Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 18 Is There any danger

Gu Hengxuan held the gun in his hand and cautiously approached the door of the convenience store. Luo Ziyi also held a gun, but she clearly knew that she was not insured. She was not prepared to shoot. Even if she had seen the zombies, she didn't want to shoot.

It's not that they don't know how dangerous they are, and that their six relatives don't recognize them. In their eyes, they are nothing but food. However, she still can't do it.

Gu Hengxuan in front of him does not have so many scruples as she has. In his heart, protecting Luo Ziyi is the first, and the rest are secondary.

When she peeked at Luo Ziyi, she already saw the tension and scruples in her heart.

Reaching out and patting her on the shoulder, Gu Hengxuan turned his head and smiled at her, as if to say: Don't worry, I'm here, and I won't let you have anything wrong.

Luo Zi nodded gratefully and took a deep breath. Her expression was much calmer and firmer.

It is a small convenience store, and there are three zombies wandering in the alley next to it. Looking at their clothes, they should be clerks in convenience stores when they are alive. The neat uniforms of the clerks were already full of dry blood, echoing the blood stains on their mouths.

It seems that they have eaten a lot of "food".

Gu Hengxuan carefully observed the vicinity and did not find any zombies other than these three. After swinging his head to Luo Zi one by one, Gu Hengxuan rushed out first.

His plan is that Luo Ziyi may contain one, and even if she can't hit it, she can temporarily attract its attention. He killed one himself, and the farthest one, because the zombie's movement was slow, after he solved the one, he shot the farthest one, and then returned to help Luo Zi solve the one.

I have to say that Gu Hengxuan's plan is still very comprehensive. If it were A Fei, he could only rely on his agile skills to speed up his action.

However, some people said that the plan did not change quickly. Gu Hengxuan's plan was very good, but he never thought that Luo Ziyi was at this time...

I'm timid.

Watching Gu Hengxuan rush out, Luo Zi also wanted to keep up, but her retreat suddenly didn't listen. She wanted to keep up, but her feet were like lead, but she couldn't move. Luo Ziyi never knew that she was so timid. It was not that she had never seen a zombie. Even her friend Xiaoying became a zombie and bit a person to death in front of her.

Luo Zi kept telling herself that there was nothing to be afraid of, and they would also die. But when she thought of Lin Xiaoying's ferocious face and the flesh on her round neck before she was killed by A Fei, Luo Zi felt that her whole body was trembling. She is afraid of those monsters from the bottom of her heart.

Cold sweat flowed from Luo Ziyi's forehead to her cheek. She held a gun. She knew that the things in her hand could kill them, and that A Fei taught her a lot of essentials to hit them. It's just that she doesn't dare!

The unlucky Gu Hengxuan ran nearby and just shot and killed a zombie. He thought that Luo Ziyi would come to help a leader. But when the second zombie grabbed his arm, he found that Luo Ziyi was still hiding from the place where they had just stood and did not follow.

This can be ruined, although A Fei said that the clothes worn by Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi are thickened, and general tearing can't tear them off. But the zombies are very strong. Just now, Gu Hengxuan has heard the sound of tearing. He hurriedly shook his hand. Gu Hengxuan threw away the zombie who grabbed his arm and punched it back a few meters.

He hurriedly reached out and pulled the trigger at the zombie, and the semi-solidified plasma immediately sprayed out. Unfortunately, in a hurry, Gu Hengxuan only hit the zombie's chest and did not hit the head. The zombie looked down slightly at the wound in his chest, then opened his mouth and rushed up more fiercely.

Luo Ziyi still didn't go out and didn't even dare to look at it. She heard the gunfire and knew that Gu Hengxuan's situation was very bad, but she still didn't dare.

Tears were about to flow down, but she was still afraid and trembled all the time. She could clearly feel that the material on the back had been wet with her sweat.

Seeing everything from the gun, he just smiled and shook his head, but there was no surprise at all. It seems that all this is the same as he expected. Indeed, he has long known that Luo Ziyi will not be enlightened so easily, so today's actual battle just wants her to put down some unnecessary things and truly accept everything in front of her.

A Fei deliberately did this kind of adventurous thing, and he also knew that it was risky. If Luo Ziyi could face the fear in her heart and get out of the shadow of Lin Xiaoying and Yuan's death, then her future path would be easy. But on the contrary, she can never get rid of fear, so she wants to be a useless person no matter how capable he is and teaches her how much.

"Xiao Ziyi, I believe in you, you must be able to do it, you must be able to do it! Stand up, stand up! Shoot!" A Fei put his finger on the trigger of * and said softly.

