Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 156 Game Mindset

[Second update!]

The warehouse of this supermarket is in the parking lot. There is a special channel connecting the warehouse and the store, and Luo Ziyi and others, after finding the channel, slowly walked down the store and arrived at the door of the warehouse.

Seeing the open warehouse door, Luo Zi was a little disappointed again and again.

Since the doors are open, does it mean that this place has been patroned? Or is it that the people who work here leave in a hurry and don't close the door?

Taking out her flashlight, Luo Zi turned her head and looked at the three people behind her. She saw that they had consciously taken out the flashlight they had just found, turned it on, and still shining on their own faces.

Shaking her head, it seems that their adaptability is much better than hers. If she doesn't have such a skills and goes through such a thing, she will never have a normal heart.

Perhaps, in Jessica's opinion, this is an adventure game, thrilling, exciting and magical, full of all the elements that are fascinating to explore. However, this is a relatively real game. If you take a wrong step, you will face danger and even lose your life.

I really admire Jessica's good mentality. Whenever they want, they can make things simple. No matter what kind of danger it is, it seems that as long as you smile, it will become a small game that is easy to pass.

Looking at the excitement on the faces of the three people, Luo Ziyi unconsciously laughed, or regarded everything she met in the future as a game. She was a character in the game, and the danger was a level.

Complete the game and continue to live freely. On the contrary, just give up your life.

Maybe her mentality had changed. Luo Ziyi was not so nervous and pulled out her pistol. As she moved forward carefully, she listened carefully to the movements around her.

The warehouse is very large. Near the gate, there are many boxes piled up in a mess. Some of them have been opened, but many of them are intact.

It seems that it has not been moved, but the people who manage here are more flustered when they leave, so they didn't close the door.

Luo Zi chose this area to stay temporarily because there was no sign of human activity on the surface. It's not that she is selfish and doesn't want to have something to do with other survivors, but that she learned a lesson when she was in Yuanzhou.

When they met Mu Jia and others, they also met a group of survivors. The way they did things was simply robbers. Luo Zi still remembers this matter vividly, so she doesn't like to deal with people she doesn't know.

After entering the warehouse, Luo Ziyi did not let everyone act separately. It was very large, and the boxes loaded with goods were piled up very high, the field of vision was not very wide, there were too many shelters, and many hidden dangers could not be dealt with by Jecca.

There was no movement around, only the breathing of four people. It was initially concluded that there was no danger near the gate.

I looked at the surrounding boxes, including drinks, snacks, and some goods in high demand, many of which are what they need. The ground is full of food, which is like heaven for the fugitives.

Without in-depth planning, Luo Zi and Jicca nod their heads and asked them to work and move some food out.

The three people started to work very smartly, and Luo Ziyi still looked at the warehouse alertly.

The dark warehouse is quiet and frightening, but the four of them have been in for a while, but nothing has happened. Of course, this is a good thing. If dozens of zombies suddenly come out at this time, Luo Zi will have a headache. Although such quietness is disturbing, it is not a bad thing.

Gu Hengxuan and Ben ran back to the temporary building all the way. The supermarket was not very far from here. They moved forward quickly and came back in more than 20 minutes.

In the morning, it took them half a day to reach the supermarket because they were many people and didn't know much about the environment.

The car was parked in the underground parking lot. When they first arrived yesterday, they did not check the parking lot very carefully. After parking, they went upstairs.

When I went out in the morning, there was still nothing strange around here. Gu Hengxuan really hoped that there would be no trouble at this time.

I don't know if Gu Hengxuan has this idea, which makes God feel that such a smooth thing is very unrealistic, so he should continue to embarrass him. Just as he and Ben ran into the parking lot, he saw a few dark shadows shaking in the parking lot, looking for something.

Gu Hengxuan took a rough look. There should be five people. They all had flashlights in their hands, shining around in the parking lot.

If you can use a flashlight, it's not a zombie! In fact, Gu Hengxuan prefers to be zombies, because then he will not communicate, and he will not use a foreign language without communication!

signaled that Ben was quiet. The two did not enter the parking lot immediately, but quietly pressed against the wall and rubbed in little by little.

Have you found it? They will come back at any time!" A sharp male voice deliberately lowered his voice and said.

He speaks A language, a bad student Gu Hengxuan. Although he is learning a foreign language, his grades are very poor, and he can only understand simple greetings.

Turning his head and looking at Ben behind him, he must have understood, but it was useless. He couldn't translate for himself! At this time, Gu Hengxuan hated his father and himself.

