Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 194 Long Road

From the vicinity of Kancheng, to go to Feicheng, you have to pass through two cities, one is the Lincheng Nawei City of Kancheng, and the other is Haila City built by the sea.

According to Xia Fan's investigation, there are two special teams in these two cities that are carrying out the same tasks as the Leiyin team. According to the analysis of instructions, their mission is nearing completion and there are signs that the team will be closed. But strangely, the Leiyin team in charge of Kancheng still has no intention of withdrawing.

Xia Fan did not understand that each team had announced that the mission was coming to an end, but only the Leiyin team was still insisting. Does this mean that they have discovered the existence of their group of people, but after arriving at the villa, they find that they are missing, so they are pursuing them?

This may be the only reasonable explanation, but Fei still feels that things are not that simple.

Thinking about the reason for the sudden appearance of the Leiyin team, it was Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan who successfully sent Jiesika and the others out of the quarantine area, giving Huiman an excuse to send people into the quarantine area and launch a round-up against the survivors.

So, the Leiyin team has not evacuated. Is it looking for survivors to send someone out? When Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan returned to the villa, they told everyone about their actions, including what was later discovered.

According to their description, the person who followed them into the quarantine area may be from the Leiyin team. Although they should not have found evidence that Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan are still in the quarantine area, as long as they ask about the survivors caught, they can easily get it. There were indeed several people in Kancheng, but there was no information they caught.

Analysis, the people who escaped are likely to be Luo Ziyi, but there is also a possibility that they are still in the quarantine area. When they found that the barbed wire in the quarantine area had been cut, they had sent someone to chase it, but no suspicious person was caught.

If A Fei is present, he will also judge that since it is not outside, it must still be inside the quarantine area.

I believe that in the process of questioning the survivors, Leiyin's team also got some information about Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, and found that they were not ordinary people. Think about it, do ordinary people dare to send people out on the blockade line full of zombies?

Then the two of them were not caught in the subsequent arrest operation, which means that they are still active in or outside the city. Leiyin's team did not evacuate, which is a matter of course.

While driving the car, Fei and others continued to discuss things on the walkie-talkie. At the end, Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi in the tanker never said anything.

According to the results of the current analysis, the behavior of the two of them became the fuse for all survivors to be arrested. This may be regarded as Huiman's conspiracy for a long time, and they just gave Huiman an excuse. But now they have fled collectively and may be targeted by the Leiyin team, which is the problem of the two of them.

However, Fei taught them not to regret what they have done. Even if they do something wrong, just find a way to make up for it. Regret can't let them live a more peaceful life. Therefore, the two people who have been silent on the walkie-talkie are thinking about how to make up for it.

But it is not easy to make the Leiyin team give up their pursuit. How can we convince them that the two of them have left the quarantine area and gone to a safe place outside, instead of continuing to look for a place to stay in the quarantine area?

Suddenly, he felt that he was not considerate when he was doing things. If it was A Fei, he would definitely take all kinds of situations into account and make the most right judgment.

Now it is useless to review. Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi discuss from time to time and synthesize A Fei's words to see if they can come up with a better method. But now that they have begun to flee, it is unlikely that they want to go back and arrange something.

According to the time, the Leiyin team should have arrived around the villa at this time. As long as they enter the villa, they will find that there were people living there not long ago, and then they will follow them...

[Xiao Ziyi, Hengxuan, don't think about it. I believe the Leiyin team will find anything.] While the two were constantly imagining how the Leiyin team would act, A Fei suddenly called them on the walkie-talkie.

"Brother, we... I didn't!" Luo Zi told a small lie and wanted A Fei not to worry about the two of them.

[I know what you are thinking, but you must have overlooked a problem.] A Fei's smiling words came out of the walkie-talkie. Obviously, he had guessed their thoughts and had a way to reassure them.

Looking up at Gu Hengxuan and seeing him shaking his head to himself, Luo Zi pressed the call button of the walkie-talkie and asked:

"What's the problem?"

[Stupid girl, have you forgotten the zombies outside the villa? Without the initial power, they will quickly occupy the villa in a short time, following the remaining breath. Even if the Leiyin team arrived in the town, what they saw was just a villa that could not be seen by the zombies. Because there are too many zombies, they have to waste some time if they want to pass through the town.]

