Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 106 Breakout in the Dark Night

A Fei started the car and stepped on the accelerator heavily. When he went out, he found that Huiman's people were approaching here, but there was still some distance. They are now running away and there is still time.

Two cars moved along the dark air-raid shelter at a uniform speed. None of them drove fast. After all, the environment in the bomb shelter did not allow them to drive quickly.

A Fei is quite familiar with the environment here, but the visibility here is too poor. Although he is skilled, he dares not be bold! He leads the way, and there is a car behind him. He must be cautious.

In the complex air-raid shelter, A Fei turned left and right for a long time, but did not want to go out. It's very complicated here. He knows a little bit, but Huiman's people are different. They should not know here and should get rid of them.

Just choose a passage and stop, and Afei has been in touch with the car behind him. The walkie-talkie has been ringing, and A Fei has been telling everyone to pay attention to the situation.

It wasn't long before Xia Fan, who had been silent, suddenly asked A Fei to leave quickly and switched the channel of the walkie-talkie. He seemed to have found something.

A Fei listened to Xia Fan's words, started the car, controlled the steering wheel with one hand, and switched the channel of the walkie-talkie with the other hand. After listening for a while, he hit the steering wheel fiercely.

turned his head and shouted at Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, asking them to take off their clothes. Without much explanation, he just stepped on the steering wheel fiercely and opened randomly in the intricate air-raid shelter.

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan didn't understand what A Fei meant, but they also began to take off their clothes. After a glance at them, A Fei asked them to throw their clothes out.

Their luggage was in the back suitcase. After taking off her coat, Luo Zi wore a small sling and a pair of shorts. Gu Hengxuan is a T-shirt and a pair of underwear.

After taking a look, Ah Fei asked them to throw away their shoes and socks. Then he continued to drive while listening to the contents of the walkie-talkie.

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan didn't understand why they took off their clothes, but A Fei never did anything unreasonable. Looking at his expression, they knew that something must have happened. They didn't dare to disturb him and let him concentrate on driving.

After a while, A Fei's expression improved a little, and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

At first, there was no sound, just sitting quietly. As long as Huiman approaches, she will feel uncomfortable and even have an impulse to turn them all into zombies, so that she can control them and let them do whatever they want.

Every time she thinks of the days in Huiman, she will feel cold, and every time she sees the sign of Huiman, she will hate it from the bottom of her heart. She had many friends around her, but they gradually left her in experiments again and again.

Some have become zombies, fall into madness, and bite at people's sight. Some can't stand the mutation of the virus, and the virus kills the cells of the whole body and become dead people. Some were afraid of this kind of experiment and solved it by themselves, and the body slowly became cold and hard beside her...

After reading these, I was scared to cry at first, and gradually became numb. There is only one thought left in my heart, which is to live!

No matter how horrible the experiment is and how much pain it will bring, she told herself that she can't give up and must last. Otherwise, she would have become a cold body, and after being carried out, she would be thrown to the bottom of the laboratory and become fuel.

I don't know if it's because of this persistence, or because she is destined to be different from others. In the end, all the experiments died or committed suicide. Only she survived after repeated experiments!

She finally escaped from the laboratory and swore to herself that she would never go back and would never return to that place full of nightmares.

I went around in the air-raid shelter and finally arrived at an exit, but Fei didn't go out. They all stopped a few hundred meters away from your exit.

"Qilei, the people behind didn't catch up, but I suspect that there is still someone guarding this exit. Let's see the situation before going out. Let's go and have a look together later."

[Received!] Guan Qilei's voice came from the walkie-talkie. A Fei pulled out his gun and asked Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan to find clothes quickly to change. They are likely to have a war.

After saying that, A Fei got out of the car and slowly approached the exit with Guan Qilei.

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan were very obedient. After A Fei left, they quickly got out of the car to find clothes to wear. But they brought a lot of clothes, but only one pair of shoes, barefooted. The two stood on the cold and wet ground and looked at each other for a long time, but they couldn't think of anything about it.

"Weep more pairs of socks! It's better than nothing." Gu Hengxuan whispered to Luo Zi.

nodded. There was nothing we could do but deal with it. The two quickly put on their clothes, put on their guns, and then found all their socks and put on several pairs on their feet.

I tried it. Although it's still a little uncomfortable, it's better than nothing! The two of them did not return to the car, but sat on the front cover.

"What's the matter? Brother asked us to take off our clothes?" Luo Zi asked softly that she was still struggling with this matter.

"I don't know, maybe there is something wrong!"

