Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 112 Approaching Purpose

The road can be said to be smooth sailing, but it encountered a small storm on the sea, which made Gu Hengxuan vomit again.

After they left, the communication was cut off. Therefore, they did not know that on the night of the day they left, Huiman's precise nuclear attack had turned Yuanzhou, Buyang, Shouyang, and all the surrounding infected cities into a charred earth.

Zombies and humans, as well as all the non-living creatures living in those cities, have turned into ashes at the same time.

However, this has nothing to do with the people who have escaped from China. What they have to care about now is when they can reach country A and prepare to live a simple and peaceful life.

When they find the person they are looking for, they will start their revenge plan!

Once they boarded the ship in T country. Of course, as stowaways, A Fei still rested on the boat and did not follow.

Huiman's speedboat was abandoned after arriving at the high seas. At the beginning, he drove it away not for riding, but did not want to cause trouble, so he drove it away from its place. There were still many instruments on the ship. Before being lost, I went to have a look and found a lot of good things.

For example, a small biochemical reaction tester, a computer that can connect to Huiman's main server. These are small discoveries, and the biggest surprise is a small iron box.

This small iron box has no password lock, and there is no label on the outside. What is it for and what is inside? On the surface of the box, there is only a small Huiman sign. If others see it, they will definitely be its waste and won't look at it any more.

But when I first found it, I laughed in surprise.

Her laughter attracted A Fei's interest. Urging her to solve the mystery, A Fei stood beside Chu and wanted to see what treasures were in the small iron box that could make Chu happy.

When the small iron box was opened, A Fei's face also had a surprise smile...

As we all know, the horror of the V-series virus makes human hearts tremble. Huiman Research Institute has been appealing to everyone not to worry that they are already studying vaccines.

At the beginning of my incomparable understanding of Huiman, every time I heard such news, I sneered or sneered. The V-series virus and its antibodies are being developed almost at the same time. However, a very critical factor is needed to develop them, that is, the original generation.

Only the original gene can split the basic elements of viruses and antibodies. Without her blood, whether it is a virus or a vaccine, it is impossible to make it.

So, after the large-scale outbreak of the virus, Huiman just said that they were studying and did not dare to say that they had succeeded. Because the number of vaccines in Huiman's inventory is poor, some of them have to continue to be used for experiments.

So, Huiman's subsequent action was to evacuate and transfer their base camp from the country of China to a foreign country. The subsequent precise nuclear strike was in order to eliminate the existing zombies and prevent the infection from spreading.

In addition, A few days ago, A Fei and they got the news that a lot of viruses and vaccines in Huiman's inventory were stolen, and now they have only a small part of them. It can only supply Huiman's high-level self-defense, so that they will not accidentally become experimental subjects.

That is to say, without the initial existence, Huiman's research on viruses and antibodies has stopped and can only stay on some existing basic research. In addition, Huiman suffered from theft, and Huiman couldn't stand it.

Dr. Li will have a special preference for Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan. It is also because of this. Without the first generation, they had to find a substitute. Unfortunately, in Yuanzhou, they have not found an experimental body that can become the first replacement.

And Yuanzhou soon became a dead city and was completely occupied by zombies.

He was able to meet two people with such strong biochemical reactions outside Yuanzhou, which was like seeing new hope for Dr. Li. Even if the two of them can't become substitutes in the end, it is also a good solution for a medical maniac like him!

At this moment, if you saw the V-series virus vaccine, how would you react?

Afei's reaction was to pick up Chu, kiss her face fiercely, and then began to hold her around.

At first, in extreme dizziness, extreme contempt for the former killer who has fallen into extreme madness. After touching the place where he was kissed on his face, he felt that there was still saliva on it.

Yes, the mysterious small iron box is packed with three V-series virus injections. Liquid. The virus is red and stored in a specially processed injection syringe. Zombies are formed by combining the virus with cells in the body to produce mutations after being infected with this thing.

It is very red and enchanting, like fresh blood. Although there are only three, in the initial words, as long as one is enough to make people in several cities become monsters, the impact will last for several years.