A Fei's words made Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan laugh at the same time. Yes, the number of zombies in the town is amazing. It is said that the zombies were deliberately concentrated near the town as another barrier to the villa. Without the initial strength, it is very difficult to get to the door of the villa with the assault of guns alone, unless the Leiyin team has gone there with tanks.

Finally, he breathed a sigh of relief, and Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan laughed at themselves at the same time. The two of them have been depressed for a long time, and A Fei solved it in a few words. Is this the gap?

From the day they met A Fei, the two of them have been learning from A Fei. For a long time, they have increasingly felt that there are many things they have to learn from A Fei, not only their skills, including the perspective of seeing problems and analyzing the direction of things.

[You two won't be struggling with this all the time, will you? Have you ever thought about the stupid idea of sacrificing ourselves and making us safe? It's Guan Qilei's voice, with a little sarcasm, which sounds so annoying! However, it really hit the mind of Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan.

looked at each other, and the two asked each other if they had such an idea. As a result, it was obvious that although they had not discussed it, they all thought the same way, and they still thought in a very firm mood.

[Two little fools, you know you're in the horns!] Guan Qilei didn't hear their answer and knew that he had guessed right.

"Just... just think about it, but didn't do it..." Luo Ziyi pressed the walkie-talkie very reluctantly and said with a guilty heart.

She and Gu Hengxuan have not only thought about how to go back. However, they didn't think it was very wise to drive the tanker back, so they all decided to walk back.

[Let's go! If A Fei hadn't found out early, he wouldn't have seen you two tomorrow morning!] Guan Qilei's voice sounded more and more annoying, always piercing the lies of the two of them!

"It's really... annoying!" Luo Ziyi threw the walkie-talkie aside and decided not to talk to Guan Qilei! Biting her lips, she buried herself in anger. She didn't know where she came from, but she felt that she was very embarrassed and began to be angry with herself.

Gu Hengxuan raised his hand and rubbed Luo Ziyi's hair, and then said with a smile:

"It's not good. Everyone cares about us so much. Ah Fei is really awesome, but he can guess what we think without speaking on the intercom. Gu Hengxuan worships this big brother more and more. He is really a person who has been a killer. He has insight into the opportunity, only in one thought.

He thought that silence did not mean anything, but A Fei seemed to see their look and hear them speak, accurately grasping their thoughts and came up with a way to reassure them.

"Yes! I'm always so powerful..." Luo Zi smiled again and thought that she was lucky to have such a god brother. Since she met Fei, there have been many variables in her life. From an ordinary high school student to a person who rolls in the zombie pile, her changes can be said to be earth-shaking.

However, she doesn't think there is anything wrong with such a change. If she can survive in such an environment and become her current self, she is waiting for death. And she doesn't want to die. Everyone follows A Fei in order to live, and she is no exception.

If she doesn't see her parents safe, she will not be willing to die. The world is not without a chance to save. If she gives up, she doesn't know what kind of ending she will see.

I'm sure it won't be beautiful!

"Are you still thinking about your father?" Luo Zi was quiet for a while and suddenly asked Gu Hengxuan a question she didn't want to face.

Hesitating for a moment, Gu Hengxuan smiled and nodded. I glanced at my girlfriend and asked her:

"What about you? After receiving your father's email, do you want to see him as soon as possible? Gu Hengxuan remembered Luo Ziyi, who laughed and cried that day, and thought the answer was yes. After all, this was her wish all the time.

"Of course! However, I don't understand why my father didn't let me go to him? Doesn't he want to get out of Huiman's control? I thought about it for a long time and couldn't figure out the meaning of his words. Maybe, I'll ask my brother instead. He should be able to guess what Dad is thinking!"

recalling that email, Luo Zi frowned slightly. Although Luo Mingjun said that he was very safe, Huiman Research Institute is a place where crazy people gather. Even if he doesn't resist anything, he won't agree with others, will he? In case he provokes Huiman's people, she really can't imagine what will happen to him!

The rolling dust covered the sky and the sun, and the three cars drove on the road to the Philippines with endless hope and confusion about the road ahead. Maybe they are finally blessed by God and can achieve what they want, but who knows the result...