Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 48 Unauthorized Action

Noisy, laughing, Yuanzhou's high internal corpses are everywhere, and monsters are rampant. But outside the door, there was laughter and laughter. Should it be said that they are heartless and don't know the importance? Or should we say that this is a joy in bitterness?

Looking at the different situation inside and outside the high gate, A Fei smiled and suddenly felt that life and death were just one step away. Just like inside and outside the door of the door, there is only one door, but it separates life and death, as well as joys and sorrows.

What a wonderful distance and what a ridiculous fact.

A Fei looked at Pei Yufeng and the rookies having fun and didn't say anything. There are not many opportunities to laugh like this. They have to face things that are still waiting in the distance. No one knows whether the result is good or bad. Even Ah Fei himself can't say that he has a bright future. He just hopes that there won't be too many twists and turns.

Although he allowed them to play, Afei himself was still paying attention to the movement around him. He didn't want the zombies to interrupt this rare short joy. Fortunately, there are not many zombies nearby. A few of them have just been killed by A Fei.

Looking at Luo Zi holding Chu's hand, two beautiful women, while avoiding Pei Yufeng's pursuit, dodging left and right, smiling like sunshine, A Fei's expression couldn't help softening.

She is only suitable for such a smile and should not be stained with other temperaments!

However, he really wants her to be simple and naive all the time, but the current environment does not allow her to do that, and the crazy people of Huiman Research Institute do not allow her to have simple times.

If possible, A Fei would rather forget what happened in Yuanzhou after she went out and remember nothing. Just like this, smile happily forever.

Before meeting Luo Ziyi, A Fei once imagined that if he could protect her, watch her study and live, go to college smoothly, find a man who is good to her, get married and have children, and live a peaceful life, it would be a very happy thing for her.

Unfortunately, fantasy is a fantasy after all. The scene of being devastated, corpses everywhere, and monsters in charge is the reality. The child who should have been naive, with a weapon, will never show mercy to the monster! And all this was taught to her by herself.

However, Afei will not regret it, because this is the way to keep her alive.

People can only see beautiful things, enjoy life, laugh happily, cry sadly, and shout angrily. If you can't enjoy life, all this will become nonsense.

Seeing that everyone was a little tired, Pei Yufeng no longer pretended to be zombies. Everyone was quiet for a while and looked at each other smiling. A Fei didn't say anything, just waved to everyone, and everyone got into their own cars.

is still the head of Afei's off-road vehicle. A small motorcade drove out from a high place in Yuanzhou and sped away in the direction of their home.

Three cars ran on the unmanned highway, and soon they returned to the villa area. There was almost no delay on the road, and three cars entered the villa area without hindrance.

Since the last time the zombies were found, I don't know why. After leaving this area, no zombies have appeared within two or three kilometers of the villa area. Even if they are not in the villa area and collectively go to the city, there will be no zombies in this area.

Although it is strange, no one has a better explanation. The situation is beneficial and harmless to their group. They just keep it in mind, but they don't investigate. Xia Fan investigated this matter for a while, but had no clue, so he put it on hold for the time being.

All three cars drove into Afei's villa, and everyone entered the villa. Guan Qilei and the others did not return to the next door, but took a rest here first. Back to their own place, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone fell on the sofa in the living room without moving and pretended to be dead.

When Luo Zi pulled Chu in, the best position in the living room was occupied, and she was too lazy to argue with them, but dragged Chu upstairs. They are the only two people in this group who bathe every day. The rest seems to be just like A Fei and their habits. The rest of the people almost wash it when they think about it. If they can't remember it, just forget it.

Guan Qilei is not very satisfied with the performance of his apprentices today. Especially after the comparison between Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi, he was even more dissatisfied.

But he didn't say anything immediately. He just looked at the tired appearance of a few rookies and thought, what did you do today? How tired to be like this? He always feels that Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi are very tired!

Four rookies knew what it meant when they saw Guan Qilei's eyes. Although they didn't feel that they had done anything wrong today, they didn't even kill a zombie. Compared with Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi, this is really a big difference.

A Fei drank mineral water and looked at the people resting in the hall. A Fei is extremely satisfied with Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi's performance today, because compared with Guan Qilei's rookies, the two of them are simply professional. As a master, how can he not be proud?

"Enough rest, let's talk about today's results! What is the effect of this equipment? A Fei went to the living room and looked at everyone. He spoke easily in a tone like a general chat.

"Well... the equipment does have a defensive effect on zombies, and the distance is about two or three meters." Mu Jia looked at A Fei's smiling expression, but for some reason, he felt that the faint smile was very oppressive, which made him have to think about the sentence when he spoke.

"probably? You spent nearly four hours in a high school, and you finally gave me a general answer!" A Fei still smiled, but this smile made Mu Jia and the four of them trembling.

Yes! Almost all of them are running behind others and don't get close to zombies at all. Of course, they only know a general idea.

"The safety distance is two meters away, the effective distance is 1.5 meters, and the equipment will fail within one meter." Before A Fei asked himself, Gu Hengxuan automatically consciously said the results of him and Luo Ziyi.

