Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 241 is actually a brother and sister long has she been there and how much has she heard? A Fei looked at Luo Ziyi, who had no expression at the door, and his uneasiness gradually expanded.

How long has this secret been in your heart? Even he almost forgot that he would be with Lao Ma and He today, put down his guard and tell the truth. Maybe he really wanted to keep the secret for a lifetime, otherwise Luo Zi would know.

Staring at her for a while, the expression on her face was very plain. A Fei guessed that she might have just arrived and didn't hear what she said! However, the way she looked at herself was different from her expression, full of confusion, with some inquiry and uncertainty in it.

Without standing at the door for a long time, Luo Zi slowly walked into the main control room and looked at A Fei in an instant. It was not until in front of him that she stopped.

A Fei looked at Luo Zi's slightly raised face with a complicated look. She was still a little immature and did not get out of the constraints of this age. She is still a child, but this child is no longer the ordinary person who only studied in class before. She is a thoughtful, independent and capable warrior!

For nearly a year, they were facing each other day and night. A Fei watched her grow up little by little and gradually became her now. He felt proud. He felt that every change of her was his pride.

However, there is still a secret between them, a secret that he never wants her to know.

Leaning against the table, Luo Zi looked at A Fei's eyes and still had no expression, but asked A Fei to give her an explanation in a hoarse voice.

She heard it, but she still heard it...

A Fei lowered his head slightly, and Luo Ziyi was beside him. He didn't want to tell her, but didn't he say that she would forget it? Looking up with her persistent eyes, A Fei frowned, but never opened his mouth. No, she can't be disappointed with Luo Mingjun. They are a very happy family. As long as they can reunite, they will become outsiders.

As long as they can reunite, he... he will automatically disappear and will never appear in front of them again. He will become a plain memory for them. Years later, with the passage of time, he is often buried in the torrent of years.

He thought so, but Luo Zi did not intend to be avoided by him like this. She heard it and didn't say anything. She just wanted a truth and an explanation.

Seeing that A Fei had not spoken for a long time, Luo Zi turned around and said that she was going to ask Luo Mingjun. As long as an email, she would know the truth. Hearing this, A Fei quickly got up and took her hand and pulled her back. Seeing her calm and persistent eyes, A Fei found that he began to see through her thoughts.

But he knows that if he doesn't say what she believes today, it will never be over. But is he going to continue to lie to her? Or tell the truth?

Luo Zi stood in the position just now and said lightly that if A Fei lied to her and let her know, she would still ask Luo Mingjun and never pay attention to A Fei again.

She was slightly shocked. A Fei looked up at the child she had witnessed growing up. When she really grew up, she could guess his thoughts and accurately caught his pain so that she dared not lie.

nodded, A Fei smiled gently, sighed, and began to speak quietly.

He said that this is a long story...

A Fei once said that he was an orphan, had no father since he was a child, and his mother died early. Life in the orphanage is not easy, and it is the same after escaping. At this point, there is almost no different from what he has told before, but the plot after that is not much different.

After escaping from the orphanage, he and his companions wandered on the street. After the people around him died one by one, he lived a lonely life. On a thunderstorm night, he was caught in a car by a group of mysterious people while sheltering from the rain on the street. There are still many people in the same car as him, all children of his age, all ragged and homeless children.

They were taken to somewhere. At first, they didn't know. It was a few years later that after he escaped there, they knew that it was called Huiman, an institution that developed drugs.

At first, I didn't want to go, because I was afraid that it was another orphanage, but I heard from the people who arrested them that when they arrived there, there were food, drinks, and places to live there, they would never abuse them, and their group of homeless children were moved.

After arriving at Huiman, they really got such treatment. They have hot food. Although it is not exquisite, it is thousands of times better than that detected in the trash can. They have clean clothes, beds and quilts...

This is heaven! At that time, A Fei thought so, but this idea became a joke a month later, tearing apart the disguise of heaven and revealing the true face of hell.

They are experimental products, which are delicious and delicious for a month, in order to give them enough strength to cope with the experiment. Even so, after the first injection of a small amount of V-series viruses, many people died because they could not adapt.

