Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 161 Act Alone

Gu Hengxuan's T-shirt was wet with tears, but he didn't complain at all. Anyway, they are in the supermarket. The place where they are rest now is not far from the clothes seller. Just change one.

After the discussion, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan returned to the dining table. Next, it was the plan of the two of them to discuss. After reading the emails given to her by her father several times, Luo Zi talked to Gu Hengxuan and checked the contents of the other six emails.

Starting with the latest letter, I read the time and sent it this morning. At that time, they were still on their way to the city center.

Looking at the content, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan were surprised to find that it was the details of the blockade line!

includes the number, weapon equipment and distribution location of the military of Country A. There is also the approximate number of zombies and the number that may increase.

They have always had little knowledge of the situation near the blockade line, and they don't know very well. But this email is a very accurate analysis of all the information they want to know.

Then opened the remaining five emails, and the information conveyed in them was a detailed map of Kancheng, indicating all the places where food and water may be available, and places where they can be temporarily settled or lived for a long time.

Among them, it includes the place where they lived for one night and the supermarket they are now in.

Even every road in the downtown square, where to go, and which one will meet about how many zombies will be mentioned in the email. It is also suggested that they choose the road chosen by Luo Zi, because the number of zombies in the forest at the end of the road is very small, so the military of Country A has not invested too many people.

After reading all the emails, Luo Zi's initial surprise was gone, and she also very seriously recorded the information conveyed above and some points that they must pay attention to.

After watching it, she turned her head and looked at Gu Hengxuan, who was as serious as herself. The two looked at each other and smiled and guessed who was sending the email - Fei!

Gu Hengxuan knew that he was still restless. Since Luo Zi came out with a computer, he would definitely make perfect use of it. Although he can't protect Luo Ziyi's side, he still does everything he can do now and try his best to make Luo Ziyi safe.

I have to say that if A Fei becomes the father of a little doll in the future, he will definitely be the best father in the world and the most talker father.

Looking at the faint smile on Luo Zi's face, she suddenly felt that she could see more and more A Fei's shadow on her face. It's not that she is imitating A Fei, but their way of doing things, and many of their subconscious reactions are the same. Just like this silent stubbornness, Luo Ziyi and A Fei are super similar.

Gu Hengxuan felt more and more that A Fei and Luo Ziyi were like brothers and sisters. But reason told him that it was impossible. They... they don't look like each other at all, don't they?

Shaking his head, Gu Hengxuan threw his strange ideas out of his brain, and then turned his head to look at Luo Ziyi, who was still thinking, waiting for her to express his opinion.

Luo Zi read all the emails sent by A Fei again and faintly found a problem.

A Fei's analysis of everything in Kancheng is very accurate, and many of them have thought of her, but nothing about the survivors and the surrounding zombies is mentioned in the email.

Moreover, Fei also knew that she didn't have the habit of opening an email address. Today, she didn't know which one matched the right place, so she opened it to have a look.

So Ah Fei wants to make such a promise, when will she see these things? If she is not abnormal today, won't she know when she dies?

Maybe... Maybe he doesn't want to misunderstand himself, thinking that he is controlling himself and not giving himself freedom, right? Luo Zi thought for a long time, and there was only this explanation, which was most in line with A Fei's personality.

Laughing, Luo Zi turned her head and said to Gu Hengxuan:

"After I go back, I have to apologize to Fei. I should have broken his heart when I left this time!" Luo Ziyi finally felt that sometimes unnecessary willfulness was a little too much. Even if it was not intentional, it also hurt A Fei invisibly.

"Apologize... I don't think he will say anything even if you don't apologize. He will definitely smile and let you remember to say it when you go out in the future." Uh-huh! It's very Fei's style.

"Yes! It's because he will be like this that I feel more sorry for him... Forget it, let's think about the things in front of us first!" Luo Zi couldn't say what it felt like, and always felt that A Fei's heart seemed to be crying.

Luo Ziyi gave herself three months. If she could survive in a place with a lot of zombies in Kancheng without A Fei in three months, she would graduate for herself!

The next morning, the expedition was suspended, and six people began to prepare some essential items. As for the plan to attract the zombies, it has been nailed under Luo Ziyi's stubbornness.

When Luo Zi decided to ignore Jessica's opinion, things became much smoother.

