Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 146 Never Look Back

The hippie smiling acquaintance outside the door made Luo Ziyi have a feeling that the plan failed. Didn't A Fei have noticed it? Let Gu Hengxuan come and persuade her to go back?

He stretched out his head and looked around Gu Hengxuan, but he didn't find anyone other than him, let alone A Fei. Slightly relieved, Luo Zi gave up a little space and let Gu Hengxuan in.

After Gu Hengxuan entered the house, he saw food on the table. Without asking, he sat on the chair and buried himself in it and began to eat.

When Luo Zi cooked, she didn't consider that there would be such an uncertain factor, so she only made enough to eat. And the weight of girls is not enough for a boy.

With only two or three mouths, Gu Hengxuan solved Luo Ziyi's midnight snack. He raised his head and looked at his partner endlessly. Without him opening his mouth, Luo Ziyi also knew what he was thinking - is there anything else? I'm not full yet!

recalling that when they were still in Yuanzhou, the first time the two really faced each other was when Gu Hengxuan took Luo Zi to the canteen and then ate together.

At that time, he also devoured like this, as if he hadn't eaten for 800 years. Maybe all boys at this age are like this, right? Aren't the four rookies in the family also this virtue? You have to grab your meal. It seems that if you don't grab it, you won't eat it!

With a smile, Luo Zi looked up and looked around. This is not Yuanzhou, but a small town outside the city of A country. He may still be the Gu Hengxuan who likes to eat, but Luo Ziyi no longer wants to do the previous greenhouse.

I went to the kitchen to write food. This time, Luo Zi has increased the weight, which is estimated to be enough for Gu Hengxuan and himself. After working for a long time, she turned off the fire and put it in front of Gu Hengxuan with fragrant and hot food. The two began to eat silently.

Luo Ziyi was curious about the purpose Gu Hengxuan found and how he could find his own reasons. Unless he has been following him, how can he be where he is?

Otherwise, A Fei guessed his idea and let Gu Hengxuan come directly to block himself.

Is it necessary? She just wants to grow up by herself, and she hasn't run away from home for more than 1,000 meters. Can't he loosen the kite line in his hand so that he can become a truly independent person?

Gu Hengxuan never said anything, but buried his head and ate fiercely. Luo Ziyi couldn't even see his face. From her perspective, he seemed to have buried his whole face in a plate.

In fact, Luo Ziyi wanted to ask why he came, but the two of them were eating. It seems that asking this would destroy the atmosphere, right? In order to have a good dining environment, Luo Ziyi still didn't ask.

Gu Hengxuan swept a large plate of food into his stomach, while Luo Zi chewed slowly opposite him, and many of them had not been eaten.

Maybe it's a kind of enjoyment to watch girls eat. Gu Hengxuan was a little crazy when he saw Luo Zi eating. It may not be very elegant, but it is a very beautiful action. It raises its hand gently and slowly falls down.

Perhaps, no matter how difficult and dangerous the future life is, as long as he can see Luo Ziyi eating so quietly, everything will become unimportant.

The feeling of being stared at to eat is really not very good. Luo Zi looked up at Gu Hengxuan's expression. She lowered her head uncomportably and continued to eat the food on the plate.

What on earth is he looking at? Is there something on her face?

Quietly reached out and touched his cheek. Nothing? Luo Ziyi looked up again, looked at Gu Hengxuan's expression, and decided to ignore his existence and continue to eat.

"I... I didn't come back to you. I followed you out. Before I left, nothing happened to A Fei. However, you also know how smart he is. If he continues to stay, he should be arrested soon. Gu Hengxuan looked at Luo Zi's surprised little face and felt better.

"If you don't come... then why do you follow me?" Luo Ziyi now doesn't understand Gu Hengxuan's purpose. She always thought that A Fei asked him to come. She had equipped a lot of words and advised Gu Hengxuan to go back and leave her alone.

But he said that it was not sent by A Fei. Her words were useless. How can she persuade him to go back quickly?

"I... we are partners! No matter where you go or what you do, as a partner, I should go forward and retreat with you, shouldn't I?" Gu Hengxuan's words were very sincere and reasonable, so Luo Zi couldn't find a reason to refute him for a while.

"I know what you're thinking. Do you want to go out and practice by yourself! In fact, I have had this idea for a long time, but I haven't said it. I didn't expect that we had such a tacit understanding and thought of it together!" Gu Hengxuan said with a smile.

