Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 206 Mysterious Things

Drainage pipe is a very good passage. General buildings, especially older buildings, are necessary. It is very convenient for thieves, robbers and other empty doors.

But no one will go to church to break through the empty door. No one wants to offend the gods in heaven. Even if they are thieves, they hope to be blessed by God. Even the current world seems to have been abandoned by the gods.

After Afei Hall, Gu Hengxuan took the lead. Although Luo Ziyi was good at it, he was still taken care of. I climbed to a window on the third floor and looked carefully. There was no one in it. Gu Hengxuan waved his hand to Luo Zi below, and then gently pulled the window and found it locked.

is really anti-theft! Gu Hengxuan thought with a smile. He grasped the drainage pipe with one hand, stepped on the metal fixing clip on the drainage pipe with his legs, pulled out the dagger with the other hand, and put the tip of the knife into the gap of the window.

The dagger is Afei's private collection. In terms of his personality, the collection is unlikely to be defective. Gu Hengxuan's dagger has not left since he arrived in Country A. When dealing with zombies, it was almost enough with a knife. Sharp and strong, in the dark, not even reflective.

The dagger reached into the gap and rowed all the way down, blocked by something in the middle. Gu Hengxuan smiled slightly and the metal window lock was easily destroyed by him.

Put the dagger back in place, and he reached out to pull the window again. This time, the window opened very obediently. Buried on the window sill, Gu Hengxuan got into the room. And Luo Ziyi has also climbed up at this time.

Almost as soon as Luo Zi jumped into the room, A Fei was already at the window. After entering the room, he pressed the walkie-talkie and didn't say anything. He just tapped the microphone gently and then let go.

After hearing the sound of Xia Fan in the opposite building, he called the first rest for a while and told her that A Fei had successfully sneaked in.

Xia Fan stared at the screen. Fei said in advance where they should sneak in, and the general church map was in A Fei's mind. What Xia Fan can do is to explain some details and not to lead them the wrong way.

After the three entered the room, they immediately closed the window and waited in the room for a while. There was no sound outside before they opened the door.

There was no power supply, the whole church was shrouded in darkness, and there was no sound in the corridor. A Fei came out first and walked all the way to the stairs connecting the second and third floors according to the route in his memory.

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan followed A Fei closely and moved carefully. When he got to the top of the stairs, A Fei just took a look and walked down with the two people.

No one is on the third floor? There is no one! Why...

A Fei couldn't help thinking, how could the people of Leiyin's team be so at ease? This is a Philippine city that is more dangerous than Kan City! Zombies outside...

They... don't think that there are no survivors here, and zombies are not afraid, right? A Fei almost laughed. If this is the case, these people have nothing to be afraid of!

But is that really the case? A Fei felt a little unrealistic. Since they were a well-acting special team, they also saw it when they forced into the church. They felt that they were not so watery people. How could they...

With a strange feeling, A Fei quietly went down to the third floor. As soon as he arrived on the second floor, he suddenly stopped. Footsteps! About three people are coming in their direction. After waving their hands to Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan behind them, the three withdrew to the third floor and stuck to the wall on one side. Most of them hid their bodies under the cover of darkness.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer... They went upstairs and looked at the pace. It didn't seem like there was anything wrong. Their breath did not converve, but seemed very relaxed. Years of killer career have allowed A Fei to feel the state of his opponent from the changes in footsteps and the breath around him.

They haven't found the three of them yet!

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan held their breath and temporarily regarded themselves as dead people, hoping that their opponents would not find out.

The three people who went up to the third floor walked in the direction of A Fei and others just came. As long as they turn around, they may find three more "geckos". A Fei's hand has been on the dagger. As long as someone turns back, he will immediately die under his knife.

It seems that they went to the third floor for inspection, and they didn't expect anyone to sneak in, so no one has looked back. Ah Fei and the three took their steps lightly, went down to the third floor and came to the second floor.

Go straight down the stairs to the first floor, and pass a corridor, which is the hall of the church. Fei estimated that the people of the Leiyin team should be there, at least most of them.

There are many entrances to the underground structure of the church, and there is one near them, but it has basically been abandoned. Fei is not sure whether it can still be used. The commonly used entrance is too dangerous. They know it, and the Leiyin team must also know it. And the most commonly used entrance is on the other side of the hall. If they want to get there, they have to go through the hall.

But this is absolutely impossible, and it's not to die!