Decid to take the road she chose, reach the forest, and then cross the blockade line from the forest. The preliminary plan is like this, but there are still a lot of things to be solved.

After passing the downtown square, they haven't learned much about the situation on the other side. The only information is something very superficial observed from the satellite map on the computer.

Therefore, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan are discussing whether they should act alone without Jessica and others.

I don't think they are cumbersome, but the dangers there are unknown. No one knows what kind of situation there is. If you take them with them, it is likely that the whole army will be destroyed.

But the four of them can't be left behind. Although they usually look very calm, there are more and more eyes peeping around.

It's not that Luo Ziyi is too**. Gu Hengxuan also found that there seems to be a lot of strange atmosphere nearby. Although there is not much hostility, it is definitely not kind.

When they came back yesterday, Gu Hengxuan saw a figure. When their car appeared, it flashed outside the supermarket. I believe that Luo Ziyi also saw it, otherwise he would not have ignored so much.

The supermarket they are in now, if it was in the past, there is nothing special about it. But in Kancheng, where resources are scarce and food is more important, it has become a must-have place for soldiers.

No one came here before because it was strange about the situation around here, and no one dared to approach here. But the moment Luo Zi and they appeared, this mystery was broken. Many survivors have begun to notice this near-vacuum area.

If Jessica and others, who have little combat effectiveness, are really left by Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, those survivors with ideas will rush here in less than two hours.

Food and other things are trivial. I'm afraid that it's not enough for them to steal things, and they have to attack Jessica. Luo Ziyi didn't want to go out by herself for a few days. When she came back, she saw their bodies.

Finally, Luo Ziyi decided to go by herself and let Gu Hengxuan stay to see the house!

Of course, it is impossible for Gu Hengxuan to agree. It's him to go. How can it be Luo Zi's turn to go alone? But Luo Zi put all his opinions back into his stomach with one sentence.

I ran away from home just to grow up!

This is Luo Ziyi's original purpose, and it is also the reason why she insisted that Jessica and all of them should be sent out of the quarantine area to prevent them from any danger.

She wants to train her ability in all aspects under various circumstances, and she wants to become a person who really resists one side. If it weren't for this, why would she leave the town, leave the safe villa, and come to Kancheng?

Gu Hengxuan looked at Luo Ziyi, who had no intention of retreating at all, and his original firmness began to waver. Like A Fei, he can't say no to Luo Zi.

Just like when she ran away from home this time, Ah Fei clearly knew it, but he could only follow her. Even if he was worried about her situation and was afraid of any danger, what could he do?

Maybe from the beginning, Gu Hengxuan was destined to be the last person to compromise. He sighed. He looked at Luo Ziyi's little face and whispered:

"Promise me not to be dangerous and come back safely!" This is Gu Hengxuan's only request. As long as she is safe, nothing seems to matter.

Nodding, Luo Zi hugged Gu Hengxuan with a smile. I don't know when some intimate actions with him have become a very natural thing. Luo Zi never felt that there was anything wrong with this, but naturally followed her heart.

Gu Hengxuan hugged Luo Ziyi's waist, buried his head in her neck, and breathed deeply, which belonged to her.

"When I come back, I will definitely come back alive, because I still have something important to tell you!" Luo Ziyi's voice was very soft, like a kitten, and said gently in Gu Hengxuan's ear.

"Very important words? Can't you say it now?" Gu Hengxuan let go of Luo Ziyi, looked at her mysterious appearance, and began to wonder what she was going to say.

Shaking her head, Luo Zi tilted her head, smiled slightly and said:

"No, I can't say it now. That's my motivation to insist. In order to say this to you well, I will definitely come back safely."

Gu Hengxuan raised his eyebrows, and his curiosity was completely stirred up by Luo Ziyi. I really don't know what kind of words can give her such a great motivation to let her come back safely anyway.

Luo Ziyi believes that he will never guess what he is going to say. Maybe he will be shocked at that time!

After the single action was confirmed, Luo Ziyi and Jessica announced it and told them to be calm and try not to go out. No matter what happened, they must listen to Gu Hengxuan.

Jessica and the others did not agree to act alone, but they all learned her degree of stubbornness, and her repeatedly guaranteed that there would be no problem, so the action plan was barely passed.

Another day of dusk, the mysterious silence of the city, devoured the whole city with the disappearance of the sun. What will happen in this dead city, how many things will happen, and what will change because of whom...