After listening to such an accurate number as Gu Hengxuan, Mu Jia and others were all self-righteous and bowed their heads and said no.

A Fei didn't say anything, just looked at Guan Qilei. It means that your apprentice, you can do it yourself!

When Luo Zi walked downstairs, she held a small medicine box in her hand and pulled her skirt behind her. When the two beautiful women came down, the hall was filled with silence.

didn't ask anything, just handed over the medicine box in her hand to Pei Yufeng. She was only responsible for taking things out for him. As for the rest, if he could solve it by himself, it was none of her business if he could solve it.

Pei Yufeng took the medicine box, gratefully took off his coat and asked Wang Xing beside him to bandage his wound with anti-inflammatory medicine.

Afei didn't say anything. He can't teach everything. Many truths need to be understood by themselves in practice. If he talks too much, he will be regarded as very wordy.

As soon as he waved his hand, A Fei signaled that everyone could break up the meeting. He went to the kitchen and prepared lunch.

Seeing A Fei go to the kitchen, Luo Ziyi also followed the kitchen with her little tail to help.

The hall fell silent again. Guan Qilei and others did not know how to educate their apprentices, and Mu Jia and others also seemed to reflect.

Lunch is very simple, and the atmosphere is still as dull as when eating, and almost no one speaks. Only Luo Ziyi and Chu are relatively active and have always been very happy to enjoy lunch.

In the afternoon, Guan Qilei left A Fei's villa and returned to the next door. Mu Jia and the others consciously filled up the gasoline of the three cars first. While the four of them were working, they didn't know what they were discussing. During this period, there were several small disputes, but it didn't take long to stop.

They persisted in such a small move for a long time, and finally seemed to reach a consensus before they returned to the next door.

A Fei occasionally takes a sip of mineral water on the rooftop of the villa. His eyes have always been on Mu Jia and others. Although they are far away and can't hear what they say, A Fei feels that their topic should be what he thinks.

After taking out the walkie-talkie and pressing the call button, A Fei whispered something to the person at the other end of the walkie-talkie, he turned back to the villa with a smile.

It seems that they are not too rookies. Although they may not be taller than Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi, they can still use their brains and are not stubborn people. They know how to use their brains, so they can still be saved, but Xiao Zi and the two of them will be tired.

After dinner, A Fei went upstairs and went back to his room. Guan Qilei and the others did not stay much, but the four Mu Jia, who should have returned to the next door, stayed mysteriously.

Gu Hengxuan was teasing Chu's words, and Luo Zi looked at them with a smile. They didn't pay attention to Mu Jia.

"Well... Hengxuan, Ziyi, do you have time to talk?" Mu Jia sat next to Gu Hengxuan and opened her mouth carefully.

Luo Zi hugged him for the first time, and then looked at Mu Jia and others, waiting for their follow-up. Gu Hengxuan didn't say anything. He also looked at them with a smile and wanted to hear what they could say.

"Our instructors are not very satisfied with today's actual performance, so we want to go back to another high tomorrow." Mu Jia said the result of the four of them's discussion.

"You should tell Brother Lei about this, why did you come to us?" Gu Hengxuan didn't know why they said this to himself. It seems that the two of them can't solve this problem, right?

"Because... because we want to go by ourselves and don't let the instructors know." Kang Zheng said to them softly.

"Ha?" Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi looked at each other and made an incredible sound at the same time. Mu Jia and others became bolder and wanted to act alone. Although Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi have not acted alone, A Fei is watching them from a distance in order not to put them in danger.

Four rookies want to work alone? That's great!

Hey? Wait, what they are going to do is their business. Why do you want to talk to them? Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi have an ominous feeling at the same time - they don't want to pull themselves into the water, do they?

"You... don't want us to follow each other, do you?" Gu Hengxuan asked tentatively, hoping that he didn't guess correctly. It's not that Afei will scold them, but because the level of these four rookies is too high. Today, Wu Tian still wants to communicate with zombies! If they really act without authorization, he and Luo Ziyi are likely to be killed by them!

Seeing that Gu Hengxuan cleverly guessed their ideas, Mu Jia and the four immediately nodded desperately.

It's over! They are really thinking about it! Gu Hengxuan patted his forehead and hated himself for being so smart!

"Hengxuan, can you help with this? We don't want you to participate in the war, just mention what we should do!" Mu Jia and others also know what happened today, and the two of them will definitely care about it. But the instructor's attitude today is obvious and they are already disappointed in them. If they can't make some achievements, Guan Qilei will definitely be fired.

Luo Zi took a look at Gu Hengxuan, and she was still very soft-hearted. After all, it used to be a school, but now it is also a partner. If they are in trouble, they should still help.

Gu Hengxuan is not an unreasonable person. Although he doesn't think he is very powerful, compared with them, he is a master because he has a family to learn!

"Good! Meet at nine o'clock tomorrow! You can find your own reasons for going out, no problem!" Gu Hengxuan finally agreed, but he wouldn't care about the details.

Mu Jia and the others nodded immediately without any objection.

A small plan is brewing, and the rookies have new ideas. It's not to cater to anyone, but I just don't want to die on the way to tomorrow. I can't see the sun the day after tomorrow...