Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 12 Shopping Events

Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi got out of the car and entered the supermarket with A Fei's footsteps, which turned out to be chaotic.

The whole supermarket was empty. A Fei looked at it before and after, and there was nothing except the goods in the room. The cashier is open, and the money inside is gone, and even * is not left.

A Fei came out of the warehouse, took the key in his hand with a smile, and said to Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi:

"There is a lot of inventory in the warehouse behind, which should be able to support it for a long time. I have locked the door and others can't get in. We can slowly ship it back. This warehouse can also be our temporary transit station, and the food collected from other places can be temporarily hoarded here.

"Afei, we..." Luo Zi stopped talking and said with some embarrassment.

"What's wrong? Just say it if you have something to say.

"Are we okay? In case the master comes back, aren't we stealing... stealing things?" Luo Zi was still a little worried and didn't dare to take these things so blatantly.

"Xiao Ziyi, you guess there are too many. Now Yuanzhou, living is the king's way. For the rest, you have to learn to let go when you should let go. If we care too much, we will all starve to death!" A Fei picked up an apple and bit it down.

This girl just thinks too much about whether to steal or not. She won't take it away now. Will she come to get it when these things are expired and rotten? It seems that Luo Mingjun has taught her too well. Without the matter of zombies, she can successfully finish high school and go to college, and then after several years of hard work, she will definitely become a social elite.

But now this situation is pedantic!

"Ziyi, you can think of it as a big reward in the supermarket. You don't have to pay for it for nothing. You don't have to think too much about how much you can get." Gu Hengxuan walked to the supermarket and said to Luo Zi.

curled her lips, and Luo Ziyi also felt that she had a lot of things to do. After a moment, she was not annoyed by others, and she couldn't stand it herself. All right! In the future, follow these two people and do whatever they do by themselves. That's not wrong!

Without thinking much about it, Luo Ziyi also walked in and prepared to participate in this big reward activity.

After roughly looking around, Gu Hengxuan went straight to the shelf for grain and oil. Many of the rice noodles on it have fallen to the ground, some bags have been damaged, and the rice noodles inside have leaked out. However, Gu Hengxuan felt that it should be barely edible. In extraordinary times, many things should not be too fastidious. Without saying a word, Gu Hengxuan picked up two bags of rice and went out.

Luo Ziyi has been wandering around the shelves of small snacks. She knows that these things are useless, but when she is usually bored and spends time or greedy, she will eat these snacks. The situation is different now. She is wondering if she wants to take these things.

A Fei was loading cans or something in the shopping cart. When he saw Luo Zi standing at the snack, he shook his head and smiled.

In the end, it's still a child! A Fei thought so and didn't say anything. Instead, he pushed another shopping cart to Luo Ziyi's side. I didn't say anything, but the intention was obvious, that is, to ask her to pick out what she likes to eat without scruples.

Luo Zi looked at A Fei, who went back and continued to carry cans, then looked at the shopping cart, spit out her tongue, smiled, and began to put her favorite snacks into the shopping cart.

Gu Hengxuan also saw the situation on Luo Ziyi's side and felt that Afei's doting on Luo Ziyi was not a person who only knew him for one day. However, I don't see that A Fei has any bad behavior towards her, and Gu Hengxuan is not easy to get angry. Can he treat Luo Zi well, and others can't? He is not someone else!

The things in the supermarket were moved to the pickup truck little by little by three people, from oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar to daily use. Afei even found a lot of trousers, shoes, socks, underwear and underwear, all of which were moved into the truck.

Of course, Luo Ziyi's snacks were also put in the car.

The three people searched for what was available in the supermarket until the pickup truck was full and the three stopped.

A Fei and Gu Hengxuan also took one thing, that is, cigarettes.

Both of them must take such a thing. Although Fei did not smoke in front of them, he was a big chimney. Unless the situation is special, his cigarette is basically inseparable. Although Gu Hengxuan is not as addicted to smoking as Fei, he still needs cigarettes as a sustenance when he is tired.

"It's almost done. We'll go back after a break and come back tomorrow. There are still a lot of things to take." A Fei casually picked up a box of cigarettes, opened it and smoked two expenses. One was given to Gu Hengxuan, and the other was smoked leisurely by himself.

"Afei, can your home hold so many things?" Luo Zi drank the mineral water she had just brought, worried that his family would not be able to hold it.