Moreover, the biggest feature of the V series virus is not that it can turn people into monsters, but because it combines with different genes to produce different mutations.

As they have seen in Buyang, those monsters in the bereavement dogs and underground laboratories are different because of the different genes they are bound.

Of course, Afei will not go crazy and be happy because of the discovery of the virus. The reason why he is happy is that there are three white injection guns next to the virus. That milk-colored thing is the legendary antibody to the V-series virus!

Although the number is not large, with these three things, they will also have a guarantee in the future. The less thing depends on what it is used for.

At present, the virus is only spreading in China, but in its current form, it may spread abroad one day. If Huiman can't quickly research the vaccine for the virus, it is only a matter of time for the V series of viruses to spread around the world.

With these three babies in hand, even if the virus spreads and zombies spread all over the world, they are confident that they can survive.

After packing up the useful things on the ship, A Fei and others threw it on the high seas, sat on their fishing boat, and continued to move forward.

T country has not been replenished for a long time. They just bought food and drinking water, which are available on the dock. Hu Tong has a wide range of connections. He got a lot of delicious food in T country and did not disturb any official people. Their boat quietly entered the sea area of T country and quietly left.

In the six days between countries A, there were almost no problems. After that, if you hide the sailor on the sea of country A, officially enter the sea of country A, and then land to meet them.

It has been a while since we lost contact, but A Fei felt that with the old horse, they would be fine. Old Ma is not an ordinary person. In A Fei's opinion, what he can do most is not how well he knows about his medical skills, but his magical sixth sense.

Laoma is a black doctor. His medical license has long been revoked. He has been chased by the police more than once, but every time the police arrive, he has left. Fei once said that he had an animal-like sense of smell and feeling and could smell dangerous.

He will become a black doctor because this guy has a hobby. He was originally the most talented brain surgeon and became a world-renowned doctor at a young age. However, when people reach a certain height, they will feel bored in life, because they have all the honors they deserve and have nothing to earn.

But knowledge is endless. Lao Ma began his hobby with this feeling at the beginning - on the operating table, how to study how to not remove the tumor and make people survive, but the tumor will not deteriorate!

At first, it was a secret, but he was able to perform the three-hour operation for 12 hours, and then it became longer and longer, which made the hospital suspicious.

Until a family member of a patient he took over complained that he deliberately delayed the operation and could be done once. He insisted on doing it twice and saying that it was free of charge. Who can hear it without doubting him?

While he came to a conclusion that he could not complete his vision for the time being, he lost his job and lost his qualification to practice medicine. But it doesn't matter. As long as you have perseverance, even if you can't be aboveboard, you can become a world famous doctor!

So he became a black doctor, so he gave up his original glory, so he became an old horse, so there was no end to it...

Afei believes that as long as there is someone sharper than this police dog, they will have no problem. They have a big problem now!

The intelligence network of Country A is very powerful, and it seems that it has some connections with Huiman. People in Country A must have known the current situation in China, and the blockade on the sea is much stricter than usual.

After the fishing boat entered the high sea near Country A, Hu Tong asked people to stop the boat, and they had to wait until the evening to enter.

looked at the watch and converted the jet lag. Five hours before dark, A Fei asked everyone to prepare to log in.

The sky darkened slightly, and the fishing boat started again, but the speed was much slower, getting closer to the sea of Country A.

Hu Tong has a commercial license to enter the territorial sea of country A for commercial activities. This includes selling seafood and other things, but it has to pass a very strict inspection. Therefore, he would rather enter secretly than be found out.

I'm not afraid of losing my business, just for their safety. They are not talking about A Fei and the others, but about the people who went on the ship for inspection.

After the sky completely dark, the captain at the helm said that he could already see the coastline, and Hu Tong's heart began to be nervous. The more he is like this, the more afraid he is of problems.

Finally left China, they seem to be close to a new life, but will God arrange another danger for people who have been bored for a few days to pass the time...