If his father hadn't said that as a leader, you have money to hire a translator, why do you have to study by yourself? If you have lost your identity or something, he would not have been obedient and would not learn a foreign language at all.

And if you are not so good, it won't cause today's embarrassment!

"They are going to explore the way and won't come back so soon." Another relatively low voice said unscrupulously, as if he was not afraid to be heard at all.

"Is this really good? I don't think they are easy to deal with. They all have weapons!" The sharp voice trembled a little, and the more he spoke, the more frightened he became.

"What are you afraid of? When we find their car, their weapons will be ours." The deep voice scolded.

When he heard that the man mentioned the weapon, he was anxious. Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi were responsible for their safety, although the two of them did not insist on using guns at the necessary moment. But that's what saved their lives. If the car is stolen, just look for it again, but without weapons and ammunition, they can't cross the blockade.

However, looking at Gu Hengxuan, who was anxious but extremely confused in front of him, he was also very helpless. He couldn't understand his words. What should he do?

patted Gu Hengxuan, referring to his pistol and those people, and then he didn't know how to express it, so he pointed to Gu Hengxuan's gun.

"Gun? Do you mean they want guns? Gu Hengxuan said in a low voice. After thinking about it, Gu Hengxuan seemed to understand what Ben meant. There were weapons in their car, and these people seemed to come for weapons.

"Good! Unexpectedly, it came to my mind! You want a gun, right? Just let you know it's awesome." Gu Hengxuan made a series of gestures, coupled with his expression, and he let Ben stay still, and the thieves would just give them to him.

Gu Hengxuan was on his waist. Taking advantage of the complex environment in the parking lot, he quickly approached the thieves.

Before arriving here, he and Luo Zi made some observations. There was almost no trace of human beings around here, but why did such a few people suddenly appear? Have they always been active nearby? Or were they targeted by someone when they entered the city?

No matter what, Gu Hengxuan does not intend to make them feel better. If you coveted their things, you must be prepared to pay a price!

After careful confirmation, there are only five people on the other side, lined up, which is not very scattered. It's a little difficult to solve them one by one.

However, there are many vehicles here. No matter what, someone will be temporarily left alone. As long as he sees the timing and solves one or two first, it is definitely not a problem.

But the question is, do these five people have weapons in their hands?

Gu Hengxuan wanted to test it, but it would be even more difficult to deal with it. He alone can't deal with five people with guns at the same time. If it's A Fei, he will have a chance of winning, but he doesn't have that confidence yet.

I don't care, just fight once! Nothing can make them succeed! Gu Hengxuan gently pulled out his pistol. The surroundings were too quiet and the bullets were not loaded. He just held it tightly and looked at the person closest to him, just about to bypass the car in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Hengxuan rushed to the man at the fastest speed. The man did not expect that someone would jump after him. Before he could react, he had been covered by Gu Hengxuan and fainted with a shot.

The sound of beating shocked the remaining four people, and they all turned their heads and looked this way.

He kicked away the flashlight that fell on the ground, and Gu Hengxuan accurately judged their position by the light emitted by the other four flashlight. First, he turned over the car in front of him, rushed to the second person, and raised his hand to hit the man's neck.

While the man fell down, Gu Hengxuan quickly loaded the bullet and pulled the trigger at the third person.


The sound of gunfire kept echoing in the underground parking lot, followed by a scream.

Three! There are still two people left! Gu Hengxuan originally wanted to kill all five people, but the continuous action has made the remaining two people defensive. The two quickly used the car around them as a cover and hid.

Just after rushing, the person who was hit in the neck by Gu Hengxuan on the ground woke up after not long in a coma. But before he could figure out the situation in front of him, Gu Hengxuan raised his foot and kicked him hard on the head.

The man's eyes were black and he completely fainted.

Gu Hengxuan didn't say anything, just squatted down and moved back to the position of the first thief. The man did not wake up, but Gu Hengxuan still kicked him fiercely and cursed silently.

Looking up at the general position of the two people, the light of the flashlight was gone, and he could not judge their actions by this.

The next second, A Fei heard a familiar sound, and the pistol's sleeve was pulled.

Yoh! Is there really a guy? Gu Hengxuan thought with a sneer in his heart. OK, this is better, and this is more interesting!

Another game is played in the parking lot, but the attitude of both sides of the game is completely different. With the mood of games, the children began to compete in Kancheng, and those who can see the sunset can continue to survive in hell...