her mouth and hurriedly reached out to take it. "Thank you, Miss Lin. Miss Lin is so beautiful and kind-hearted. It's really lucky to marry the seventh prince!"

After being polite again, Mrs. Xi stopped talking. Seeing that Miss Lin was all dressed, she quickly took out her sandalwood comb and walked behind Xiao Luo, spreading her dark and soft hair.

"Once you comb your hair, you don't have to worry about wealth. Second comb to the hair, disease-free and worry-free. Three combs to the hair, many children and long life. Comb it to the end, and raise the case and raise your eyebrows again. The second comb is combed to the end, and the wings fly in double. Three combs to the end, always with the same admiration. Well, there is a beginning and a end, rich and noble!"

Mrs. Xi said while combing Xiao Luo's hair with a sandalwood comb, which took half an hour to finish.

"Miss's hair is really dark and soft. The old lady really likes this kind of hair. It's smooth when combing it!"

After the happy woman combed her hair, it was nothing to do with her. Xiao Luo also ordered Dongyu to give her a tael of silver, and then she retreated happily.

Linfu's box is almost finished, but the maids on Liu's side have not even seen the young lady's face.

"Sister Chunxi, what do you think you can do? Miss hasn't come back yet. Shall we tell the old lady? Shuixiu walked back and forth in the room and said anxiously.

Chunxi is also full of anxiety, but she doesn't know where the young lady has gone. How can she report it to the master's wife? Xiaohuan, do you know where the young lady has gone?

Xiaohuan looked at Chunxi and Shuixiu, and his heart was also extremely worried. Miss... She went out to see the seventh prince last night.

Chunxi and Shuixiu were stunned. They didn't expect that the young lady would sneak out of the house in the middle of the night. Did the lady ever say when she would be back? It's almost time..."

Xiaohuan shook her head and said, "Miss, she didn't explain... Ah, Miss is back!" Xiaohuan's sharp eyes saw that the lady was coming towards this box and hurriedly shouted.

Chunxi and Shuixiu hurried over and saw that the young lady came back and her high heart was relieved. All right, miss is back! Xiaohuan, go and get hot water, and bring the lady's clothes!"

Chunxi saw that Miss came back and hurriedly ordered Xiaohuan and Shuixiu to go to work separately.