Waving to Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan to alert them, A Fei ran to a relatively secluded corner and pressed the call button.

"Xia Fan, analysis of the location of the entrance, be more specific."

A Fei lowered his voice and tried his best to let Xia Fan hear it, but he could not let the sound spread far away. After saying that, he quietly waited for Xia Fan to reply.

Waited for about a minute, Xia Fan's voice sounded in the headphones:

[You are now on the side of the lobby on the first floor, then on the floor behind the stairs, the entrance should be enabled. Try it!]

A Fei quickly went to the back of the stairs, where there were several broken chairs piled up. Reaching out gently to clean up the chair, A Fei reached out and groped on the floor.

Near the wall, A Fei's hand touched a lock.

"No! Is it necessary to lock it?" Hold the lock, Afei with a force. I don't know how many years have passed since I gloriously announced my retirement.

Put the lock aside, fastened an iron ring next to it, and Afei slowly opened the floor. A musty smell that had been deposited for many years, frowned uncomfortably, closed the door again, and then went out and called Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan. The three of them entered the underground world of the church together.

I have to say that the designers of the church are very smart. The place where Fei is like a maze, the complete darkness makes him have to wear night vision glasses to see the way ahead. Even so, he still relied on the route in his memory to find the right way.

The twists and turns all the way is also thanks to A Fei's good memory, otherwise he will definitely lose his direction in so many underground labyrinths.

Looking at their journey, this is no longer the scope of the church, that is to say, the underground world of the church is much larger than the buildings above. No wonder Xia Fan worked hard for a long time and didn't find the drawings of the whole underground maze.

With amazing memory, A Fei took Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan to an exit. If I remember correctly, this is the hall of the church. The location should be under the chair where the believers sit.

A Fei quietly walked up the stairs, put his ear to the wooden door and listened. The faint voice entered his ear.

"...If you hand it over, I will take you out of this damn city! Believe it or not." A low voice should be standing very close to the exit, and A Fei heard a clear voice.

"Sir, I said, I'm a asylum seeker. I really don't know what you're talking about." It was an old man's voice, with a plain tone and a little fear.

"Hey! Don't waste our time. Do you know how many zombies are outside? What would you do if I gave you to them? You will be torn up by them, then turn out all your internal organs and eat them little by little... Do you think that's a good thing?

The low voice tells a cruel thing in a very light tone, which is very strange. However, A Fei didn't feel anything. If it were him, he would say it even more fingly.

"Sir, please, I'm just an asylum seeker. Please don't do this to me. I really don't know what you're talking about. I'm just a priest in this church. I... didn't want to be eaten, so I hid in the basement... I... I really haven't seen what you said..."

The old man pleaded with those who threatened him in an extremely humble tone. He said it sincerely, as if he really didn't understand what the man was talking about.

"Oh... It seems that you prefer to be eaten! It doesn't matter. The church is so big. No matter how big the basement is, there is an end. We can look for it slowly, but can you die slowly? I can choose something that is not fatal first, such as your ear, and cut off one to make the zombies a little happy. What do you think?

The man sneered and walked some distance. A Fei heard the old man's begging for mercy.

This guy is tough enough! Threatening a clergyman in a country with strong beliefs, although it does not break the law, it will also arouse public anger. What's more, he is still an old man! That is, the zombies in the Philippines saved him and prevented him from being drowned by the spit of ordinary people.

"I don't want to kill you. As long as you tell the truth, you won't die, but I will also take you out of the Philippines to a safe place." He didn't lie! Take him out of Feicheng and go to the Huiman Research Institute, where it will be very safe!

"Oh! God! I can't lie. I'm a servant of God. As soon as the monster appeared, I hid, and I couldn't leave our gods. I have been in the basement, and I only come out every morning to pray to the Lord. I... I don't understand what you said. Why are you here!"

The priest's voice began to tremble, and A Fei even heard crying. Although he used to be a cold-blooded killer, he also has his own principles. This should not be the attitude towards the elderly.

When the man was going to say something again, it suddenly became quiet. Then, it was his surprised words:

"What? How is this possible? Locke and Tommy, take your people to search the church, and someone sneaked in!"

As soon as A Fei heard this, his heart was not good, but he was still found by them!

thing? What is it? An old man was forced by a clergyman like this. Is this the purpose of the Leiyin team? However, what kind of thing is worth their risking into the Philippines...