Luo Ziyi in the gun was still struggling, and A Fei constantly encouraged her in his heart. Whether she can hear it or not, Fei hopes that she can feel her encouragement.

The zombie who was hit in the chest was not far from Gu Hengxuan. He rushed with all his strength and grabbed his hands before he could react.

The remaining zombie has come to Gu Hengxuan's side and has also reached out to grab him and share food with his kind.

Gu Hengxuan struggled for a few times, but did not break away from the zombie that caught him. He caught a glimpse of the remaining one. He reluctantly stretched out his hand to shoot the last one. But the one in front of him is so tight that his hand can't be raised.

"Ziyi, help me... I can't stand it!" Gu Hengxuan had no choice but to call Luo Ziyi to help.

As soon as Luo Zi heard Gu Hengxuan's voice, she moved, but she hadn't gone out yet. She wanted to turn her head to see Gu Hengxuan's situation, but she didn't dare to look at it several times.

"Ziyi, you...are you you want to me die? Do you want the tragedy to continue? Only by yourself... stop it with your own hands... can you make the people around you live... Do you want to see me... become them? Gu Hengxuan stretched out his feet and kept kicking the zombies that hadn't touched him, while his hands violently stopped the one holding him. Under such hard circumstances, he is still busy talking to Luo Zi.

Luo Ziyi! You just show mercy, I really can't do it! Gu Hengxuan kept praying in his heart.

Luo Zi didn't miss Gu Hengxuan's words word by word. That's right! If you don't want to continue to be afraid, you can only bravely go out and kill those sad zombies and prevent them from creating more tragedies. Otherwise, she could only look at Gu Hengxuan and A Fei feebly and leave herself one by one. Finally, it was herself!

No, she doesn't want to. She doesn't want to see such things. She doesn't want to become them, and the people around her don't want to become them!

He suddenly turned around and walked out of the place where he had been hiding. The gun in his hand pointed to the zombie holding Gu Hengxuan.

Turn on the safety, straighten your arms, straighten your waist, and stand your feet firmly; imagine that there is a straight line between the muzzle and the target, aiming at the head; breathe steadily, try not to be too nervous, don't blink when pulling the trigger, and you will shoot away...

Luo Zi silently recalled some of the essentials taught by A Fei in her heart, slowly put her fingers on the trigger, and suddenly pulled down the zombie's head.


The gunfire suddenly sounded, and the surroundings became quiet. Luo Ziyi's world kept echoing. This shot not only killed the zombie who caught Gu Hengxuan, but also shattered the shadow in Luo Zi's heart.

Gu Hengxuan threw away the dead zombies and pointed the gun in his hand at the other one. This time he didn't hit the zombie's head.

Looking at the zombies falling to the ground, Gu Hengxuan also leaned against the wall and slid to the ground. He reached out and wiped his forehead, and it turned out that he was also scared out of a cold sweat.

He gasped and turned his head to Luo Ziyi, who was still holding a gun. Gu Hengxuan smiled at her and said loudly:

"Come out early next time, I'll be scared to death!"

It seems that this girl has really let go, and Gu Hengxuan is relieved. If she doesn't want to understand and come out, his little life will be buried here.

When Luo Zi heard Gu Hengxuan's words, she finally came to her senses, ran to Gu Hengxuan's side, looked at him nervously and asked:

"Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

"Yes! Of course it hurts!" Gu Hengxuan said weakly.

Ah? Is it serious to get hurt there? Luo Zi immediately took Gu Hengxuan's hand to see where he was injured.

"Idiot! I'm sad! I was besieged by zombies. You came out for such a long time and didn't worry about me at all. Of course I was sad! My heart hurts now. Please treat me!" Gu Hengxuan couldn't help laughing. As soon as he talked about it, Luo Ziyi believed it and asked him with a nervous face where he was hurt. How could it not be funny?

"You...huh!" Luo Zi immediately blushed as soon as she heard it. After hammering Gu Hengxuan, she stood up and turned around and left.

"Ha ha...hey! Ziyi, wait for me, don't go so fast!" Gu Hengxuan put away his gun and stood up. He didn't even pat the dust on his body, so he chased after him.

A Fei's eyes finally left the gun and looked at the two little guessless villains walking far away with a smile. He relaxed a lot. She finally learned to be brave, and the road ahead will be much easier. At such a time, Afei doesn't know whether to be glad or regretful. Luo Ziyi, who used to be simple, may not see it again, but she will definitely go on stronger.

Okay, forget it! Take one step at a time!

A Fei continued to look at Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi from the gun, and their actual combat was only one-third!

Has the fate changed, or is it still continuing according to the original arrangement? Is what you see real, or is it an illusion given to you by fate? How many people can figure it out...