Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 8 Prepare to Escape

Afei did not give Gu Hengxuan a lot of time to think about these things, and the two quickly arrived at the gate of the sewage treatment plant.

The original guard's room was empty, and he must have fled. The door that should be closed is also open at this time. A Fei and Gu Hengxuan entered the factory as easily as if they were going home.

After entering the processing site, A Fei was really as familiar as his own home, and he took Gu Hengxuan around in the complex terrain. Gu Hengxuan didn't even have time to remember the shape and route clearly, and A Fei had already taken him to another road.

Afei's maze-like way of walking stunned Gu Hengxuan before he stopped at a corner.

Just as Gu Hengxuan was about to ask what was wrong, A Fei raised his hand and made a silent gesture to him, signaling him not to speak. The probe looked at it, and it turned out that there were three zombies there.

"You wait here, I'll clean them up." Ah Fei explained that he did not wait for Gu Hengxuan's answer and rushed out.

Gu Hengxuan didn't even see how he moved clearly, and he had rushed to the nearest zombie.

He hugged the zombie's head with both hands and twisted it hard. The crisp bone broke. A Fei did not stop and rushed to another zombie.

In less than ten seconds, the necks of the three zombies were broken by A Fei.

Three bodies fell softly on the ground. A Fei didn't look again and waved to Gu Hengxuan, who was still in the corner, and he continued to walk forward.

Gu Hengxuan stood for a moment. He swallowed and felt a little chilly. He already looked at A Fei very highly, but he really saw his skills, and Gu Hengxuan still felt that he underestimated him.

Gu Hengxuan was amazed by this speed, his ability to kill all the time, and his accurate judgment. This person is either from the military or, like Gu Qian, a creature in the dark.

Gu Hengxuan finally came to his senses and glanced at the three bodies on the ground. He hurriedly ran behind A Fei.

The two turned around in the empty processing factory for a long time. It was not until A Fei went around the factory for a whole week and dealt with the zombies in the way before telling Gu Hengxuan back.

Gu Hengxuan hasn't spoken since then. He is studying A Fei. He found that A Fei's temperament was well covered by him without any leakage. Sometimes he is very ruffian, sometimes very cold, sometimes very cruel, and sometimes very decisive.

Maybe only he knows which one is real. It may or may not be.

However, Gu Hengxuan felt that A Fei's gentleness to Luo Ziyi was not fake. When he looked at Ziyi, all his feelings were true.

Afei is a weirdo, that's for sure. There is no doubt that he is very talented.

But the more changeable he is, the more he makes Gu Hengxuan feel that he is dangerous. This danger does not mean that he will do anything wrong to them, but that he is a dangerous person himself.

For what reason will such a powerful and mysterious person be ordered to protect a high school girl?

I heard what he said that Luo Ziyi's parents asked him to come. Such a person should be proud, but willing to be a bodyguard!

Gu Hengxuan can't understand A Fei more and more!

"Don't stare at me! I don't like personality cult. Ah Fei didn't look back, so he opened his mouth as a ruffian.

"Well..." Gu Hengxuan's stare was caught, and the person who arrested him did not look at him.

"Who the hell are you?" Gu Hengxuan finally asked a question that had been in his heart for a long time.

"Me? I'm Fei!" A Fei answered as if Gu Hengxuan had asked a very idiotic question, and his answer was also very correct.

"I'm not asking this, I'm asking, who the hell are you?"

"I was entrusted by Xiao Ziyi's parents to save her from Yuanzhou." Still in such a light tone, Gu Hengxuan wanted to rush to beat him.

But he was not so impulsive, because basically Gu Hengxuan was not confident that he could beat A Fei. Just looking at his ability to kill zombies, Gu Hengxuan felt that he had to practice for a few years.

"If Ziyi is not here, you don't have to hide anything from me. I won't tell her, let alone reveal your identity to others." Gu Hengxuan still refused to give up and persistently wanted to know A Fei's cards.

"Is it really that important who I am? Master Gu, are you too influenced by your father to feel insecure if you don't know the identity of the other party? Knowing my identity is not good for you, so I won't say it. As soon as Xiao Zi asked, I wouldn't say it either!" What's more, it's you! A Fei added a sentence in his heart.

"Your identity is so mysterious that it may bring some danger to Ziyi, so I must know!" Gu Hengxuan will not give up. Fei is an uncertain factor. He can't let such a person like * appear beside Luo Ziyi.

