Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 43 True Purpose

Luo Ziyi and Pei Yufeng stayed at the entrance of the stairs, carefully observed the movement of the zombies, and tried to help Gu Hengxuan when he could not cope with it.

The zombies gradually left the door of the door. Look at the door. The lock was about to break. If it is a little later, it will be rushed in by the zombies and the people inside will be surrounded.

Gu Hengxuan waited a little impatiently, because of his equipment, the zombies had to be within two meters to barely feel his existence. Therefore, the zombies beyond this distance can only run blankly in the direction that just made a sound. Several of them, even couldn't find the right direction, and went to other places.

Luo Zi took a closer look at these zombies. Most of their clothes were the tallest school uniforms in Yuanzhou, with men and women. Because she can't see their faces from this angle, she doesn't know if they know them.

But even if she knows, what can she do? They are already them, no longer human, and no longer human. Luo Zi figured this out early, but she was still a little sad in the face of people she might be familiar with.

As soon as she looked up, she saw that a zombie had approached Gu Hengxuan. Luo Zi couldn't help worrying about Gu Hengxuan. Although he knows his ability to deal with it for a while, there is absolutely no problem. But believing in his ability does not mean that you don't care about him. Although the number of zombies is not particularly large, he is also equipped to protect himself. Luo Ziyi is still inexplicably worried.

When the zombie approached Gu Hengxuan within two meters, he finally took action. Without unnecessary action, the dagger had been raised. After a knife, Gu Hengxuan quickly caught the fallen zombie and did not let his body fall to make a sound, alarming the rest of the zombies.

Pulling in, Gu Hengxuan felt that the bloody zombies in front of him were a little familiar.

Headmaster! No way! Long time no see! Mr. Principal.

Gu Hengxuan smiled silently. Two months ago, he often saw the headmaster. I haven't seen you for such a long time, but what can I do when I see you? It is already a zombie and died at its own hands.

This is also a relief, isn't it? It's better to die than to live like this. It's kind and cruel to it.

Strive for the living and pray for the dead. From now on, God will have mercy on you. If there is an afterlife, I will pay you back! Gu Hengxuan gently put down the headmaster's zombie body and tried not to make any sound. He was still praying for his life in his heart.

Then, two zombies approached. Gu Hengxuan no longer thought much and still did not hesitate to take action.

Born in a special family, Gu Hengxuan grew up in the rain of bullets. His father has told him since he was a child that if your life is hard, you will live to become my heir. If your life is bad, you can only be a handful of loess! How can people who grow up under such education feel uneasy about killing people who have become zombies!

After solving several zombies, Gu Hengxuan's face has not changed, and he is still very calm.

The originally besieged door quietly opened a gap, and Guan Qilei's cautious face emerged from the crack. Seeing that the zombies outside were attracted away, he opened the door.

waved to the rookie behind him, and the three cats in the room came out with their waists. Guan Qilei was slightly surprised to see that the zombies were surrounding Gu Hengxuan.

Seeing Luo Ziyi and Pei Yufeng hiding at the top of the stairs, Guan Qilei made a preparatory gesture to them and motioned them to clean up the zombies together.

nodded to Guan Qilei, and Luo Ziyi's attention turned back to Gu Hengxuan. His situation is stable, he is not in a hurry, and there will be no danger for a moment. But you can't let him stand alone, and it's better to solve the zombies in front of him quickly.

Guan Qilei said something to Mu Jia and Wu Tian behind them. They nodded with a bad face and quietly walked towards Luo Ziyi. Maybe he was too nervous or absent-minded. Wu Tian didn't pay attention and tripped over something. He shouted loudly, and Mu Jia, who was still involved when he landed, threw him to the ground.

Guan Qilei, who stayed still, rolled his eyes and rolled his eyes. He really couldn't wait to go up and give them two shots. It's also a sin to be stupid enough for the two of them! It's better to get to know them and let them free early.

The zombies were very keenly aware of the situation here and soon came to Luo Ziyi's side.

sighed, and Luo Zi waved to two rookies who were still lying on the ground and asked them to come quickly. After the two came over, Luo Zi didn't want to think about it. She pulled out the dagger and rushed to the zombies.

Guan Qilei also moved and did not hesitate any more. Gu Hengxuan, who was originally in the corner, also cooperated with their movements and began to attack behind the zombies.

The cooperation between the three people is still a tacit understanding, at least it does not cause trouble to each other. Mu Jia and Wu Tian were taken to the bottom of the stairs by Pei Yufeng, but they could hear the sound upstairs, but they could not see anyone.

"What's wrong with you two? This kind of low-level mistake will also happen. Did you shoot just now? Pei Yufeng whispered to discipline two rookies and boys! They are not as bold as Luo Ziyi.

"The gun... was fired by the instructor, in order to... save me!" Wu Tian lowered his head in shame. He was really useless and couldn't do anything.

"What the hell happened? How did you force the boss to shoot?" Guan Qilei is an old fried dough stick in the military. Although he is a thorny, he has no ability and can't stay in the military for so many years.

"I... I saw my classmates, we...we used to be best friends. But...but..." Wu Tian couldn't go on. He lost his family, friends and everything. Who knows what it feels like when he sees his former friend again.

