Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 167 Purple Return

Gu Hengxuan and the others did not leave, but watched Frank and the others go far away. After making sure that they could not see the figure, they set out to leave.

And taking steps, Jessica suddenly stopped everyone. Then he muttered a lot, and Jenny and the others nodded one after another, as if they all agreed with Jessica.

Gu Hengxuan, who was confused, didn't make a sound. He knew that Jessica was a smart person and would not stop everyone for no reason, so he stood there and waited for their further action.

Unexpectedly, Jessica had no intention of going out at all, but walked back to the underground parking lot. Gu Hengxuan was dumbfounded. Didn't he agree not to drive? What is this going to do?

Jessica and the others walked to the side of Gu Hengxuan's car and began to compare with him. Gu Hengxuan looked at it for a long time and didn't understand what they meant. He simply gave them the car keys and let them do it by themselves.

Ben drove the trunk of the car and moved the contents to the ground with Chris. There are still many in the back seat of Gu Hengxuan's car, and their supplies and weapons were also taken down by Jessica and Jenny.

Gu Hengxuan is completely confused. What is he going to do? Even if you have to drive away, don't throw away all their food? This is the capital to live!

While moving, Ben also looked at Gu Hengxuan and shook his head at him. That means, don't just look at him, but also help!

He didn't understand their intentions, but Gu Hengxuan still put down his backpack and began to help move outside. After his car was moved, Jessica walked to their car again and began to toss.

Ben and Chris will move the things out of the car to the side little by little, and the miscellaneous room that has just been closed will be transported neatly inside. Although Gu Hengxuan was still confused, he followed suit.

Even Jenny took things with him. Gu Hengxuan didn't look at it and didn't move!

After five people worked together, they finally moved everything in the car to the utility room. Except for the two bags containing weapons, they all held in their hands. The rest of the food and water were taken out and left in the utility room.

Lafting Gu Hengxuan, the five people did not leave the building, but returned to the original room on the fifth floor.

After arriving at the room, Gu Hengxuan began to understand what Jessica's bad idea was! Frank and the others, although they look very honest, will not be good at attacking people in the middle of the night.

Just now, these five people, everyone is a burden, looking like they are going to leave. Frank and they must have thought they had left here.

It is estimated that the survivors of the whole city know that they have a car, and of course they will bring a lot of things when they run away. Frank and the others also saw it when they were about to leave.

Not to mention whether they have the courage to sue, attracting a large number of survivors to besiege them. Just say that they will come back after a while, and give them enough to drink a pot of food.

Jessica's trick is to transfer their material on the spot. They don't leave here and can also monitor Frank and others. They don't have to bother to find a place to live, which can be said to be counted in one fell swoop.

Seeing Gu Hengxuan's smile, he didn't ask anything. Jessica smiled. It seems that he is not too stupid, so learning the language of A should also go smoothly, right?

The height of the fifth floor is only enough for them to see the side of the opposite supermarket and the main entrance, which is basically blocked by the supermarket itself and is not real.

The exterior walls of supermarkets are basically glass, which is very beautiful and adds a lot of transparency. Although it is late, the city without electricity is dark, and the supermarket is also black.

But if you want to find something, those people must use flashlights or something. On the glass windows on the second and third floors, there are light flashing from time to time.

Those people have been busy in the supermarket for half a night. What they are looking for is nothing more than Gu Hengxuan and others, the food in it, and everything they can eat.

Because of the small number of people, Jessica's things they took are just the tip of the iceberg in the supermarket warehouse, and basically there is no reduction. Therefore, I believe that those people are not sure whether they have lived there or not.

They didn't dare to light the electric light. Gu Hengxuan and others even hid from the window when they walked, for fear that there would be sharp eyes on the opposite side and find them here.

Not to mention whether they have weapons, in terms of the number of people, even if they double, they are not necessarily opponents, not to mention that they are missing a Luo Ziyi.

Now it has been confirmed that this group of people are coming for their side. A problem has been solved, and there is only Luo Ziyi who has not returned. Gu Hengxuan left a clue in the glass** on the third floor of the supermarket so that Luo Ziyi could not find them, but he could not guarantee whether the survivors would be curious and erase the words he left.

I hope she can see it, otherwise she can only rely on them to monitor the situation around the supermarket in turn, wait for her return, and remind her that the supermarket has changed owners.

Time is waiting, slowly passing, one night has passed, and another day has also reached dusk.

This is the third day when Luo Ziyi left home. Five people took turns to monitor the opposite movement at the window on the tenth floor, but except for those survivors, who went in and out of the supermarket, they could only hear their rampant laughter at night.

Other than that, there is still no shadow of Luo Ziyi.

Frank, they are still good and haven't returned. It's a good thing to cove for their only supplies!