"Master Gu, don't worry. After taking you out of Yuanzhou, I will part ways with you and won't bring any danger to Xiao Ziyi. You can rest assured." A Fei still walked in front of him without looking back. Gu Hengxuan couldn't see his expression, but his tone was normal.

Since he has said so, what else can Gu Hengxuan say? After shutting down decisively, Gu Hengxuan continued to follow A Fei silently and walked out of the processing factory.

After leaving the gate, A Fei closed the door of the processing factory, reached out to hang up the gate, and then turned back to the car.

"Why do you lock the door?" Gu Hengxuan asked doubtfully.

"There are not many zombies in it. Although there are no residents around here, there will also be zombies wandering here. Lock the door, and he can't get in!" A Fei opened the door and explained.

"They can't get in, and we can't get in!" Gu Hengxuan thought about the scene of a group of zombies gathering at the door and disagreed with A Fei's decision.

"There is more than one door in the factory, and there are walls to jump, and we living people can make the door difficult?" Fei said in a very provocative tone. After all, children are children, and they don't think comprehensively enough.

Luo Zi had sat upright at this time, but she still didn't seem to have returned to normal. She was in a daze at something outside the window and didn't disturb her when she got on the car.

Gu Hengxuan silently followed the car and couldn't help feeling a little pain when he saw Luo Ziyi like that. This girl has always had the ability to make his young master, who thought he was calm, lose that kind of thing called calmness. On the day he met her, Gu Hengxuan seemed to have this strange disease.

He doesn't know if this is love. He is too young to be very clear about this profound problem. He wanted to wait for himself to grow up, wait for Luo Zi to grow up, and wait for both of them to become adults and have a better understanding of love before making a conclusion about his mind.

It's love. He will never give up. If not, then give up decisively.

And during this waiting period, he chose to protect Luo Ziyi and let her grow up in a stable environment.

In fact, Luo Ziyi didn't fall asleep at all, but was sad there with her eyes closed. Xiaoying died, and the girl named Yuan should have become a monster! The city is not as quiet as before, but a hell of zombies.

She doesn't know if they can escape. She wants to live. Even if she can't escape from Yuanzhou, she also wants to live. Only by living can we hope to see our parents. Only by living can we see tomorrow's sunrise.

However, if you are alive, things like Xiaoying will definitely happen. If one day, Gu Hengxuan or A Fei is bitten and turned into a zombie, what should she do?

Watch them become walking dead, or kill them with a gun? If you become a monster and bite people uncontrollably, then...

In that case, she would rather die than hurt the people around her!

When Afei and Gu Hengxuan did not come back, Luo Zi was thinking about these problems, but in the end, there was only one result, that is, what A Fei said was right!

Even if you are a relative, you will become a zombie. In order not to let the tragedy spread, you must pull the trigger!

Luo Zi is only 17 years old and a half-year-old child. She has been growing up in the ivory tower and has hardly seen any wind and waves. However, in just one day, her ivory tower collapsed and broke into pieces in front of her, making her see the real and even more real side of the world in an instant.

After Afei got on, he started the car and saw Gu Hengxuan close the door. A Fei drove the car and ran to the city.

Along the way, the atmosphere in the carriage was very silent, and the air was frozen, so that people couldn't breathe.

"Where are we going now?" Luo Ziyi, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly made a sound in a hoarse voice.

"Go to my house and prepare something. Xiao Ziyi, are you feeling better? A Fei looked at Luo Ziyi's still pale face and felt sad. However, the truth of the world is useless. You have to see it yourself. She must grow up as soon as possible, otherwise she will not be able to survive in the future world.

He has been cruel for a long time, so A Fei did not comfort Luo Ziyi. He wanted her to figure it out by herself!

"Can we... escape safely?" Luo Ziyi asked uncertainly. Her voice is still a little hoarse and has been crying for a long time. Can she not be hoarse?

"Xiao Ziyi, you have to have the heart to live to really live. Otherwise, even if I really take you out, you will still die at any time. Do you understand what I mean?" A Fei has a long tone of mind. He can't wear a mask to Luo Ziyi. He speaks truth and expresses true thoughts.

"I know that in order to live, I have to live. I won't give up, absolutely... won't!"

17-year-old Luo Ziyi has grown up in less than a day. She will no longer be emotional. She has to face the reality! But the fact she saw was just the tip of the iceberg, all the true image, waiting for someone to find out...