It was the first time A Fei saw a zombie. He had forgotten how frightened he was at that time, but after that, A Fei firmly believed that he would rather die than become like that!

In an experiment, he met a man with a gentle smile, with an inexplicable fatigue and disgust, but the man still smiled. After looking at his DNA map, the man was stunned. He secretly asked him what his last name was when others were not paying attention.

In Huiman's experimental works, there is no name, but only a number, but A Fei will never forget that his surname is Luo, and his father's name is Luo Mingjun!

After hearing the name, the man cried. A Fei never knew that a big man could cry so sadly.

The man told him that he was Luo Mingjun and that he was his father!

At first, he didn't believe it. When the man took out a photo with his mother, he completely believed it.

Luo Mingjun has an extraordinary dedication to research. Like Lao Ma, he only thinks about his own research wholeheartedly. This is also the reason why A Fei became friends with Lao Ma, because he has a similar atmosphere to Luo Mingjun.

It was also because of this that Luo Mingjun's first marriage was not happy. His wife filed for divorce because of his neglect. At that time, she did not know that her pregnant wife, so she left Luo Mingjun.

After the divorce, Luo Mingjun finally understood his neglect, which was difficult to accept, so he paid special attention to his family in his second marriage. Therefore, he had a baby daughter, Luo Ziyi, and became a qualified husband and father.

If he hadn't seen a map similar to his DNA, he might never have known that he had a son, much bigger than his daughter.

Using all his means, Luo Mingjun tried his best to rescue A Fei from the Huiman Research Institute. Although it still caused a ** inside Huiman, he survived the difficulties safely.

Before A Fei left, Luo Mingjun injected him with the V-series virus vaccine and relieved the virus in his body. But he can't leave Huiman, and the next road still needs A Fei to go by himself...

The story behind him is the same as what he said before. He met the master and became a killer. He fraudulently withdrew from the circle a few years ago. Over the years, he will contact Luo Mingjun from time to time to let him know his situation and his situation.

The first time he saw Luo Ziyi was not at her school, but when he was still in Huiman. Luo Mingjun showed his daughter's photo to A Fei and told him that this was his sister, a cute little angel.

Since that day, Luo Ziyi has also become an angel of Afei, an angel with similar blood to him!

"No matter what you heard today, I hope you don't blame your father. He divorced my mother without knowing it. If I hadn't been arrested by Huiman, he would never have known that there is still me in this world! I can understand him. I hope you can understand. If you want to blame me, blame me. I have never let him tell you.

A Fei did not look at Luo Ziyi. He was afraid to see her indifferent eyes. Before today, she could be her god brother, but after today...

"I'm not angry, and I don't blame my father and you. I've already guessed it! I mean, I thought you were my brother a long time ago!" Luo Ziyi put her hand on A Fei's shoulder and said with a clear face.

Hearing Luo Ziyi say this, A Fei raised his head in surprise and looked at Luo Ziyi's calm face speechlessly.

She...she knows? Did she guess? When and when did she guess? Why, why has she never shown anything? She has already felt this way.

Laughing, Luo Zi gently pushed A Fei's shoulder and said with a smile:

"Please, do you think there is a hole under my eyebrows? I'm not stupid. I have eyes and heart. I will see how I feel, okay? Everything you have done, from the beginning to now, is not as simple as being entrusted, okay? Don't you think it's suspicious to be so kind to a stranger?

As soon as Luo Zi looked at A Fei's surprise, the haze in her heart disappeared. If so, she would understand what A Fei meant by saying that yesterday.

"Although I haven't asked my father and never heard him say that he has other children, he had a failed marriage. My mother and I both know this and have seen photos of him and his aunt. You are a little similar to your aunt. At first, I was just suspicious, but that time you suddenly asked me to call you brother, I was sure.

Luo Zi was right. She was not stupid at all. When she was still in China, he impulsively wanted to hear her call her brother. After that, she did not change her words and kept calling herself brother. He thought it was her performance of admitting herself as a god brother. It turned out that at that time, she already knew it.

The matter was revealed, and the truth came out, but the result seemed to be different from what they thought. People had already realized that some people were still blindly hiding it. Overall, this result is good, paving a lot of ups and downs for their next path...