He didn't lie. He did have such an idea, but he didn't mess around because he wanted to protect Luo Ziyi. That's good. The two of them are actually thinking about the same thing. Of course, he will come out with him.

Luo Zi couldn't see if he was lying. She put down the fork in her hand and looked into Gu Hengxuan's eyes.

"I just ran away from home because I didn't want to be protected..." Luo Zi poked the food on the plate and muttered.

Gu Hengxuan was slightly stunned after hearing this. It turned out that she always thought that everyone had protected her so well that she had not experienced any storms. Maybe one day, when everyone around her goes and she is left alone, she will become at a loss and don't know how to survive.

Although such a situation is only hypothetical for the time being, it may soon become a reality today when zombies are everywhere. Gu Hengxuan suddenly understood what she was bothering these days, and why she had not been in a high mood and often daze on her side.

"I didn't say I'm here to protect you. I just want to be a real warrior, like A Fei, who can protect everything I want to protect. You don't think I'm here to protect your safety, do you? Please, do you need it? You are as powerful as me, okay?"

Gu Hengxuan understood Luo Ziyi's idea and found an entry point to convince her. I have to say that he wants to protect her, but this can't be said directly. She can only tell her her purpose in an acceptable way.

smiled. Luo Ziyi believed Gu Hengxuan's words. The two of them almost grew up together. She has always been a little worse than Gu Hengxuan, because he has a certain foundation. But Afei said that their strength is about the same. After a year or two, their level will be basically the same.

"Okay! Then let's act together! However, shall we follow them, or shall we act alone? Luo Zi was thinking about Jica and the others. At first, her plan was to go somewhere with them and where the destination was. She didn't care, but mainly to be able to temper herself.

But when Gu Hengxuan joined, she had to seek the advice of her partner.

Gu Hengxuan rubbed his chin and thought about it, and then looked up and asked:

"Their strength is too poor. If they go on the road together, they will either drag us back, or we will watch them die one by one. Do you think it's okay?" Gu Hengxuan felt that he wanted to find a companion and some decent one, just Jiesica and the others... It's really hard to say.

Now, another person has been injured and lost an arm. When he is outside, he can see clearly that such people will become an obstacle on their way.

"However, I think if they are there, we should pay attention to a lot and consider more things. It's good for us!" Luo Ziyi's idea is very positive. The more incompetent these people are, the greater the test for them, which is also the purpose of her departure.

Gu Hengxuan frowned. This girl's idea is really special, but it is not unreasonable. However, it won't be long before A Fei will find that both of them are gone and will be found soon. It will take some time for Jenny's injury to get better. Are they going to move forward like this?

"The injured... If Lao Ma really saves her, we can't leave until she gets better. But at that time, A Fei probably had already taken us back. Gu Hengxuan said the biggest problem and asked A Fei to catch it back, and the consequences would be terrible.

Luo Zi sighed, which was also what she was worried about. Ah Fei's anger had appeared in her mind.

"Never mind. Anyway, I've come out. No matter what he says, I won't go back like this." Luo Ziyi decided that she must resist to the end and must not be taken back by A Fei.

"Hehe! Well, you have to remember what you said! At that time, don't stare at Afei, and you will surrender immediately!" Gu Hengxuan laughed and teased Luo Ziyi.

And A Fei in the villa sneezed twice in a row at this time. Although he didn't know the reason, he felt that someone spoke ill of him behind his back.

It didn't take long for the door of the basement to be knocked very quickly. The rookies on the first floor have fallen asleep. After hearing the sound, they all poked out their heads. Look at me, I look at you. I don't know if I should open the door.

At the second connecting stairs, A Fei slowly walked up and motioned them to continue to sleep, while he went to open the door.

A Fei can basically guess who is knocking on the door, because there are only a few people near the town, except for them.

Without avoidance, A Fei opened the door of the basement and saw his face three times a day. Can he say that he is not very familiar with them?

"What's the matter?" A Fei put his hands around his chest and looked at Jecca's anxious face with a smile.

"Please, help my friend!" As soon as Jecca changed her arrogant appearance, she put down her figure and pleaded with A Fei in a low voice.

A lot of things happened this night, which made everyone tired. Will this mean man help these people who once wanted them...