However, the friend is no longer the person he used to be. He is already a zombie. He wants to kill himself!

"I haven't told you a long time ago that as long as you become a zombie, whether it was your relative or lover, you can't hesitate at all! They are no longer human, have no memory or feelings for you! Do you take our words as a deaf ear?" Pei Yufeng didn't expect that the apprentice taught by the four of them would be so useless. I don't even understand such basic common sense!

"I'm sorry, I...I..." Wu Tian's tears were about to flow down. He also knew that he could not have mercy on zombies. The kindest way to them was to kill them. However, that's my friend. A few months ago, they played games and basketball together.

But today, he wants to kill it, and it also wants to kill itself!

"Intor Pei, we also know that we are not strong enough, but we... we really can't do it to our friends! Although they are no longer human..." Mu Jia sympathizes with Wu Tian, because he has the same mood.

"You guys... Go, go up and see Ziyi, you guys look at them! She is also a student of this school, and she also has friends here. Why don't they have your women's kindness!" Pei Yufeng drove the two of them to watch the battle and asked them to learn from Luo Ziyi's courage.

It won't be long before there are more than half of the zombies left under the three equipped men. The dagger in Luo Zi's hand flashed with cold light. With the cooperation of Gu Hengxuan, the knife almost failed, and each knife could hit a zombie. The splashed black blood and Luo Zi's sharp figure formed a bloody landscape in the eyes of several bystanders.

I haven't seen much of Luo Zi's rookie, and I was very shocked. Originally looking at the delicate and talented students, the famous quiet girl in the school has turned into a night fork and shuttled among the zombies. With the knife in his hand, he was so skillless that he could not see a trace of panic.

How can she be so cruel to the people she once knew? Can't she recognize these zombies. They are all her former classmates? Even if they don't know each other, the school uniform also shows that they used to be the same person. How can she...

There are fewer and fewer zombies left, and Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan are slowly starting to feel tired. After all, Luo Ziyi is a girl, far less physically than a boy. Gu Hengxuan saw Luo Ziyi's fatigue and carefully approached her to reduce some pressure for her.

When the last zombie fell at Guan Qilei's feet, Luo Ziyi finally breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against Gu Hengxuan behind him. It seems that my physical strength is still not strong enough. After such a short battle, I was exhausted like this. After going back, we need to strengthen the training in this area. Otherwise, won't the larger battles in the future drag everyone back?

"Come and take a break! Look at you tired!" Gu Hengxuan lent his shoulder to Luo Ziyi, put his foot over a chair and asked her to sit down and rest.

"You two are very powerful. A Fei is A Fei, and the apprentices taught are not ordinary! Unlike our rookie, he is so scared that he can't move a little thing!" Guan Qilei's apprentice and disappointment, compared with A Fei's apprentice, really has nothing to compare.

Their skills are secondary. The main thing is that they have not yet distinguished zombies from humans, and there is still a fluke mentality for acquaintances who have become zombies. Wu Tian, a fool, also told the zombies who wanted to kill him, don't you know me? Nonsense, if it still knows you, it won't eat you!

"Brother Lei, don't say that. They just didn't think about it clearly. I can't watch it at the beginning. It will be fine in the future!" Luo Zi sat in the chair and advised Guan Qilei not to blame Mu Jia. She also came from a coward. At the beginning, if it hadn't been for Gu Hengxuan, she wouldn't have let go of her mind and become the current Luo Ziyi.

"You should say less sarcastic words! You are cruel to your classmates, and you don't have any affection for them. Why are you pretending to be a good person here!" Wu Tian came up and pointed to Luo Zi and scolded.

"What did you say? Your classmates of them? Are you also a zombie? You can see clearly that it is not your 'good classmates' that saved your life today, but us who are cruel!" Gu Hengxuan can't stand others scolding Luo Ziyi. They have to be scolded for saving people. What's the reason?

"Don't you have feelings? Don't you see that these people used to be the same as us? Are you still not human?" Wu Tian roared at Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan. His friend died and fell in front of himself. How could he accept that others turned a blind eye to life!

Guan Qilei pulled Wu Tian, raised his hand and slapped him, so that he turned around and fell to the ground.

He walked to Wu Tian, who was stunned and squatted in front of him. Guan Qilei grabbed his skirt and picked him up. He looked at Wu Tian and said in a serious and cold tone:

"What are you shouting? Do people who have done something wrong still have the face to shout here? If someone hadn't come to save you, would you have come out? Can you still point about cold-blooded people here? How can I teach you? From the first day of training you, I have said that you have become a zombie, even if you kiss me, you can't show mercy! Who are you blaming? Are you blaming me for killing your friends?

Luo Zi walked to Guan Qilei's side, pulled him away, shook his head, and then said to Wu Tian, who was still lying on the ground:

"Don't you notice? This is the real purpose of Afei's choice to do this actual battle!"

Is the cruelty of zombies a murder without humanity or compassion for salvation? Once they become zombies, should they shoot without hesitation, or should they recall their humanity? Believe in the answer, it is in people's hearts...