As soon as Gu Hengxuan finished speaking, he poked his head out of the car and whispered:

"You were equipped with trackers by Huiman people, so they can find us accurately. A Fei asked you to change your clothes, which was not traceable by Huiman's people. Otherwise, we have been caught now!" After all, the actual age of the two of them is a few years older, and she has been in a place like Huiman for many years. In many things, she is more experienced than these two rookies.

"I said he wouldn't play tricks on us, especially you! I can see that he cares a lot about you, and he doesn't care about you among friends. Gu Hengxuan has been thinking about this matter, but he can also see that A Fei's feelings for Luo Ziyi are definitely not between men and women.

But this is even more strange. It's not friendship or love. He and Luo Ziyi can't be family affection!

"What do you mean? I don't know much!" Luo Ziyi couldn't understand what Gu Hengxuan meant. A Fei was very kind to her, and she always knew it. But she didn't know why, but she felt that it was natural and there was nothing abrupt.

"Nothing, I just think he is so kind to you, and sometimes he spoils you very much. Whatever you want, he will help you do it. However, he doesn't seem to like you... I mean, he likes you like his lover. I was also confused by him!" Gu Hengxuan doesn't know what to say, but there are too few adjectives.

Luo Zi curled her lips and said nothing more. She just stretched out her neck and began to look at A Fei's situation. Unfortunately, it was still too dark in the bomb shelter. She could only faintly see a little shadow, but she still couldn't see the details clearly.

A Fei's voice suddenly came from the walkie-talkie in his ear.

[Everyone is ready. Xia Fan and Xiaochu stay in the car. As soon as Xiao Zi came, Yufeng and Hengxuan monitored the rear.] All the tasks of everyone have been assigned.

Everyone answered that they received it. Pei Yufeng also got out of the car and climbed up to the roof of the car behind him, while Gu Hengxuan hid next to the car. Luo Zi pulled out her gun, pressed against the wall of the bomb shelter, and moved to the entrance of the cave.

As she approached the mouth of the cave, she saw A Fei and Guan Qilei. He quietly walked to them and slowly squatted down, but his eyes did not leave the hole.

"There are about 20 people outside, 15 people at the entrance of the cave, and the rest are in the car on one side. Out of this cave, it is the seaside. I have contacted the ship and should be able to arrive at dawn, but the premise is that we have to get out from here. Remember, follow me later, and we will get rid of some of the people at the door first. Then you two cover me and I'll deal with the people in the car!"

A Fei lowered his voice and said to Luo Zi. The people at the mouth of the cave are guarded on both sides. As long as half of the people are killed, he is sure to rush out and kill everyone in the car.

Luo Zi nodded to show that she understood. However, she was still a little nervous. This was the first time she faced a human, and she couldn't but panic.

In the past, she could shoot zombies without hesitation, and it took a long time to adapt. I don't know whether she needs to adapt this time. If she is still as useless as before, she will become a burden to A Fei.

Feeling Luo Ziyi's nervousness, A Fei smiled gently and lowered his voice and said to her:

"Don't be nervous. Think of them as zombies. It's no big deal. You are good at shooting, more than enough to deal with them. Remember, don't force yourself. If you can't, Qilei can do it alone!" Afei tried his best to appease Luo Ziyi's emotions and asked her not to be so nervous.

Luo Zi bit her head and told herself that there was nothing. She said to herself that if she didn't kill them, they would also want to kill themselves. Since it's a life-or-death battle, it's most important to hold your life!


She took a deep breath, and then clenched the gun in her hand, in order to survive, yes, in order to survive!

A Fei looked at the location of the exit, then pulled Luo Zi to the other side and moved to the hole with Guan Qilei.

The three people's footsteps were very light and they didn't dare to move too fast. When they moved to the exit, they shot at the nearest person at the exit at the same time.

It's not yet dawn, and it's dark in the air-raid shelter. A Fei and others have adapted to the darkness, and the faint light outside is enough for them.

Regardless of whether they can hit each other or not, the three of them just pull the trigger.

Huiman's guards were shocked by this sudden attack, but they were all well-trained people. After several companions died, they quickly reacted, began to find a place to hide, and fought back at each other.

After the sound of ping-pong gunfire sounded, there were bursts of gunfire at the exit from time to time. Afei and others only have three people, but the other party has a large number of people. Although they have been attacked, killed several and injured two, their number still has the upper hand.

Night is their best cover color, but the tongue of fire spitting at the gun still illuminates the world of the exit. They are breaking through, but can they do what they want? Can you escape from the bomb shelter safely...