"Don't worry, there is a basement under the villa. It won't be a problem to put these things down. I also have a refrigerator! You can take the ice cream back." Ah Fei never does anything without a plan. Since they can take things at ease and boldly, of course they have already had a plan in advance.

Luo Zi continued to drink water with a little head. Inadvertently turning her head and looking around, Luo Zi suddenly found someone approaching in the distance. She touched Fei with her hand and let him see it.

As soon as Fei looked down, he immediately stood up straight and looked over carefully.

"Let's get in the car and go back. That's a zombie. It's not safe here." A Fei turned around and urged the two of them to come up together.

"Isn't it good to kill it? What are you hiding from? Gu Hengxuan opened the door and asked A Fei.

"The situation over there is unknown. I don't know how many zombies are there. There is no need to approach them. If killed from a long distance, the gunfire will attract more zombies, which is not easy to do. The geographical location here is relatively remote, far away from the city center, and the large-scale zombies will not arrive for a while. We are still safe. Let it live for a few more days!" Fei said and started the car to prepare to leave.

Just as A Fei left with his car, another car came from a distance and quietly followed A Fei's car.

After driving for a long time, Gu Hengxuan gradually found something wrong. A Fei did not drive back to the villa, but walked around the neighborhood. This should be the third lap, but A Fei didn't mean to stop.

"Afei, what's wrong?" Gu Hengxuan stretched out his head to the front seat and asked A Fei.

"Master Gu is really unusual. I only took three and a half laps and you found it! Since we left the supermarket, there has been a car behind us. Fei said carelessly.

"Just get rid of it!" Gu Hengxuan looked at the reverse mirror and occasionally saw the shadow of a black car.

"His tracking skills are not bad. I have turned more than three times, and he can still keep up, which shows that he is an anscon. I don't know what his purpose is. It doesn't hurt to play with him for the time being. Ah Fei suddenly became playful and wanted to fight with the stalkers behind him.

Gradually accelerated the speed, and A Fei didn't look at the reversing mirror. Just by feeling, he could also judge the other party's movement.

After turning a corner, A Fei suddenly turned to a path in a small alley, and then A Fei turned off his fire and waited for the tail to follow.

In a short time, a black car drove through the alley where A Fei and they hid. The car was not fast and drove forward cautiously.

A Fei smiled. When the car drove through the place where they were hiding, A Fei started the car again and drove out.

As soon as they went out of the car, of course they saw the tracking car. The car did not accelerate away, but stopped slowly.

As soon as the door opened, a tall man came down. He is about 1.8 meters tall, wearing a military camouflage suit and big black sunglasses, covering most of his face. But looking at his angular jaw, he also knows that he is definitely a hard figure.

"Friend, what do you mean?" A Fei also got out of the car, leaned against the door, and said to the man with a smile.

"It's boring. We just want to find a place to stay. My friends and I are not infected, and we both have a certain combat effectiveness and will never hold you back. We don't want much. Just a place to rest. We can solve the food problem by ourselves. The man said calmly.

A Fei smiled outside, combat effectiveness? It seems that he is really from the military. However, he has neither military rank nor weapons, and A Fei dares not take strangers back to his villa without authorization. After thinking about it, A Fei asked again:

"Who are you? Why can you find us here?" Ah Fei was suspicious and didn't ask what was going on. He wouldn't stop.

After hearing this, the man just smiled and took off his big sunglasses, revealing his whole resolute face and a pair of deep eyes. He patted the roof of their car, and his three friends also opened the door and got off the car

"My name is Guan Qilei. This is Pei Yufeng, Xia Fan and Wang Xing. All four of us are military personnel, but now, like you, we are poor people abandoned in Yuanzhou. Xia Fan is a computer master. He used the military satellite to find you. In fact, we found you last night, but we didn't arrive nearby until early this morning at the other end of Yuanzhou. The man briefly explained his identity.

Guan Qilei would more or less hide this, but he did not dare to hide too much, because he could see that A Fei was not a simple person.

Sure enough, he is a military man! If they have no other purpose, then there are also a few good helpers! A Fei thought about it.

"I hope what you said is true, so that I won't regret letting you in. Get in the car and follow me!" A Fei decided to keep them. No matter what their purpose was, he was not afraid. With his ability, it is easy to kill them!

A Fei started the car and turned out of the alley. Regardless of whether Guan Qilei and others had kept up, he drove to the villa area.

The new survivors have joined. Will they be Fei's helpers or their enemies? Will the future plot develop as they imagined...