Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 31 Rookie Training

A Fei went to the kitchen happily to see what else was in the refrigerator and what kind of dishes he could cook for Luo Ziyi. The people in the living room have not calmed down yet - is that really A Fei they know?

Everyone thinks that A Fei is a fierce character who smiles on the surface, but hides a knife in his smile. He has always been calm and wise. He always smiles, but not many times it comes from the heart, and his smile does not make people feel happy, but cold. Even if he rarely sneers, others will feel that his smile is just a cover-up, covering up his true thoughts.

But he didn't think so for Luo Zi! Even Kang Zheng, who just met him, can definitely see this.

To Luo Ziyi, Afei's smile is absolutely real, and there is a sincere smile, where there is still gentleness and spoiled by people who are not easy to find. A Fei told others that Luo Ziyi was his sister. It seemed that this was not a simple lie. He really treated her like her own sister.

Luo Ziyi felt it herself, and she was the same as everyone else. She didn't understand why he was so kind to herself. However, she also has a strange feeling, that is, an inexplicable intimacy towards A Fei. And this inexplicable intimacy has existed since the day he met A Fei, but Luo Ziyi didn't notice it at first.

Turning his head and looking at A Fei running around in the kitchen, Luo Zi suddenly saw another person's shadow on him. And the intimacy on A Fei also made him look more and more like that person.


Luo Zi came more and more like A Fei and her father, Luo Mingjun Yue. But how come? A Fei is only 20 years old, and Luo Mingjun is more than 40 years old, almost 50 years old. There is so much age difference, can't there be any connection?

Not to mention that A Fei is likely to be friends with Luo Mingjun, otherwise he would not have tried his best to save himself and taught her so many things so that she could have the ability to live in this city.

If it hadn't been for Afei, she might have died in Yuanzhou. How could she sit here and drink? Either it is eaten as food, or it becomes a zombie and eating others.

I don't know how to thank A Fei. Luo Ziyi can only make up his mind to learn all A Fei's teachings and let him worry less.

Gu Hengxuan looked at Luo Ziyi's expression, and he suddenly felt that the feeling between her and A Fei was getting more and more complicated. However, this complex feeling is no longer the kind of ambiguity between men and women, which is another special and more intriguing relationship.

Although Gu Hengxuan can't figure out what this ambiguity is, he has lost the previous worry. Because he knows that whether it is Luo Ziyi or A Fei, they are not that kind of mentality towards each other.

That is to say, A Fei, a great rival, was officially demoted to a good friend. He and Luo Ziyi are good friends!

At this time, it was just past noon, and A Fei had begun to be busy with dinner. A large number of people in the living room were thinking about what to eat for lunch. Especially Mu Jia and the four of them, they don't have much supplies, so they have to be frugal. Today, they didn't go back to their place, so they arrived at Afei's place.

Previously, because of the zombies, they were so nervous that they forgot their hunger. But now it's safe, and they all relax, so hunger comes with it.

Looking at the busy people in the kitchen, Mu Jia and others were thinking that if only he had prepared lunch!

Luo Ziyi was also a little hungry. Looking at everyone's expression, he guessed that they were also hungry. But looking at A Fei's appearance, he didn't seem to realize this problem.

Forget it, you'd better remind him.

When she got up and walked to the kitchen, Luo Zi smiled and said to A Fei:

"Brother Fei, it's just past noon. Isn't it a little early for you to start preparing dinner? Why don't you prepare for noon first?"

A Fei stopped his busy figure, looked up at his watch, then smiled and said apologetically to Luo Ziyi:

"Yes! I'm so careless. OK, let's prepare a simple lunch first, and we'll have a big meal in the evening!"

Luo Zi's head a little bit, and then turned back to the living room.

As soon as she turned around, A Fei turned his head and looked at her back. He noticed what Luo Ziyi just called him, "Brother Fei"? Does this mean that they are already brothers and sisters?

A Fei smiled, with an imperceptible sense of happiness in his smile.

After a simple lunch, Guan Qilei and others began to talk to Mu Jia about training. After reaching a consensus, they officially became a master-apprentice relationship.

After having a big meal in the evening, A Fei drove Guan Qilei and the others away. By the way, he threw Mu Jia and the others to Guan Qilei and took them away together. A Fei's reason is very simple. Mu Jia and others are already Guan Qilei's apprentices, so of course they are not responsible for it. He naturally threw you out and went next door with their master.

From the next morning, A Fei still took Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan to do their training. At the beginning, he looked at them quietly, sometimes smiling, or very obediently handing towels or something to Luo Ziyi.

