Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 136 The End of the Slapless Pursuit

Seeing Linger deliberately changing the topic, Ye Chen sighed slightly and returned to a consistent indifference in a blink of an eye. "Exactly, have you ever found that this little girl looks like a person..." He thought about whether to say the person's name or not, but looked up and saw Situ Ling with a slight attachment and hatred.

"Sister Wan is like a mold carved out. Do you think she will be Sister Wan's child?" Knowing that this was impossible, he still sighed. Looking at the little person in front of him, Situ Ling suddenly seemed to see Ning Wanwan. He was smiling gently at her and called her "Sister Ling."

He looked coldly at the little man in front of him, and then looked at Situ Ling beside him. A trace of inexplicable light flashed in his dark eyes. Linger, everything will come to an end soon. Would you like to hide with me at that time? Suddenly, he felt a little tired. In those years, he made many unforgivable mistakes for the sake of the Lord, and then he was addicted to killing in the world for her. Just now, he actually felt a little tired.

Hidden in the world? Situling was stunned and looked at Yechen puzzledly. "Linger has always thought that hegemony is the ultimate wish of the lord."

The world? Yechen smiled bitterly in his heart. If there is no her in the world, what's the use of coming?" That's all. It's just a casual mention. Don't pay attention to it. Instead, he stopped talking and looked straight ahead, as if to see how the little girl broke the array, or nothing fell into her eyes.

Ye Chen didn't say anything, and Situ Ling stopped talking. He stood aside quietly, but he didn't know where his thoughts were drifting.

Xiao Luo was trapped in the array and meditated on what the night Chen said. Don't be confused by the scenery in front of him... From the simple meaning, it means that what he saw is false. Xiaoluo secretly said nonsense. If it were not false, how could the air layer that should be nothing go to the sticky swamp?

Since what he saw was false, Xiao Luoso closed his eyes and tried to feel the surrounding environment with his heart to see if he could find a flaw.

Outside the cave, Mo Yuche resisted his physical discomfort and fought against Liu Le, and gradually hit from the cave to the outside. Nearly an hour has passed, and the sky is gradually getting dark. Jie is late in the future. Is there something wrong with Luoer? He knew that the royal palace was not too far from here. According to the time Luo Er left, he should have arrived a long time ago.

If you go to the royal palace to find the precepts, the precepts should also arrive at this time, but why hasn't anyone come for a long time? The only explanation is that something happened to Luoer!

Thinking that something might have happened to Luo Er, Mo Yuche became more and more fierce and wanted to end this person as soon as possible.

Sensitively aware of the change of the momentum of the Seventh Prince, Liu Le was not only timid but became more and more excited, and a bloodthirsty look that did not match his age appeared on his handsome face.

The two of them went through more than 200 moves. No matter how deep the internal force is, after fighting for several hours, both of them can't stand it. Another hard slap, the two were separated at a touch, and the strong palm forced them back many steps before they stopped.

Looking at each other, the original breath of bloodthirsty and violence has long disappeared, and it is replaced by a look of pity. Heroes know heroes, even if the camps are different, but they can't stop the two from smiling tacitly.

"Have fun! I haven't had such a pleasant war for a long time. Liu Le took the lead in opening his mouth, and a childlike pure smile appeared on his cold and cruel face.

Mo Yuche pulled the corners of his mouth slightly, but his cold expression did not change at all. "I am honored to be able to deal with the first killer of martial arts."

"Hahaha!" Liu Le laughed, and the child's smile just now was gone. "If it weren't for the master who followed, it would be good to make friends with you." Unfortunately, the position has long been selected and can no longer be changed.

I felt that this sentence was a little familiar, but when I thought about it, he also said such a sentence after talking to the lords of the temples that day. For you, friends are just a virtual thing. As a killer, he should be cold-blooded and ruthless. How can he have friends? Even if there is, it is not sincere. If there is value that can be used, I'm afraid it will be used without hesitation, right?

Liu Le was slightly stunned, and then immediately figured out the meaning of his words. What the Seventh Prince said is that how can there be true feelings like me? After a pause, he said again, "Today's war is really fast! If he can still meet each other in the future, he must have a good time!" After saying that, Liu Le moved, but he had already appeared 100 meters away.

Seeing the man in black leaving, Mo Yuche did not catch up. The most important thing at this moment is to find Luo Er. After thinking about it, he didn't waste time and set out to carry light skills in the direction of the Seven Kings Mansion. Within half an hour, Mo Yuche stood in the study and called for a question. Sure enough, Luo Er did not return home.