Gu Hengxuan's patience was fully reflected at this time. Jessica couldn't sit still, and Jenny walked around the corridor, muttering something. Lian Ben and Chris asked Gu Hengxuan if they wanted to find Luo Ziyi.

But he himself just looked at the window silently, or he ate and slept. There was no impetuous look. Looking at the remaining four people, he thought he had been ghosted.

Gu Hengxuan's performance is so calm that it is related to his previous training. A Fei often says that only when he is calm can he laugh to the end. Second, he had confidence in Luo Ziyi, and he was sure that she would come back safely.

On the fourth day, in the suffering of Jessica and the four of them, Gu Hengxuan still firmly believed that Luo Ziyi would definitely come back.

Before leaving, she said that she had something important to say to herself. Although she doesn't know what she is going to say, Gu Hengxuan believes that she is a must-have person. As long as she says she will come back, she will definitely come back!

In the past few days, Gu Hengxuan didn't eat much and slept very little. Most of the time, he just looked at the situation below at the window. The whole person looked a little thinner. Jessica and the others were deeply afraid. Before Luo Ziyi came back, Gu Hengxuan fell down first.

But it's useless to persuade. Gu Hengxuan became stubborn. Maybe except Luo Ziyi, only A Fei can defeat him. Unfortunately, neither of them is in front of him, and others can't do anything about him.

At noon on the fifth day, Gu Hengxuan only ate a few bites of food and went to change shifts. He was forcibly stopped by Jessica, stuffed him with a box of cans, and signaled that he must finish eating.

sighed. Gu Hengxuan also knew that he couldn't do this. As soon as Luo Zi came back, he must have physical strength. If he fell down, if she was in trouble, he could not help himself.

Forced herself to eat a box of cans. Before she could pack up, Jenny, who was in charge of monitoring, ran to this room, pointed to the opposite room and said:

"Gu, fast, fast, it's Luo! She's back!"

He didn't hear anything else, but Gu Hengxuan heard the word "Luo" very well. Throwing the empty can box in his hand, Gu Hengxuan fell down to the opposite room in a few steps.

Following the direction pointed out to him by Jenny, Gu Hengxuan looked over and saw a figure in black and carrying a backpack, carefully approaching the supermarket.

From their point of view, it is very clear, but if you look at the supermarket, you may not be able to detect this figure.

Almost a glance, Gu Hengxuan recognized the person he was longing for! That's Luo Ziyi, and she finally came back!

Turning around quickly, Gu Hengxuan grabbed his clothes and ran downstairs without saying anything. Jenny wanted to go with her, but was stopped by Jessica and said urgently:

"Let's pack up quickly and take our things to the parking lot. We have to carry all the food back to the car and leave this place immediately when the two of them come back!" After saying that, she pulled Jenny up and fell into the opposite room and began to clean up their things.

Gu Hengxuan went around to the main door of the building, which happened to be on the side of the building and found a darker angle. He quickly bypassed the building in front of him, followed Luo Zi's footsteps back and followed.

Luo Zi had just returned to the vicinity of the supermarket and found something wrong before she approached. When she left, there was clearly no such car at the door of the supermarket.

Be careful, she slowed down and carefully approached the supermarket. Before I got there, I found a strange figure coming in and out of the supermarket. It was so far away that she couldn't see the appearance of those people or hear what they said. But she can be sure that those people are definitely not people she knows.

She didn't think that Gu Hengxuan would entertain many survivors and visit their own treasures. That's because these people have occupied their own territory!

Looking at the cars parked at the door, it is estimated that there are a lot of people on the other side. Gu Hengxuan and others will definitely not fight hard, but opt out and hide somewhere else.

However, Luo Ziyi is not sure whether Gu Hengxuan can retreat with Jessica and others under the raid of these people. In case they are blocked by these people, Gu Hengxuan will definitely go first or choose not to resist in order to preserve his strength.

However, for survivors, leaving one is a mouth. If they don't starve them to death, they will be solved on the spot. No matter what, it is not what Luo Zi wants to see.

Slowly, she finally approached the front door of the supermarket and hid herself behind a car. He quickly turned his head and took a look at the situation of the main door. At this time, no one went in and out of the gate, but there were two guards at the door, who had been there all the time.

frowned, Luo Zi turned her eyes and just glanced at it. She seemed to see something written on the glass window on the third floor, as if it were a Chinese style!

Moving a little distance, Luo Zi arrived at the rear of the car and slowly stretched out her head to look at the third floor of the supermarket. In a piece of glass, I don't know what to use, and I wrote a big "walk" crookedly.

As soon as Luo Zi saw it, she knew that it was Gu Hengxuan's message and asked her to leave here as soon as possible. If you have time to leave clues for yourself, it means that he has not been caught. Luo Zi smiled at ease and was stunned as soon as she turned around.

The long-awaited person finally returned. Although the situation is a little strange, it is a good thing anyway. Maybe today's sunset will be much more beautiful than the other day...