The morning training was half done, and Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan were ready to take a break. After a while, they heard a majestic shout in the yard of the villa next door

"Quick, fast! Hurry up, don't slow down, like a woman!" Listening to the sound, it should be Pei Yufeng. However, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan were a little surprised. It turned out that Pei Yufeng they knew was a discerning man with a smile that never left his face.

But listening to his current tone, he not only doesn't smile, but also should be as strict as a demon coach.

"Ha! This guy, what's wrong with the woman? Did the woman offend him? Luo Zi and Pei Yufeng's words were very disapproving.

What does "Don't slow down, like a woman"? She doesn't think that women's mobility is very slow. Isn't she trying to be a strong woman now?

"Ha ha, he's just talking. Are you serious? Do you want to take * out and treat him like a zombie and shoot him in the head?" Gu Hengxuan wiped his sweat with a towel and said half jokingly.

"Good! Practice shooting by the way!" Luo Zi said and really turned around and walked back.

Gu Hengxuan took her arm and asked with an incredible smile:

"No! Are you serious? I'm talking about it. Maybe that's what about people from the military?"

"What is it? Is that how it discriminates against women? Cut! By the way, Mu Jia, what training are they doing? Shout like this." Luo Ziyi also knew that he had no special meaning and was not aimed at anyone. But she just can't listen!

"It's physical fitness. Didn't you see Mu Jia running with a load?" Gu Hengxuan pointed and asked Luo Zi to look at Mu Jia and the four people who were carrying things and running with sweat.

"What are they fighting against? It looks quite heavy." Luo Zi followed Gu Hengxuan's hand and saw Mu Jia and others. Everyone was carrying a bag and running very hard.

"It's a rice bag. Guan Qilei let them run with weight and endurance, a bag of 10 kilograms of rice per person. He also said that no matter which of them dropped the bag on the ground and let the rice spread out, there would be no food to eat at night. At this time, A Fei came over with mineral water, handed them two bottles each, put his hands around his chest, looked at Mu Jia and others who were tortured below, and answered Luo Ziyi with a smile.

"Wow! So cruel! Mujia has no foundation. As soon as it comes up, it's sudden that Brother Lei is not going to torture them to death, is it? Gu Hengxuan laughed incredulously and felt very sorry for Mu Jia.

"It's okay, Qilei and the others know it. It is because they have no foundation that he uses ten kilograms of weight. If it is themselves, it should be at least 30 kilograms. To the rookie, they are already polite. A Fei leisurely looked at Mu Jia and the other four people who were so tired that they were about to lie down, uh-huh! Although this training method is old-fashioned, it is not bad!

"How long have they been running like this?" Luo Zi asked A Fei. Looking at their sweaty face, it should take a long time!

"If I remember correctly, it should be after running in the morning. After breakfast, it started at about seven o'clock. It doesn't seem to have stopped during this period, until now. Gu Hengxuan recalled it and said in a tone that was extremely sympathetic to them.

Ah? It's almost nine o'clock now, that is to say, they have been running like this for almost two hours? Oh my God! I'm suddenly very lucky that it was Brother Fei who taught me. If I fall into their hands, I will only have half my life if I don't die. Luo Zi shivered and imagined that she was also carrying rice and running in the yard.

"I'm fine! You two little devils, keep practicing quickly and don't be lazy. If you don't listen to me, I will throw you to Guan Qilei!" A Fei laughed and scared the two of them, but his words were more serious than jokes.

Yes! Practice now, and you won't be lazy!" Luo Ziyi saluted A Fei very seriously, and then pulled Gu Hengxuan back to continue their practice.

A Fei looked at the two of them playing with a smile, and his heart was warm. This feeling has been lost for a long time, or maybe this warmth has not appeared in his life at all.

Since he was a child, he has never known what home is. Later, there were many people accompanying themselves, but all of them were afraid that they would die the next moment. They all lived a hellish life, let alone any friendship or family affection. He finally escaped from hell and lived an ordinary life, but he chose an unusual way to go.

A Fei has always been lonely, with no relatives or friends. However, he never felt anything wrong and enjoyed the feeling of loneliness.

But after meeting Luo Ziyi, he felt that he had changed. He began to enjoy the warmth of home and began to find that the feeling of home was better than anything else.

The plan has slowly begun to start, and a conspiracy is forming without anyone knowing. It is also at no expense to sacrifice the lives of some people for the people they want to protect. However, can such a plan really be realized...