Is Morillo is still in that mountain? A trace of coldness flashed through Mohei's eyes. The valley was not big, but there were often fierce beasts coming in and out. Ruoluo'er... Thinking of this place, Mo Yuche didn't have time to change into dry clothes. He took a robe and left the house and ran to the valley, and followed him with his hidden figure.

Xiao Luo closed his eyes and felt it carefully for a while, but he still had no clue. There was no sound around, and even the night that had been there before did not move. I don't know whether to leave or still stand still and watch my jokes. It took a lot of effort to condense his mind. At this time, he only felt waves of rumbling sleepiness. Xiao Luoqiang couldn't help but tilt his petite body to the left and fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Looking at the little girl sleeping so defenselessly, Situ Ling's mouth smiled. How was she like her back then? It's just a seven-year-old child. Why should she be involved in the disturbance? It's not questioning or doubting, it's just a plain tone.

"It's only that her family is not good, but she is the one of the Seventh Prince." Yechen's erratic eyes came back and glanced at the little girl in front of him, and she was already asleep. "Linger, this is not like you." Since then, the lively and cheerful Situ will die, replaced by the indifferent and ruthless owners of the two palaces of the temples. But since when did the two masters of the temples also begin to feel soft?

Situ Ling just smiled indifferently and didn't talk to him. Doesn't it look like What is the original Situling like, and what is the current Situling like? Suddenly, a burst of tiredness came. Looking at the girl who fell asleep in front of him, Situ thought, why not sleep like her, just because the sky and the earth were not taken as a bed.

It's just that she is now, I'm afraid she will no longer talk about doing whatever she wants, right? With a miserable smile, Situ Li said to Ye Chen that he was tired and then folded into the manor.

Watching Situ Ling's thin and weak figure gradually fade away, Ye Chen's hand hidden in his sleeve was held tightly.

Mo Yuche quickly shuttled through the valley, but found nothing, as if Luo Er had not appeared in the mountain, leaving no trace at all. He stopped in front of the cave where the two had escaped before, and the hand hidden in his sleeves clenched his hand tightly and said, "Ring, see if you find it."

Like a ghost, a figure appeared in the empty space. If others look at it, they will definitely shout for the ghost. Back to the prince, there was a manor in the first half of the hour. I don't know if the princess went there. Not only is the body like a ghost, but also the voice is ethereal.

Manor! When did there be a manor in this mountain? The intuition must be strange. Mo Yuqi carried out his internal strength and flew away in the direction of what the ring said. And the ring standing behind him immediately disappeared and followed.

Mo Yuche's speed was faster than Xiao Luo's. It only took him a quarter of an hour to stand in front of the manor. He squinted at the small manor hidden under the dark, and looked at the courtyard wall, which had just been built. No wonder he didn't know there was this manor.

"You can find out who lives in the yard." At this time, Mo Yuche was still away from the manor. Without knowing whether he was an enemy or a friend, it was undoubtedly a good idea to rush in. Looking up at the manor in front of him, although it was small, it was new. There were towering trees all around, hiding all the small manor under the shade.

Once again, he suddenly appeared like a ghost. He stood behind Mo Yuche and replied in a low voice, "Lord Seven, this manor was just built a few days ago, and an ordinary businessman lived in it. However, I found a secret cave behind the manor..."

Ordinary businessman? How can you be an ordinary person to build a manor in this beast-infested valley? Go on." His cold eyes stared straight at the gate of the manor. The man was... The night was thick and far away. He narrowed his eyes but still couldn't see the man's face clearly.

He answered and continued, "In fact, the entrance to the cave is not hidden, but on the contrary, it is openly placed there for fear that others will not know that there is a cave." If it hadn't been for this abnormal behavior, Jie would have gone in and explored it.

Hearing the words, Mo Yuche frowned gently, indicating that an ordinary businessman had built a manor and dug a cave here. No matter from which point of view, it was normal, but since he said that the cave was strange, there would never be wrong. There is a man in front of the courtyard to see who it is. Although he couldn't see his appearance clearly, Mo Yuche felt that he should know him.

In response, he turned around and integrated into the night and left quietly.

Although Xiao Luo was extremely sleepy, he only woke up after a nap. He knew that this was not the time to rest, and there were still people waiting for her to save her. Thinking that Mo Yuche may still be fighting with the man in black at this moment, his heart is tense for no reason. It's been so long, I don't know if he is out of danger...

Thinking of Xiaoluo sitting up quickly, he found that the surrounding scenery was still the same as before, and there was no change at all. This invisible array is really invisible..." He silently cursed the person who invented this array in his heart, and then continued to frown and think about breaking the array.